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Lv 622,505 points

Hellz Bellz

Favorite Answers9%

Im 26 and a stay at home mum with 4 children an a stepson, aged 9, 8.5, 7.5, 5 & 16 months old. I'm originally from Wales but moved to Australia in 2001 - now living in Cairns, Qld.

  • How many mummies out there use modern cloth nappies (mcn)?

    I am just wondering how popular mcn's are, my sis in law got me onto them but my bub leaked the 1st time i tried one so i didn't use it again for months!

    Now miss Sienna is 5 mths old i've tried again and had great results & i'm well an truely addicted lol!

    Just wondering if anyone knows of a good website to get a custom made "Ford" mcn...preferably in Australia or somewhere that will ship to Australia?

    Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Question about selling on Ebay, help appreciated :)?

    I already have an Ebay account but have never tried selling anything before. I tried to list an item but as i got to the end of the process and was about to post it on Ebay, i got an error message saying i'm not registered as a seller.

    Just wondering if anyone knows how i register to become a seller?

    I am using the Ebay app for android if that makes a difference?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What country do yolu live in and what time is it there?

    I'm in Queensland, Australia and it's 1.20am monday morning lol

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Advice from BF mums who did formula top ups?

    My daughter is 6 wks old now and is breastfed every feed but has been having formula top ups since a week old on advice from midwife. She wasn't pooping or gaining weight so i was advised to top her up. She has just hit 3.9kg's today which is normal newborn size an since she is healthy an a good weight now i would love to stop formula.

    Have any of you been in this situation and successfully weaned off formula to exclusively BF and how did you do it?

    I can sit an feed her for 2 hrs straight and she will still scream like she's starving, i'll hold off bottles all day but she get's so worked up an screams the house down and i end up giving her a bottle at evening so she is full and satisfied.

    Would love any advice or help you ladies can give me. Thanks :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Breastfeeding and milk supply issue, any help appreciated.?

    My baby girl Sienna is 13 days old and was born 3 wks & 2 days early and only weighed 5lbs 10oz.

    I have been breastfeeding since birth and the first 3 days went well but on the 4th day i had a midwife home visit and she told me bub was loosing weight instead of gaining (even though i was BF 40 mins per feed) she told me to buy formula to supplement with after a BF which i wasn't happy about but did, all seemed well bub got back up close to birth weight so i stopped with the formula for 36 hrs and the next midwife visit bub had lost more weight and not had a bowel movement so she forced the issue of formula and stressed that i had to offer it after each feed because if she lost anymore weight they were going to admit her back into hospital, all the while they had lent me a breast pump to pump off what milk was left after a feed to keep my supply going.

    I have the prescription from my doc for dompherendone to help with milk supply but i just feel like i don't have enough milk there, my boobs never get really full and they don't feel hard to touch, i don't get any leaks either, i am taking my pills, drinking plenty of water and milk and eating healthy and regularly and i'm also hand expressing after every BF to stimulate the milk.(I feed every 3 hrs)

    With my 3rd child i had the same problem while he was in NICU but once i got the prescription and he stopped tube feeding and started breastfeeding i had so much milk i would get engorged.

    I just don't know what else to do, the thought of not being able to breastfeed my baby properly without supplements is really upsetting me.

    Any stories from people who have been through this or any other tips on how to increase my supply are greatly appreciated, Thanks :)

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Ladies: When is your baby due?

    My due date was March 16th but i had my baby 4 hrs ago, 3 wks 2 days early.

    She was born at 2 mins to 2am, on the 22nd of the 2nd

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Has anyone sucessfully used nipple stimulation method to go into labor?

    I'm just curious, i'm not trying to induce my labor but i am so bored of sitting at home everyday that i am reasearching anything to do with pregnancy and came across a website that gives instructions on how to sucessfully induce labor with nipple stimulation.

    Has anyone tried it and it actually worked and if so how many weeks were you when you tried it?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • WDYT of one of the final names picked out for my daughter?

    Sienna Brielle Daykin-Crow....Or

    Savanna Brielle Daykin-Crow...?

    Which do you think sounds better? Daykin-Crow is the surnames so they won't change at all but i just can't seem to choose between Sienna & Savanna

    10 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • How long to go until your due date? :)?

    For me the countdown is on, only 3 weeks and 6 days to go.

