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How pissed off are trolls with the North Korea nukes deal?

They must be fuming, saying it's the end of the world as we know it

"U.S. announces diplomatic breakthrough with North Korea"

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

    It is much cheaper to make nice with a country than to go to war with them. You want another war?

    I wish it was possible to award negative stars to questions that are blatantly biased.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    But the deal only included Yungbyon. What about the rest of the nuclear sites across North Korea? What other sites...? Oh... oops. Nice one libs.

    Oh, and for those of you who are naive enough to think that any of North Korea's starving people are going to see one crumb of that food... think again. That food will go to feed North Korea's military just like all of the rest of the food donations do. North Korea's people aren't starving because of some natural disaster or a foreign invasion. They are starving because their government withholds the basic necessities from them.

    Seriously, are all liberals as gullible as uneducated third world peasants? Well, you did vote for Obama.

  • 9 years ago

    So you think this Nuke Deal is different then the Clinton Nuke Deal with NK, how about the Bush Nuke Deal with NK, or the Obama Nuke Deal. Its not just Obama that is an idiot when it comes to NK all parties are guilty of this stupid appeasement policy.

    PS I thought Bush was an idiot for talking the NK deal too.

  • 9 years ago

    It is simply an election ploy by Obamination. Slick Willy did the same thing. We send millions to foreign enemies, then ask our troops to pay more for their health insurance. Same old Obama, who is now building a soccer complex for the jailbirds at Gitmo at a cost of $750 thousand. When I was a kid, our high school played football in a pasture complete with cow paddies at no extra charge.

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  • 9 years ago

    They are starving. They need to do something to feed their people and military. I just hope people realize that once they get the food, and the people have full bellies again, they will revert back to how they were before.

  • 9 years ago

    To Derek; You may be correct but what if they dont? what if we can achieve something? On the other hand What if you are correct please explain how much worse that makes things if we fed some starving N.Koreans

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