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Lv 5
omg asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

Why can't Israel attack people who attack its civilians?

Since Jews started emigrating to Palestine en masse, Arabs were were doing terror, targeting mostly Jewish civilians. Since the first Intifada in 1985, Palestinians dedicated much of their effort to gain guns and explosives. They used it mostly to blow themselves up among highly populated areas.

Israel often responded by bulldozing houses suspected to contain arms, and often had gunfights with Palestinians who fought from civilian areas.

There wasn't one time when Israel targeted civilians.

Now Israel in its stupidity ethnically cleansed Jews from the Gaza strip, giving Gazans more place and more oppurtunities to use their Qassam rockets.

Israel is weekly hit by Qassam rockets, that cause damage to infrastructure and injures civilians, but most of the damage is that it disturbs people from learning and working. During the Gaza war, Israel lost Millions of dollars because people refused to go working due to the barrage of rockets.

The separation wall prevents all of the Palestinian attacks, so what's so bad about it.

Palestinians have been doing suicide bombers every month during the second Intifada, every attack often killing 10-20 civilians.

Now, anti-Israel-s often remind us of all the innocent Palestinians who're killed. Well, that's casualties of war, you can't fight terrorists in civilian areas without killing civilians.

The conflict has very low casualties compared to other ongoing conflicts. Last year there were only 20 Palestinians and 15 Israelis killed. The Israelis were mainly killed by 2 terror attack on its civilians. The Palestinians were mainly killed after 1 of the terror attack and after a barrage of rockets that killed 1 Israeli civilian.

since the First Intifada Palestinians had killed 2,300 of their own, I bet you didn't know that.

Since the first Intifada Israel killed 6,000 Palestinians, over 90% of them are males, and Palestinians killed 1,500 Israelis, 1/3 of them are females.

I'm Israeli, btw.

I didn't came here to discuss things that I didn't mentioned here, so don't argue with me who is more native, occupation, who killed more, apartheid, in-Naqba, religious right to land, etc. All I'm saying is that all the killing of Palestinians by Israel, including the innocent Palestinians who're killed, is vital for the safety of the Israeli Jews, hence justified.

I want to add that in Israel they're 1,000,000 Arabs who enjoy the same rights as Jews. Arabs live here alongside Jews. I see Arabs in Jobs, including my mother's job, on street and buses. My brother befriended an Arab.

So my Q is, why can't Israel attack Palestinians who're members of terror groups in response to them attacking us? I expect intelligent answers.


@Sahhid, you didn't answered me, I asked WHY, not WHAT. Why Israel can't kill Palestinians, not WHAT Israel do to Palestinians.

Update 2:

@Peach the وأنيقة is here, I asked the ones who're ready to read it all.

@o2cute4u, The Palestinians attack innocent civilians. Even if they're foreign occupiers, it doesn't give anyone the right to kill them.

Update 3:

@Ahmed nawaz, read what I wrote to o2cute4u.

Update 4:

People, again, I don't care who's right. All I care is about safety. You can't open the borders, give the Palestinians right of return, breaking the blockade on Gaza,etc, because it'll put Israeli Jews in mortal danger.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslims need a reality check. I hope the next holocaust is done to the Muslims.

  • 9 years ago

    Didn't bother reading that long essay when I know your bias right from the title.

    The Zionists invaded Palestine - they are occupying it illegally. Therefore, they have no claim to self-defense. That's like asking, "Why did the Native Americans fight the colonists? Don't the European settlers have a right to kill the Native Americans then?"

    You can say they are at war, but you cannot possibly say, with any credibility, that the zionists are in the right and the Palestinians are in the wrong. All the Palestinians are doing is protecting their lives, property, land, and religion. The Zionists have no business being there in the first place - but they don't just invade the land, they torture people. They oppress them. They kill them. And they most likely rape them too.

    EDIT: I condemn the killing of any civilians. But you should also be fair and look to see how many civilians the ZIonists have killed. It's a very disproportionate number - go to ifonlyamericansknew and you'll see just how different the numbers are. So now will you ask the ZIonists why they kill innocents, when THEY are the ones occupying a land illegally? And you do realize that more than half the population is classified as children (if the criteria is to be 18 & younger)? And those are the ones the ZIonists kill the most.

    Plus, many argue that none of the adults in "Israel" are innocent since every one of them has to be in the army or whatever the murderous & oppressive unit is called.

    EDIT 2: "All I care is about safety. You can't open the borders, give the Palestinians right of return, breaking the blockade on Gaza,etc, because it'll put Israeli Jews in mortal danger."

    SO basically, what you're saying is that the Israeli Jews lives are more important to you than the indigenous peoples'. Lol. some set of principles you've got there.