    I'm due March 16th (3 days before my eldests b'day) but thought it would be pretty cool if i went a day over and had her on the 17th...St.Patricks Day as she has Irish on both mine and her daddys side of the family....Plus she would have one awesome 18th birthday lol.

    So what's your due date? :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Any pregnant ladies check their own cervix and is it safe?

    I just came across a website that explains how to check your cervix at home for dilation.

    I was just wondering if anyone has done this and is it as easy as the website makes it out to be?

    Also is it safe to do at home on your own?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant and really curious to see if i am dilating, the doctors at my hospital do not check for this they only check to see if the head is engaged.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Mothers: How long did your labors take?

    My first took just under 3 hours all up.

    My second took about 1 hour 50 mins.

    My third took about 1 hour 30 mins.

    They were all natural labors :) What about you?

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Mothers that have had premature labor/birth?

    How far were you when you went into pre term labor?

    Were they able to stop the contractions and continue the pregnancy or did you give birth?

    Did your baby need to go into the NICU and for how long?

    Have you had a pregnancy since where you went full term or close to it?

    Just curious as i had my 2nd baby at 32 weeks, were not able to stop labor and she spent 6 weeks in NICU and a further 2 weeks in the local hospital. My 3rd baby was born at 35 weeks and had to spend 2 weeks in NICU before coming home. I'm now 35 weeks with my 4th baby and starting to feel cautiously optemistic that this baby will come out healthy and not need time in NICU :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • What do you think of pregnant women that...?

    What do you think of pregnant women that you see in public with their belly showing?

    I mean like wearing their skirt/pants waistband under the belly?

    Normally i cover my growing mountain up but it was so hot last night that i wore an elasticated skirt which kept rolling down under my belly and a singlet that i had to keep adjusting to keep my tummy covered, in the end i gave up and just decided to be comfortable but felt a bit insecure like everyone was looking at me...I don't have stretch marks or anything so my belly was not hideous to look at.

    What would you think if you saw that, inappropriate or not?

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Mothers: What symptoms did you get in very early labor?

    I'm just curious as even though i'm having my 4th baby, each time i went into labor in the middle of the night and slept through early labor and never woke up until i was in full blown labor with contractions one after another.

    So what kind of symptoms did you get 1-2 days before and as you went into early labor?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 35 weeks pregnant - What to do all day?

    So i am currently 35 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby and i'm bored out of my mind.

    The babys room is all set up and ready to go, i've finnished all the baby shopping, i've even pre washed all her clothes just for something to do lol. Hospital bags are packed too.

    Apart from the usual daily chores i have to do i am bored to death of sitting at home waiting for little miss to make her apperance, it is driving me insane.

    What kind of things do other pregnant women do out there to occupy yourself through the day..?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What do you think of these middle names?

    My partner and I have narrowed the first name down to either Sienna or Savannah and were contemplating Rae as a middle name but today he came up with the middle name Storm and i came up with Rain.

    Sienna Rain / Sienna Storm

    Savannah Rain / Savannah Storm

    The last names are Daykin-Crow.

    Whats your opinion?

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • How many weeks were you when you went into labor?

    And if you haven't had your baby yet, how far along are you?

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What are the laws on drinking whilst pregnant in your country?

    I was just wondering what country your from and what the law on drinking alcahol whilst pregnant is there?

    I was talking to a friend who works at the pub and got into a convo about when she first got her RSA (responsible services of alcohol)

    She was telling me about a pregnant lady that came in everyday and stayed hours drinking vodka, she went to management and asked what the rules with pregnant women and drinking in bars/clubs/pubs was and was told that pregnant women are not to be discriminated against and are to be treated as everybody else...served whatever they order until they become agressive or abusive then they are cut off. ..This is in Australia.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How far pregnant are you? :)?

    I'm 34 weeks with my 4th baby...another girl! =D

    I will have 2 boys, 2 girls and 1 stepson..YAY!

    Do you know what your having yet?

    Is this your 1st baby?

    Do you have names picked out?

    <3 Congrats & good luck to all the mothers out there :) <3

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Help with daughters middle name please..?

    So i know i have posted a few questions about a name for my daughter but as of this morning My partner and I decided that there is only 1 name we can both agree on, now i need help with a middle name...

    Her name will be Sienna and her last name is hyphenated both of our names Daykin-Crow.

    Can you help me come up with a middle name plz, all i have so far is Sienna Rae but i don't think partner is keen on Rae...

    Thanks for all your help =D

    21 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago