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Does IQ hint at political affiliation? Are you game to take a brief test where a pattern may be evident?

1. Which of the following figures differs most from the others?

a. 5.21

b. 5.27

c. 9.33

2. Which of the following appears more distinct and unrelated to the others?

a. 9.175

b. 9.162

c. 16.33

3. Which is the least related and lowest numerical value overall?

a. 63.3

b. 62.8

c. 58.7

4. Can you spot a figure nearly double the other two?

a. 15.5

b. 17.7

c. 32.4

5. Select the most dissimilar positive integer from the other two.

a. 1795

b. 1883

c. 3417

If you answered C. for each of the above, you’re approved to sit in front of a computer without supervision and may do so without restrictions on sharp objects nearby. Not exactly a hard test, was it?

Now the political implications. In every question, the values represent employment data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports. As some may have recognized, each figure next to (a.) lists employment data for William Jefferson Clinton. Each (b.) answer provides employment data under George W. Bush. And lastly, (c.) answers show data for Barack Hussein Obama’s 37 months in office, thus far.

In explanation of what the figures represent, question 1 lists U3 unemployment data recorded for 96 months of Clinton’s and Bush’s two terms as President, and 37 months of Obama's remarkable 80% increase in workforce futility over his predecessors. While it’s accurate to note that Obama’s 9.33% U3 average is the highest on record since U3 was introduced in 1994, it’s occasionally measured against Presidents before Clinton whose unemployment figures would be more comparable to current U5 counts. For anyone interested in complete U3 figures, they’re available from the BLS on Series Reports LNS14000000 and LNU04000000.

Question 2 offered the alternative U6 REAL Unemployment value first figured in 1994, which sought to keep a separate record while partially obscuring certain unemployed worker categories intentionally excluded from media released U3 data beginning in Clinton’s second year. Without considering statistics which offer more real, inclusive counts, it’s simply not possible to make credible comparisons of the current media released figures to Presidents preceding Clinton. Note here that Obama’s 16.33% figure again shot up 79% above U6 figures turned in by his predecessors. And with this REAL unemployment calculation, Bush’s 9.162% was lower over eight years than Clinton’s. U6 data was. Monthly figures are available on Series Report LNU03327709.

Question 3 might represent the most important statistic for anyone trying to understand the overall employment picture, because current workforce numbers are compared with rolling census data. It presents a participation rate with who’s employed calculated as the “Employment Population Ratio” on BLS SR LNU02300000. This critical ratio shows an historic drop under Obama, whose workforce figures shrank further in January to 57.8%. The 58.7% figure in the question was his average, which seems to have disappeared in the rearview mirror after coming in below that for 13 of the past 15 months. Bush’s final 2008 data showed a 62.2% annual rate, and the 3-4% drop Obama has overseen is simply unprecedented since the participation rate became a BLS statistic post WWII.

Question 4 offers a weekly average figure for the lengths of time BLS counted individuals have remained unemployed. Once again, Obama’s average of 32.4 weeks is far higher than any prior President since this data’s been kept, and that’s kind compared to January’s figure. Over six of the past seven months, the average has remained above 40 weeks in duration, with the latest figure at 40.1. This data’s available on SR LNS13008275.

Question 5 lists data media typically ignores, while not being exactly a challenge to answer. It offers a combined figure for Not In Labor Force workers from two distinct BLS counts. The larger of the two categories represents individuals who “Searched for work”, “Want a job”, and are Available to work now”, from SR LNU05026642. The second group is categorized as an NiLF subset under “Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available)” but they’re counted for a limited time on SR LNU05026645. The posted figures represent thousands, so Obama is averaging almost three-and-a-half million American’s dropped from deceptive media released U3 counts, and significant portions of that group have been rolled off of U6, as well. Each and every month, nearly a quarter of a million disenfranchised, discouraged workers are removed from even these marginally attached BLS counts.

So, during 37 months in Office, this President has managed just seven months where growth has exceeded individuals purged from the counts. He’s managed positive growth numbers for fewer than half of his months in Office, and during eight modest months of growth, the numbers failed to reach the 160,000-175,000 new jobs economists recognize must be added to accommodate new workers entering the workforce.


If one considers the 3.3 million legal immigrants who’ve been issued H1B visas with an employers’ promise of work to gain such a visa, the 3 million jobs added since the depths of O’s job losses in mid-2010 are far from encouraging. More than 13 million young adults have completed college degrees and various credentials over the past 3 years expecting employment opportunities and an independent adult life, but there’s nowhere near enough job growth evident to include them. The inescapable reality is that Americans aren’t finding work in any appreciable numbers. Our workforce is still nearly two million workers down since the day Obama took Office and more than three million since the day he was elected.

Perhaps the final political IQ question should be; “Are you willing to ignore historic failure and futility with a miserable economy to reelect Obama for a second term?”

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those are stunning numbers and impressive support for the cost inflicted on this country by liberal leadership. Obama's performance has been responsible for unprecedented job losses and an economy reminiscent of the depression 80 years ago. Yes, occasional isolated statistics might imply there's been a turn, but the overall picture and tens of millions of lives impacted suggest a very different story. Many of us believe the media won't accomplish what it's desperately trying to do with publicizing rare numbers that might suggest measured improvement for a small swath of displaced American workers.

    While the suggestion from MTR that a different distribution of work hours could return more Americans to work has merit, the issue you touched on with the H1B visas is far more telling and compelling for how our citizens could be restored and reemployed in the millions. It's obvious that issuing more H1B visas in number than jobs added back into the economy since mid 2010, and mandates that have included amnesty measures by executive order for millions of illegal Mexican Nationals indicates that our limited recovery is all about the insourcing this President has said he's determined to be known for. Jobs for legal immigrants and jobs for millions of new illegal aliens that have come since 2009, from ICE and CBP internal records, gives Obama unchallenged supremacy as the anti-American insourcing leader of an economy deeply resistant to hiring its own citizens.

    Just as outsourcing was a term coined for American jobs turned over to foreigners on their own foreign soil, insourcing has been used for jobs given to foreigners on American soil. Workers have been insourced in dramatic numbers to displace citizens here from a wide array of jobs. My first recollection of insourcing appearing in public use came from the movie "Swing Vote", but the meaning has been widely accepted and used in public forums, including print and broadcast media, and Hollywood productions for years now. Anyone who believes insourcing is what we need for this economy is delusional and shows not only disdain but what could just as easily be regarded as hatred for Americans in search of gainful employment. Doesn't that describe the man in the Oval Office perfectly, at this point?

    When anyone looks at the big picture overall, this President's failures become unavoidably evident. Since there haven't been more than four consecutive months with positive job growth under Obama in any BLS cumulative statistics, and only four of his now 13 quarters have shown growth, two of which came nowhere near the numbers necessary to accommodate new workers trying to enter the workforce, it would be hard to mistake why numbers must be manipulated to limit public outrage. The youtube video you linked was funny at the end for its clarity over how government released data strategically censors measures which could provide a more accurate portrayal of the economic futility we're facing.

    This President has been a disgrace on many levels. The harm he's caused and economic collapse is far deeper and more pervasive than what appeared in the final six months of Bush's Presidency when accelerating debt from from Pelosi's Democratic budgets, a smoldering housing crisis, and media attacks took their inevitable toll. Recovery from these depths will take far longer than the year Obama claimed would be sufficient to turn the economy during his barrage of empty promises in 2008. And, by his own admission, he said on national TV that he would be undeserving of a second term in office if the problems persisted and remained evident for three years after he took Office.

    The American public deserves better and deserves a leader who will support true, lifelong American citizens. We're in no mood for the continuation of foreign workers being the primary or, in this case, potentially sole beneficiaries of meager numbers of jobs added back into the economy. At least most of the country is willing to acknowledge Obama’s desire to be remembered as the "insourcing President' as being fully and capably accomplished. He's made the impact he told Americans he intended from the day he first set out on the campaign trail. It's simply tough for many of us to feel there’s reason for surprise, at this point, and only Obamabots, paid shills, and the massive foreign voting bloc he's depending on think his performance is acceptable leadership while the country and millions of lives remain in disarray.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Liberals argue that they are the better educated, and they might be right about the number of hours they sat in a classroom, but there are all kinds of ways for a person to gain intelligence, formal education is only one of them.

    My last boss has a Pilot's license, holds an operating engineer's certification, which is what you need to operate the big cranes that build skyscrapers, He has an Aluminum AND glass contractor's licenses in Florida (that is how I know him) and while he has a very heavy Spanish accent (Ecuadoran) his vocabulary and grammar are in many ways better than mine.

    in short, he is one of the smartest people I know, and he has NO college.