    The Israelis who invaded Palestine should go back to where they came from.

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They can. No other country in the world would be criticized for attacking terrorists. The US started a deadly war on the false premise that Sadaam Hussein had something to do with 9/11, and that war was vengeance for the terrorist attack. Although the US is criticized for it, and many Americans don't agree with that war, it's still not as hated a country as Israel, which has to remain strong and on full alert at all times in order to defend itself.

    The only reason for the harsh criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism. It's as simple as that.

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Apparently its because we are Jews and therefore we have no right to exist and when they wage war on us and they lose, they get all whiney about needing their land etc and then they attack again, lose again, get all violent and whiny. It's a vicious circle.

    Until they love their children more than they hate us, there will not be peace. They believe whatever they do is right and as we are "just Jewish dogs" we have no right to even exist.

    You kind of can't blame them. They have been so brainwashed by their leaders that they actually believe stuff that did not happen (they didn't win the wars) and don't believe things that did (the shoah) because that is what they are taught.

    You are in the Ramadan section, you won't get many intelligent answers

    Source(s): Israeli American Jew
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    >The filtered western media does not report this, but luckily other medias do.

    It's always "the other guy" that's filtered isn't it? Your is 100% accurate of course.

    Same goes for all.


    And the lies begin. There is no "Palestinian Land." It is territory on which Palestinians live. Dishonest misrepresentation.

    Note that Palestinians in these territories have less rights than Arabs living in Israel. Conveniently ignored point by the hateful anti-semites.

    If you cannot have an honest discussion I can only conclude that you are a bigot. Which is not surprising.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I can ask the same:

    Why can't the Palestinians fight for their homes?

    You must be knowing that there was no Palestine before 1948.

    The Israel state was formed by demolishing homes of Palestinians and ethnically cleansing them.

    Records set up by Israel:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Israel is not attacking "people who attack its civilians" it is attacking and killing INNOCENT PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS - you know what that means? Palestinians who NEVER bothered or attacked an Israeli. You're pathetic..

    None of Israel's actions are defensive. It is not "defense" when you are occupying other peoples land and abusing their people.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Lol! As if Jews are going to kill their OWN people. Wake up! You're brainwashed. I suppose little babies are terrorists too? Don't worry ma lil Israeli friend they're killing enough Arabs and soon there will be no more left and you can build your homes over their dead bodies. That's how you Zionists roll. It's Hitler all over again. Question is, why are you killing the wrong people? Hitler was Christian and German not a Muslim or an Arab...

  • 9 years ago

    Because Israel has forcefully taken the Arab land and not only a land but a land with mostly Arab Muslim population. Israel has not right to make aggression on the local population.

    But you guys cant understand this,

    Westerners killed 20 millions of Aborigines (Australian Natives) in Australia to take control of Australia.

    Westerners Killed 100 millions of Indians in North America and 50 millions of Indians in south America

    Israel is a foreign terrorist on Arab land, Palestinians are yet not able to resist much as they are poor they don't have weapons.. what else they can do except for doing Suicidal Gorilla Attacks.

    look at the statistics how Israel is making aggression on the actual residents of the land.

    September 29, 2000 - Present

    *Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed

    124 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,463 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000

    *Israelis and Palestinians Killed

    1,084 Israelis and at least 6,430 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000

    *Israelis and Palestinians Injured

    9,226 Israelis and 45,041 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000.

    During Fiscal Year 2011, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $8.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians.

    *Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

    0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 5,300 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.

    *Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes

    1967 - Present

    0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 24,813 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967.

    *Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

    The Israeli unemployment rate is 6.4%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 16.5% and 40% in Gaza.

    *Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

    Israel currently has 236 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First watch this to all my haters. ;) American media controlled by israel. This documentary was made by good westerners themselves.

    Even the ex american president says Israel are abusing Palestine.

    You are so blind and pathetic it is unbelievable people like you still exist.

    Israel are terrorists who are killing women and children. That is no way defending themselves. They are stealing land, they are killing many children and women, they are also committing rape. The filtered western media does not report this, but luckily other medias do.

    Even non arabs are getting killed by Israel for example british white people were killed by Israel because those white people defended Palestine.

    Look at how much land the Israel terrorists have taken from the palestines.

    Look at these.

    EVEN the real JEWS themselves hate Israel (Zionists)

    Videos the western media don't want you to see.

    Israeli civilians should know better than to be civilians of a terrorist state.

  • 9 years ago

    Notice sahhid does not mention what Israel's opposition does to women and children. Just got to keep your focus on those "murderous Jews". The hypocrisy by Muslims is astounding.

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