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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 years ago

Jehovah’s Witnesses: How can we avoid having our worship of Jehovah polluted by apostate reasoning on Y/A?

This is an issue I’ve recently started to ponder. The main thing most brothers & sisters do (me included) is to quickly thumb-down an answer by an apostate, being careful to avoid reading what they wrote. Of course, another (very obvious) thing to do is never click on any URL link that is posted by an apostate.

But it seems that there is always a new face amongst the opposers of the true Christian congregation. Sometimes I start to read an answer, and then that red-flag warning goes off in my mind: Apostate Alert!!! And then I immediately stop reading what the person wrote.

But to some extent, my mind has already been partially polluted by apostate filth. It has made me wonder. As a simple matter of spiritual hygiene, should we try to limit our time on Yahoo Answers?


@ Phronesis: Excellent advice! I am in fact blocked by many apostates. So that helps. Of course, new ones keep popping up. And the old ones open new accounts to trick people. It's sad how far they go to get their poisoned reasoning across.

Update 2:

@ justbenelson: You seem like a nice man. But you need to know that apostate reasoning can be transmitted through multiple sources (not just the apostates themselves). On the Internet, we cannot be sure that you would not attempt to despoil our worship of Jehovah by the demonic reasoning of apostates. As you know, they do nothing but continually besmirch the true Christian congregation; they hate Jehovah. So I will very cautiously read what you write, but as soon as I detect apostasy, I am going to stop reading and give you a *BIG* thumbs down. That’s because apostate reasoning is a spiritual cancer because it spreads so quickly. I truly hope that one day I might be judged worthy to live forever in Paradise Earth. And reading any apostate filth could jeopardize the hope I have to live eternally. You have to understand that this is no joking matter. I love Jehovah more than anything I was want to be his daughter forevermore. So I don’t want to read anything that can put m

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. - Read the post up to the point where you realize it is an apostate.

    2. - Immediately STOP reading.

    3. - Block the apostate.

    Blocking them produces a red circle with a line through under their user name so you can know whom you've blocked. That way you do not have to be exposed to that particular one any more. (Often you'll find they block you too which is even better, because then you cannot even accidently read their posts.)

  • 6 years ago

    You are already polluted by tons of apostates in the YA. Write up your matter and submit to the WTS in New York and hopefully they might bring out a new lite from it... thus it will ensure a megaton of printing flyers, for you to buy and distribute free. That where you should actually be investigating... the money that WTS makes out of your donations. Pity

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If your sure of your beliefs no reason to look further. I know for a fact the sun raises in the east and sets in the rest. I don't have to read a bunch of gabble telling me different. Same with some of my faith beliefs. The refusal to consider opposing viewpoints is Not a good indicator of a cult. Did someone really say that? Not a bright comment at all. In fact that very idea goes against what God told his people.

    If you don't know something than I can understand as the the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. But Paul and others in the faith were not looking any further they knew the truth. They didn't need endless debates and discussions on some issues. Once they even told the congregation that.

    Sometimes information overload confuses more than helps. One needs good discernment to weed out what isn't necessary. And of no benefit to them

    That rule applies to my businesses and my faith. And when I go into other businesses to help them that's exactly what I tell them. Weed out what isn't necessary, truthful, helpful or beneficial to you. Some things allowed "in balance" as someone mentioned could be acceptable

    They have a similar term in business "information pollution"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is interesting to see that your faith in your beliefs is so weak that you can not even read opposing thought. Truth does not become untruth by someone challenging it it becomes stronger and reinforced.

    Your handlers do not deliver truth to you and they know it and they also know that it is easy to disprove what you believe and so they give you the " Apostate Boogy man" who can, with a glance at their writing steal your salvation!!!!!!


    Apostle Paul commands that you do the opposite of what your handlers are requiring of you:

    1 Thes. 5:21

    "Prove all things...."

    Prove all things - Subject everything submitted to you to be believed to the proper test. The word here used (δοκιμάζετε dokimazete), is one that is properly applicable to metals, referring to the art of the assayer, by which the true nature and value of the metal is tested; see notes, 1 Corinthians 3:13. This trial was usually made by fire. The meaning here is, that they were carefully to examine everything proposed for their belief. They were not to receive it on trust; to take it on assertion; to believe it because it was urged with vehemence, zeal, or plausibility. In the various opinions and doctrines which were submitted to them for adoption, they were to apply the appropriate tests from reason and the word of God, and what they found to be true they were to embrace; what was false they were to reject. Christianity does not require people to disregard their reason, or to be credulous. It does not expect them to believe anything because others say it is so. It does not make it a duty to receive as undoubted truth all that synods and councils have decreed; or all that is advanced by the ministers of religion. It is, more than any other form of religion, the friend of free inquiry, and would lead people everywhere to understand the reason of the opinions which they entertain; compare Acts 17:11-12; 1 Peter 3:15.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Tara, you said;

    "But to some extent, my mind has already been partially polluted by apostate filth. It has made me wonder. As a simple matter of spiritual hygiene, should we try to limit our time on Yahoo Answers?"

    Did it ever occur to you that what you are calling "filth" might be nothing more than what little "reason" you have left?....that's what has possibly started your "recent pondering"?.

  • Forgive me if i'm wrong, but doesn't testing ALL things mean sincerely looking at everything and comparing it to the bible, even what you don't agree with, ?

    i mean if what you have is indeed the truth, then nothing NOTHING








    can measure up to what you have, in fact everything else will just prove that what you have is the truth.

    But if you automatically dismiss others opinions, how can you test ALL things?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    since i'm not an apostate (never been a JW) i would hope you and/or your Y!A counterparts don't just slap me with a "thumbs down" for every answer i it always seems.

    read them through and grade them not for who i am, but for the content i supply.

    by the way, when you choose not read certain answers because the people who wrote them have left your organization for seeing something you refuse to, you're doing nothing but isolating yourself from reality. how will you recognize error when you're only exposed to one side? foolishness.


    that's fine. but i struggle to see scriptural support for your reasoning why reading apostate material could jeopardize your eternal security? i'm a Christian...not by your reasoning, but rather i have trusted Christ as my atoning sacrifice for my sin, not by my works (ephesians 2:8-9). while being a Christian i have obviously been reading doctrines from your organization that i believe contradict sound theology, yet i maintain my faith in Christ. i don't understand why reading responses from people of other faith can put your eternal security on the line? is Jehovah that shallow?

  • One could avoid their faith being polluted as you say here or anywhere by avoidance but that won't stop it happening to them or others.

    Some faiths have separate themselves to avoid so much they live, marry and work in mostly one community setting and rarely leave it. I have to say it's no guarantee that even that stops apostate influences. The resistance, or those who go that far will fight tooth and nail to keep people right where they are. Because change is risky, and where they belief they are safe that way.Keeping a flock together is not a bad thing, boxing them in could be

    It's good advise to watch one's time. And how much one is digesting of certain elements.The Internet itself is addicting in ways. Where people do things they wouldn't ordinary do. Say things that aren't truth. Speak from emotions rather than truth or reason.

    It's broken up families, you see problems in courts, schools and doctor's offices. Friendships have ended from abuse of it. And some who never admit the negative affects on them. They put on good masks. The net is a wonderful tool but it can be abused and is often.

    Of those who do pay attention to you even the small amount if that is all you can give will be inspired, and they will envy your determination against so many who's sole purpose seems to discredit you in as many posts as possible. . No joke. Some have been inspired.

    Five-million-plus people watch The Biggest Loser each week. Are they doing it for laughs? No, they watch because it motivates them, even if they never take action. How determine some are to go against very unpleasant trials and people issues.

    When people see you working hard, studying and answering questions biblical and well, it reminds them that somewhere, they’ve got that fight in them too. Without realizing it, even if you’re doing this only a bit but remaining truthful, you become a leader by example. Some people are drawn to that.

    I know, it feels like everyone’s watching you, judging you. But trust me: some are cheering for you too. And others with their terrible actions are turning them more away-- I mean who wants to be like them?

    I just answered someone attacking you, slyly, and that is what they were doing. I'll read anything till it comes to a point it's nonsense enough that I don't bother anymore. And look she/he is right here. Hello Me, you closed that fast after I answered. How's the body guarding going? Good I won't be talking behind you than. I rarely do, I doubt you can say the same. The posts tells that since you seem to know so much of someone and a one sided view it seems. I can see the post was not on the up and up. And I have see some of the posters enough to know they aren't. I don't answer all nor do I care too, depends on my mood. And I am not here like I once was in the beginning my points are there and I have no desire to just rack up more. Thumbs don't bother me neither. I'm free in a way to say what I truly feel and take the best of what I see and have a little fun too now and than. This is where the net gets out of hand for some. Some can not stand ideas not of their belief or have some issues of their own they aren't working on. And they certainly get upset if someone brings up something they seem to have ignored. Yes, it is indeed sad to see how far some will go. And trust me as much you can not knowing me, others do see it as well.

