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Lv 6
Andrew asked in SportsRugby · 9 years ago

Remember when this section used to be a good place to talk about Rugby?

Before certain people ruined the tone and feel of the place by picking fights, posting abuse and blocking all and sundry afterwards? We all know who I am talking about.

Apparently YA aren't interested in the integrity of their section, but we can do something about it.

Every time you come across the distasteful, disrespectful and downright insulting rubbish posted, I urge everyone to file a report to YA - it seriously takes like 3 seconds and 2 clicks.


I should probably add that I apologise for sinking to his level a couple of times lately, he has got under my skin a bit - I promise to do better!

13 Answers

  • Mark L
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm with you 100%, Andrew. I have been giving some serious thought to dropping off the Board because it is so dispiriting to see the continued abuse. I have been greatly disappointed in YA for taking no systematic action, because it does threaten the integrity of the Board (and messes up the pretty good fun we were having). All I know to do is to follow your advice,and hope that if large numbers do it, the pattern will force YA to action.

    Thanks for leading the charge again.

    Mark L.

  • Swoope
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'm fortunate to have joined earlier this year and find this place a great place so I think it's still a great place to come and discuss (with the exception of annoying people around bashing and abuse) but yeah I haven't even been here for that long so I can't say much but I do my best to answer or ask good questions.

    Thankfully you and other regs are here to keep it alive with is nice

  • blm
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'm still here guys. I've adopted a policy over the last few days of ignoring you know who, other than to warn new participants about this particular troll. I am reporting the questions/answers I feel are abusive.

    It doesn't seem to be doing much good though. Is there any other procedure which is more likely to draw the attention of the powers that be?

  • 9 years ago

    Like BLM used to said. We can just ignore the trolls. If they leave a question,then dont answer. But Jalan already blocked most of us anyways.

    Dont let the trolls bring us down :)

    I know it is very frustrated,But dont give up,We can get the old fun section back if we work together.

    I already used all my account to report Jalan, Hope Y!A will take some actions soon.

    Source(s): blm,Mark L, The Russ and Andrew- Dont queit,you guys are the best contributer!
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Hell yeah! This area i ought to say is between the or if no longer the great area on Y A! yet i imagine the Cowboys may win the grandfinal by potential of how they're entering into a grandfinal tournament hostile to the Dragons inflicting an disillusioned.

  • 9 years ago

    Rugby is fortunate, in that it has few trolls. Other forums are infested and they sent hate mail which is a nuisance.

    New accounts can be created every minute, so getting reported and suspended means nothing.

    That poster is seeking attention due to the lack of it in real life. Ignore him/her and they will die away.

  • 9 years ago

    I only recently found this board. The trolls are a nuisance, but I can put up with them.

    I see so many young playes come on the board looking for advice as they start the game , its worth sticking around to offer advice and guidance.

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I agree and even if you are blocked, it is still easy to get around The streaming ones are a pain but you get that with league, afl and soccer. They normally drop off pretty quickly..

    There still are some good discussions here.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ahhh those were the days. I don't generally get on here as much as I used to these days because I just can't be bothered dealing with the trolls.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think it still is a great place to discuss rugby and all it's permutations. One small castrated boy who has now sunk to answering himself shouldn't push the rest of us out.

    In Rugby we play hard but fair and don't knuckle under to mindless bullies , we stand up to be counted.

    Edit don't know which is worse him or the spam-bots

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