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I've noticed that there are a lot of Catholics being trashed on here...Why?

Catholics are Christians who believe in one God. Our Heavenly Father. It seems as if the atheists or trolls are really having a good time at their expense. For those that disapprove of this, the way to stop it is to not respond to the questions. I understand most will come back saying free speech. There's a difference in Free Speech and just pure hatefulness. So, don't try to go there.


I'm not a level 1, so I understand the bull that shows up in here continuously. All of us get trashed in here, it doesn't matter what Religion or Non Religion we are. It's the point that at one time or another is someone going to stand up and take R&S back? No.....These answers for the most part that I have received just shows why we as Christians are thankful that we have more morals. Yes ...Morals. There's different kind of morals and R&S is lacking. Don't worry, I'm not leaving as well as the many Christians in here. We still have the hope that we may have at least one person a year see that we know there is a God, Our God and may change someones life Today, Tomorrow and get over thinking that we will go away just because there are so many immoral folks in here.

16 Answers

  • Junior
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sweetie, it's hardly only Catholics that are ever targeted on here!

    Catholics also do a great deal of self-promotion on here, claiming to be better than everyone else, the only true church and stating that anyone who isn't Catholic is wrong.......sometimes you get what you give so if you don't like what you're getting you would do well to look objectively at the message that's going out from your own.

    If you believe you are correct then you should be secure and able to ignore the foolish statements from trolls that abound on here. If you believe you have truth to share, the Bible tells us to learn how to do that with love or to be quiet rather than to do more harm. Many trolls enjoy causing division between Christian denominations (humor from hell but attacks are real) so ignoring them, refusing to give them the satisfaction and learning how to properly respond is the answer.

    Source(s): Eph 4:2-6 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
  • 9 years ago

    Hi bindysdog...It is not the flock we are worried about but the Mother Church Rev. 17:5,6, Government ruled by the Jesuits. Scary group. Their Ten Commandments are different than the ones God wrote with His finger Daniel 7:25..They have changed it..Laws changed and they have changed the 4th Commandment and the 2nd about images and divided the 10th into two commandments to make 10. not to be made in Gods Commandments. They have changed the times and laws stated in Rev. The Gregorian Calender Resurrection day of Christ was changed so it would not hit on the same day as passover and there for connected with the Jews. This is why Sunday was made to join the Sun Worshipers to separate Sabbath from Sunday keepers. More $ collected cause they had all the pagan worshiper also giving money. History is amazing and it tells a lot about what has happened in the years since Christ. Remember Sabbath was kept from the Garden of Eden right up to 361 AD After the death of Christ by Rome officials and the Roman Catholic Church accepted this Day as the Lords Day and it is not..It is the 1st Day of the Week a work day. See Matthew 28.Tells you what day is the first day of the Week. Sabbath in Genesis has never been changed by God and its Holiness has never changed even though RCC wants it to be as a Civil Law--Sunday..

    So---Yes there are a lot of Godly people in the RCC and unfortunately they are ignorant of History,Purgatory and Fiery Hell Pit is Pagan and not came from Romes Government to make more money and they are incredibly Rich and the flock is Poor. What is wrong with that kind of thinking. The Papacy lives in Luxury as Revelation 18:3,4,7 says.

    We are getting closer to the end and all will come clear when it comes clear.

    Source(s): KJV..No one is criticizing Gods children but only the Evil Government as the Ist Beast and USA as the Second Beast cause we have the power of military to inforce the 1st Beast Rules Rev. 13:11,12. Hope this opens your eyes to the future. A lot of people won't study Daniel and Revelation but our church has for over 170 years cause these books are open now and is the Revelation of Jesus Christ and He wants us to know it. See Revelation 1
  • 9 years ago

    Because people are really childish on this site. They think hiding behind the face of there account give them power to troll anyone they want. No I am not christian or any other mainstream religion, But I am mature enough not to trash every religious question asked, well unless they are trolling questions.

  • 9 years ago

    What do you expect? Jesus promised we would be persecuted. We survived the persecutions of the Roman Empire along with every two bit anti-Christian dictator throughout the centuries. And we increased in number. Surely we can survive the lies of Newsweek and the Boston Globe and the legions of two-bit bigots that fill the Internet landscape.

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  • 9 years ago

    We're accustomed to that for the last 2000yrs. The difficult years are over, and this is just the last gasp of breathe of the heretics to malign the Church of Jesus. As one said, it doesnt work.

    We could take the slap on the other check. Pax

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hatefulness is rampant through out our world in every race,color and creed,it is part of the problem,and not just towards Catholics either.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I didnt get to say how sorry I was for my question the othet night. I didnt mean it to sound offense I really was curious about wht I was asking.

  • 9 years ago

    Don't take it personal....we don't!

    ALL Religions get "trashed" on R/S

    Edit: I'm a Jehovah's Witness, and we get beat up pretty badly some days. But we take it all in stride. lol

  • 9 years ago

    Sign of Contradiction

    Informative, and interesting.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You get numerous thumbs down for saying the following:

    God is real, Jesus is God's son, abortion is WRONG, homosexuality is WRONG, etc. That is what WE believe.

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