    "new ones keep popping up. And the old ones open new accounts to trick people." People cheat. It's that's way on many forums. Again I agree, Yes, it is indeed sad

    Best wishes on your balancing-we all need that in all faiths and be reminded at times. It's up to you what you want to take in and trash for good

  • 9 years ago

    Is your own power of reasoning to be undermined by a single religious viewpoint? If you have the real 'truth', then you shouldn't be afraid to look at any opposing information and do your own scrutinizing. Are your religious views so fragile?

    Thomas Jefferson said, "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." However in the eyes of Jehovah's Witnesses this is labeled, not as being intellectually honest with healthy skepticism, but as one of the most fear-inspiring words a Jehovah's Witness knows...APOSTASY!

    "Persons who deliberately spread (stubbornly hold to and speak about) teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses are apostates. (note, not the Bible, but JWs!)"

    - Pay Attention to Yourself and to All the Flock

    As you can see, they define apostasy as disagreeing with their 'Governing Body', the leaders of the Watchtower Society. This is quite contrary to the Bible itself which at Psalm 146:3 says not to put your trust in mortal man. It's also hypocritical considering they have changed their own teachings constantly over the years. What if someone knew something before the Governing Body figured it out? Still an apostate.

    But where things get really hypocritical is that although the Jehovah's Witness organization says that apostates are people you should "feel a loathing" toward, they have no problem telling others to leave their faith behind:

    "Would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change."

    - You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth page 32

    "It is not a form of religious persecution for anyone to say and to show that another religion is false."

    - The Watchtower, Nov. 15, 1963, p.688

    However, their two-faced hypocrisy doesn't stop there! While out of one side of their mouth they tell Jehovah's Witnesses to shun anyone, including family members, who are 'disfellowshipped' or leave the organization, and that apostates are to be utterly despised as shown here:

    "True Christians share Jehovah's feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they "feel a loathing" toward those who have made themselves God's enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance."

    - The Watchtower 1993 November 1 page 19

    "some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of "smooth talk" and "counterfeit words." What would you expect from the table of demons?...Those who have continued to feed at Satan's spiritual table, the table of demons, will be forced to attend a literal meal, no, not as partakers, but as the main course-to their destruction!"

    - The Watchtower 1994 July 1 page 12

    Why then do they say that being an apostate does not lead to family breakup out of the other side of their mouth as shown here:

    "No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and family...Does study of the Bible lead to family breakup? No."

    - Awake! July 9, 2009 page 29

    Why does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses tell their followers never to look at opposing information to their own out of one side of their mouth, but then out of the other side tell everyone else that they should leave their religions behind without fear of ostracism from their families? The answer is the same reason why they want their children to get baptized young, no, not love...but to keep complete control of their 'sheep'.

    If anyone tells you that you shouldn't look at opposing information to theirs, something is wrong. The real truth will stand up to any scrutiny.

    The Bible itself tells you that you should be skeptical and have a mind of your own, as shown from these scriptures below:

    "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." - 1 John 4:1

    "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32

    "Prove all things" - - 1 Thessalonians 5:21

    Consider these final wise words:

    "The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein

    "You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe." - Carl Sagan

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Are you kidding? Who are you calling apostates? The JW cult is the definition of heresy, your beliefs are nothing more than a result of a con man CT Russel who was a Freemason and bowed down and worshipped the Rothschilds because of their money, his grave is a pyramid, talk about occult. You thought the world was going to end 10 times within the last century, each prophecy was wrong, that should tell you something about the idiotism preached by the watchtower society but those who want to be fooled will be fooled.

    Maybe one day when you're sick of the Masonic Watchtower doing all the thinking for you, read up on the research Fritz Speingmeyer did on JW, quite interesting.

    It amazes me that a cult that altered the Bible to suit their needs and isn't even 200 years old considers itself to be the "true church", right....

    Source(s): Orthodox
  • 9 years ago

    You have answered this question for yourself, so please Leave if your spiritual reasoning is offended, but let it be also known, that your type of question mirrors the mind-control that your "organization" exercises over all of you.

    Your question is an example of spiritual "CENSORSHIP".

    It is the way you yourself art taught, and it is they only way you can maintain your fear-derived doctrines and is a delusion of hope you have, whereas Christians have the real hope, in Jesus Christ.

    You should become an elder Terra.

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