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Breastfeeding and milk supply issue, any help appreciated.?

My baby girl Sienna is 13 days old and was born 3 wks & 2 days early and only weighed 5lbs 10oz.

I have been breastfeeding since birth and the first 3 days went well but on the 4th day i had a midwife home visit and she told me bub was loosing weight instead of gaining (even though i was BF 40 mins per feed) she told me to buy formula to supplement with after a BF which i wasn't happy about but did, all seemed well bub got back up close to birth weight so i stopped with the formula for 36 hrs and the next midwife visit bub had lost more weight and not had a bowel movement so she forced the issue of formula and stressed that i had to offer it after each feed because if she lost anymore weight they were going to admit her back into hospital, all the while they had lent me a breast pump to pump off what milk was left after a feed to keep my supply going.

I have the prescription from my doc for dompherendone to help with milk supply but i just feel like i don't have enough milk there, my boobs never get really full and they don't feel hard to touch, i don't get any leaks either, i am taking my pills, drinking plenty of water and milk and eating healthy and regularly and i'm also hand expressing after every BF to stimulate the milk.(I feed every 3 hrs)

With my 3rd child i had the same problem while he was in NICU but once i got the prescription and he stopped tube feeding and started breastfeeding i had so much milk i would get engorged.

I just don't know what else to do, the thought of not being able to breastfeed my baby properly without supplements is really upsetting me.

Any stories from people who have been through this or any other tips on how to increase my supply are greatly appreciated, Thanks :)

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh for crying out loud. How many more mothers are going to have their breastfeeding relationship sabotaged by horrible advice from people they should be able to trust? It makes me so angry.

    Breastfed babies almost ALWAYS lose weight in the first week or so. Anything up to 10% of their birthweight is considered normal. By 2-3 weeks old they should have regained their birthweight and started gaining.

    Feed your baby from the breast as MUCH as possible. She wants to feed every 30 minutes or suckle in her sleep? Let her. Breastmilk is supply and demand, the more she takes, the more you make. If you MUST supplement, use a supplemental nursing system, so she's still at the breast. Every bottlefeed is detriment to your supply.

    As long as she is weeing frequently then she is getting enough. If she stops weeing and her fontanel is sunken, then you might have a problem, but that is honestly unlikely.

  • Ellen
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, I have been through this and went on to exclusively feed my little girl, who was 4 pounds 15 ounces at birth and 4 pounds 10 ounces at 2 weeks. I pumped very frequently and spoon fed her for several days instead of using the bottle and formula. She gained weight immediately, and then we had to work on learning to latch, which took several weeks to do correctly.

    If you still have the breast pump, use it after every feeding and supplement with the expressed breastmilk. You can use a spoon or cup if you don't want to use a bottle. Otherwise, continue to hand express milk for the baby to have after every breastfeeding.

    You might want to consult with someone who can be more helpful than your midwife. Speak to an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant or La Leche League leader.

    Source(s): hospital IBCLC and mothers' group leader 20+ years mom to 3
  • 9 years ago

    You should be nurseing on demand and letting her comfort nurse don't watch the clock just her cues. Pump after and possibley between nurseings. Fenugreek,oatmeal*not quick oats*,and brewers yeast all boost supply. Avoid sage and peppermint and spearmint. These lower supply.

    Visit a lactation consultant that is supportive and does everything possible to help you get to exclusivly breastfeeding. As for supplementing, you don't have to use formula. Get donor breastmilk from a milk bank or from a milk sharing community such as eats on feets or human milk for human babies.

    Source(s): Breastfeeding my 18mo old,pregnant with #2 The Leaky b@@b on fb
  • 9 years ago

    I agree with Evergreen and K. It really frustrates me when a mother gets bad advice.

    The only way to up your milk supply is to continue to BF. You need to get some real advice from a lactation consultant who knows what they are talking about. A doctor/midwife may be educated enough when there are minimal problems and i'm sure that they mean no harm but they are not experts.


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  • 4 years ago

    I was in the same boat but was lucky enough with Healthy nursing tea that helped increasing my supply at a level that my LO is now satisfied.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    On the FOURTH...oh dear. Yeah, what Evergreen said. This person doesn't have a clue.

    Read through &

    Do NOT rely on the midwife (or doctor) for further "help" here. :( An IBCLC-certified consultant or a LLL leader would be a help.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You need to do what is best for your baby!.. it may upset you that she isn't getting enough milk through your breast - but to be honest it doesn't matter how much it upsets you! Give your baby formula if you aren't producing enough milk - it doesn't make you a bad mum!!

    As long as you are giving her as much breast milk as you physically can there is nothing wrong with giving her formula to make sure she is eating enough!

    Midwifes stress Breast is Best at every opportunity, so if she is telling you to use formula also then it must be serious, you should listen to her

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes breastfeeding 'relationships' can be ruined with ill advice but she could just be looking out for your baby.

    I went through the same thing but I carried on trying to BF. My daughters weight loss dropped by 18%, she had to go back into hospital to check her kidneys weren't failing.

    I felt like a bad mum for NOT switching to formula sooner. Breast is best MOST of the time. For me it clearly wasn't. I wasn't prepared to put my daughters life at risk just to try BF-ing. She was such a happy, content baby after switching. She stopped constantly crying & I knew it was the best decision for our family.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Try expressing or feeding after a really warm shower it usually gets things going. Sorry to hear about ur stituation but I cangradulate u for trying to continue, good luck.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Make oatmeal, you put the oatmeal to boil with milk add sugar and let it boil for about 15 minutes and drink just the liquid.. You need to drink 3 cups everyday the would give you lots of milk. Good luck!!

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