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You married guys out there- what is a definite turnoff for you?


okay maybe I should say "as your mate" what is a turnoff?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Bitchiness, nagging, and not giving your man any time to himself. Constant talking also makes the list.

  • 9 years ago

    Honorable Elijah Muhammad through Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Teach us

    For thousands of years or more, the people who did not have the Knowledge of the person, or reality of God worshiped their own Ideas of God. He has been made like many things other than what He really is

    OUR HISTORY WRITTEN IN STARS as far back as the Man goes Trillions of yrs & Eons of TImes, the WOMAN was there. About the Woman's Origin, taught us that when God was fashioning Himself out of darkness or the dark womb of space, he proclaimed this production to the second part of Himself as the female aspect of his own creation. She is referred to as co-creator and co-producer in his own self-creation. Thus, she is called the twin of Himself. So as he looked at His creation, he honored the entire universe after her.

    There cannot be a new world except that there is a new and better understanding of the female, which will give us (men) a clearer understanding of self and above all, a clearer understanding of ah (God). In the Bible, (God) declares, “Behold I make all things new.”

    Almighty God created everything out of the Dark Womb of Space—everything; and He gives you a womb that resembles the Darkness of Space out of which everything is created. Man doesn't have a womb—it's you, woman. And what is your womb for? Your womb is the Workshop of God. Every God Scientist( Theses are Born Scientists or Supreme, More then a Genuis and Have Powers, Extreme Longivity " HIGHER BEINGS " Immortal Human Beings ) Every king, every ruler, every Angel, prophet or sage, every wise man or woman, every genuis or scientist, every general, every person of value came through The Womb of a Woman

    WOMANS- Fill your head with knowledge- Science or Higher Mathematics, Technology ,Engeenering, Advance architech etc.. ! The more knowledge you have, the more you can see something great for what is growing within you. And with the knowledge you acquire, you will be able to project it onto the one that is growing within you! Then, this child coming from your womb will be born to achieve and Lear How to Cook Fresh Quality Pure Food !

    There is no success in building a nation without the building of family. There is no success in the building of family without the respect and honor for the institution of marriage. However, we are beset with divorce and the problem of infidelity. As a result of divorce and infidelity, hatred is building between mothers and fathers, which is causing children to suffer. We can talk about many things that are important in life, but nothing is more important or sacred than family and the cornerstone of family, which is marriage.

    Marriage is the most sacred of all institutions, for it commits a man and a woman to the struggle to become as one. Marriage and it respect for True Love, and success, advancement- depends on capacity of our knowledge, produce action that is The true Rich, that produce richness, most important heart of that person, shouldnt never get a divorce because of finace. Have to ( Work) with each other -Love is Duty and Action unless , we have truthful excuse to get a Divorce - Love is More than momentary passion and sex, Love is advancement of Higher knowledge or Conscious, new challenge or higher spiritual development in toward perfection to become image of God. We are not Perfect yet, nor our bodies, Mind-spirit will be and in Generation of Times. ”

    The life of Jesus Christs and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Marriage is one-half of faith.” What is faith? The journey of faith is like a child born into the world that grows, matures and evolves to become one with the Creator. When we become one with Allah (God)—as the Holy Qur’an says: “Oh, soul that is at rest well pleasing with thy Lord and well pleased”—you have reached a state of bliss in the human existence after a long process filled with trials- then your marriage is not going to last long

    ALL WOMANS are Super Moms in a since, taking care childrens without a Men or husband-that is not easy at All. WOMANS- There nature needs a Maintainer(Mens) who has a Aim and a Purpose, Value A Woman and Honor, most important a Heart and Love.

    The Qur'an says, "Men are the Maintainers of Women include Bible." What does maintenance mean here? Maintenance means to keep in existence or continuance. It is man's job to keep the woman in existence and in continuance. It is his duty to preserve her. It is his duty to keep her in due condition. This is not dealing with money; it's dealing with her head(Mind), essence and nature. Mens always want to deal with her from the navel down. Mens don't want to deal with her from the neck up and she resents that. A woman resents a man only looking at her as an object of pleasure when Allah (God) created her as a very serious manifestation of His own Will.

  • 9 years ago

    Girls that don't want to have sex with me just cos I'm married

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  • 9 years ago

    Girls that want to have sex with me knowing that i am married

  • 9 years ago


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