    Who would guess that between Obama and Bush, it would be Bush who's economic numbers much more closely resembles Clinton's And you can say what you want about Clinton, the economy was decent under him. Although he was busy pulling the pins out of a basket full of hand grenades to pass to his successor, which turned out to be Bush, it is obvious that Clinton knew the timer was not set to go off until six or seven years in, Just in case Algor had won. .

  • 9 years ago

    That's a worthy and potentially eye-opening representation of Obama's failure to return Americans to work. Apparently the left is so afraid of the critical issue that should decide the upcoming election, they're unwilling to read through and consider the extent of the President's historic numbers which dwarf those of his predecessors.

    Since Xpat fell back on a liberal excuse posted regularly here, it's probably worth noting that President Bush managed to lose 700,000 jobs just twice during his 8 years in office and only two more months exceeded a half million jobs lost, the first of which came following 9-11. Two of those damaging losses came after months-long criticism of the economy drew the intended response from a weary, frustrated public which succumbed to the media's crowning of their beloved Emporer sans garments ahead of the November, 2008 election. After taking office, Obama's 2009 economy hemorrhaged jobs at more than double the rate of increase, according to BLS 12-month net change statistics, over what had taken place under Bush through 2008. Obama's annual job loss increase for 2009 showed 59.8% on LNU03000000 and 60.3% on LNU04000000, which dramatically accelerated Bush's 26.1% 12-month net change rate for 2008 on each report. The data should be damning for a failed Presidency, but the left always has an answer; simply pretend counts such as those kept by the BLS don't exist. As the questions appear to indicate here, liberals are so averse to facts, their fear of support for reality mimics a pandemic which must be quarantined and hidden to enable the progressive message to survive.

    They're convinced avoidance, misdirection, and Obama's nifty smoke and mirrors deception will carry the day come November. Many of us believe your political IQ challenge has merit and is recognizable to enough grown-ups who aren't quite as awed with the magic show to ultimately hold the left accountable. Obama must not be given a pass on absolutely historic, economy destroying unemployment numbers. As you pointed out, probably the most critical number to illuminate the reality behind statistics the left is desperate to hide is the participation rate for who's employed. More than a 3% drop during Obama's time in office is mind boggling, to say the least.

    Maybe a few respondents who actually read the question will weigh in to restore faith that not everyone on the left is so deficient or feeble minded where IQ is concerned.

    Thanks for information that should be at the forefront of the political discussion from now all the way through to the long-awaited, highly anticipated end to Obama's one term in office. "The Unemployment Game Show" youtube link is worth watching for anyone unfamiliar with the sleight-of-hand manipulation that's distinguished the U3 rate released to the public since Clinton dealt with the recession responsible for his election by implementing strategic BLS changes. Yes this is an historic Presidency! Can't we bring it to an end NOW?!?

  • 7 years ago

    I answered c. all the time and I am a strong conservative man. I am for the Canada's Conservative Party.

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  • 9 years ago

    Yes, and no, I am not willing to ignore historic failure and futility with a miserable economy to reelect Obama for a second term.

    Good question.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is a rather simple solution to the current labor statistics.

    By reducing the standard hrs for a fulltime work week you can broaden the base for employment.

    However none of the candidates actually talk about using current labor force to meet labor demand.

    Instead the buzz word is "job creation" which refers to market trends not labor and production.

    Job creation is a euphemism for bubble growth.

    They want everybody arguing over which economic method promotes bubble growth because they do not want to face the troubling reality which is a shift in labor force to production demand dynamics.

    As autmation reduces the number of employers in the work force, and population increases the number of employable in the labor pool, the economy begins to lag in growth, excessive over production results in back stock for retail, as well as increasing private and national debt results in inflation...well who would want to be honest about that problem.

    You can keep your statistics unless you want to talk about the solution.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    12.5% or your compensation gets sucked into the “Social Security” Scheme every payday……

  • 9 years ago
  • 9 years ago

    You don't really think a liberal is going to pay attention to hard facts and plain truth do you?

  • r1b1c*
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    LOL that was funny!

    Man alive! talk about twisting the numbers to come out with a desired result!

    The part that you forgot to include in there was that all of the damage that happened under Obama's presidency was the result of Bush's policies. In fact, had he continued with Bush's policies we would've gone into a depression much greater than that of 1929.

    Details... details... the devil is in the details... ha ha

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