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Men: how would you feel if a girl,?

If you a man/guy please answer all these questions please, I just got out of an abusive relationship and sexual stuff plus being abused alot of my life I'm trying to get help cause I have an intense fear of guys cause there stronger and more superior and I'm a girl that's not that stong :/ I just want your take as a "guy" on what your opinions thoughts and answers are also if possible list your age.

-what would you do if a girl was scared of you?

-can you tell/sense when a girls intimidated,frightened,nervous,scared? (and If so how could you tell, and hiw would you act towards her? Would you make her feel safe, would you back off?)

-how do you feel about "men" who "ABUSE" woman (I understand men aren't the only abusers it's just I have bad experiandes with them I'm 15)

-do you ever feel bad about being the stronger superior? That you can easily kill a woman if you wanted? What does it feel like to be superior

-would you ever rape, murder, torture, abuse a woman? And if he answers no have you ever fantasizes about it?

Thanks- please please please answer you'll get an easy 10 points just be honest please this is serious :"(

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    1. Do my best to show her that there is no reason to be afraid of me. That I'm the kind of guy that once someone means something to me I would go to the ends of the earth to protect that person from any harm.

    2. You can always tell if someone is afraid everything about them lets out signs. how they act, how they talk, how they move.. everything.

    3. I know for a fact that boys *I refuse to call them "men" or single one out as a "man"* that abuse women are weak, disgusting little creatures that have some huge insecurities and when faced with a real man will shrink down into the nothing that they are... I should know I got kicked out of school because I put such a boy in his place.

    4. If i've learned anything about men and women it is that neither is superior to the other. That is completely false and you need to get that out of your head... yes men are naturally stronger than women but there is NOTHING to stop a woman from becoming as strong as a man..or even strong... fun fact? My girlfriend is physically stronger than I am and taller than I am... quite frankly she's the boss in my relationship except when it comes to one key aspect to be discussed in question 5 :)

    Furthermore, it does feel good to be the boss.. but there is a difference between a Leader and a Tyrant..

    5. Adult Content Warning: ... I have to answer each of these separately...

    A. Would you ever rape? No... do you fantasize about it? I do more than fantasize about it, my partner and I act it out.. but there is a HUGE difference between role-playing and doing it for real... It sexually excites both her and I for us to pretend i'm a stranger that snuck in and had my way with her...I hope you can see the difference here. For us its sexually exciting to pretend with each other in private.. horrifying and disgusting when it happens for real to people.

    B. Would you ever murder? yes.. if I had to. For self protection, to protect someone I loved, to end one life to save many more? there are many special reasons why I would murder... but I would never murder just to murder, it would only be in self defense or for the protection of others. Think a soldier in war.. he'd kill because he has to not because he wants to or likes to. Have I ever fantasized about it? Definitely.even to the point of thinking "This asshole just cut me off! If i could I'd make that car freakin explode with my mind and laugh!" but that's all just pretend in my head.

    C. Would you ever torture? I wish I could say no on this one but I know in my heart that there are certain circumstances in where I would definitely torture someone. If someone killed someone I loved and I couldn't protect them I would torture that person.. if the police get to that person before I do? I would devout all my money and time to making a friend with a Lifer to make sure that if I can't lay hands on him/her, someone will...Have i ever fantasized about it? Not exactly but i've given it thought... that's why I was able to give you the answer I did.

    D. Would you ever abuse a woman? Never, outside the above circumstances, would I ever lay a hand in anger on a woman. I would hope someone around me would have the common sense to beat me within an inch of my life if I were to do something like that.....Now having said all that I must also add that in my relationship my GF and I do like a little bit of light BDSM... which is like pretend abuse in a way... being bound and gaged...spanking.. that kind of thing.. but in no way is anyone ever really hurt again its all just pretend for the sexual thrill... the real thing would not be sexually exciting it would be horrifying... people are such weird creatures arn't they? Hope this helps.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    1) let her know the real me comfort her and let her share her feelings about you and her other past

    2) usually if she is avoiding you, afraid to talk, to you about things or creates lies that way the guy doesn't get mad

    3) i feel they are scum bags and if i ever saw that and the girl was really getting hurt i would beat the **** out of that abusive dude

    4) well i fell that man are naturally stronger then women so i feel the best way to treat a girl is to be gentle with her

    5) no never its not my thing i dream about sex but not physically beating someone and rapping them

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    1) I would let her get to know me better.

    2) Yes, she'd most likely avoid you.

    3) It's cruel and unnecessary.

    4) It feels good knowing you can protect her.

    5) Nope. Never. Don't even fantasize about that.

    Hope this helps!

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