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Why redefine marriage to include gay people?

Why does the `gay` community want to take the title of marriage for their unions?

Why isn't the term civil partnership enough?

If it is about `rights` why no redefine those rights under current civil partnerships?

Seems they are wanting to hijack the term for their own ends?

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    God hasn't redefined it; to us believers, it will always stand as is. It doesn't matter if the "law" redefines it because of pressure from the liberal left... Marriage is and always will be between a man and a woman.

    This is no more, no less an attack on Judeo-Christian values and the hate will continue. If they hated My Lord and Savior, they will hate everything He stands for; everything we stand for. It is a war that has been waged, is being waged, and will be waged.

    The Bible states, "They who build without the Lord, labor in vain." That speak to this issue. I will always exalt, uplift, and defend the word marriage. It IS a Christian institution and God does NOT bless any other "union."

    @Alan - So, you've set yourself up as MY judge, have you?!? Hmmmm. Funny how you do that and understand the Bible so little. You are not against "gay marriage" though the Bible/God clearly is. Yet you have approved yourself?!? I don't speak my words, I speak the words of Him who sent me. What's further, the word tells me that BECAUSE I have the Son, I have life... I KNOW who my Redeemer IS and I KNOW that I will see Him on that last day... Have you taken care of the primary issue?!? It seems to me, that you are majoring in the minors... when you have failed to take care of the MAJOR point. The ONE true point that matters... "You must be born-again." Go learn what that means.

    Source(s): @gay-hero - Your view is distorted. "We" don't view you as a sub-human... we view you as a human who has failed to grasp truth as God has given it. He IS the ultimate authority on ALL matters. Whether men agree or not. He IS our Creator... yours and mine. You were created in His image... You bear the mark... God loves you; but does NOT approve of your sin.
  • abcdef
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I have asked this question over and over again and there are no answers coming from the right-wing religious zealots. How does my marriage to my husband affect YOU? In what way does it impact on your life or your marriage? In Canada we have had same-sex marriage for a long time now. Has the moral fibre of society changed? Now let's examine marriage between the races. Not that long ago, interracial marriage was illegal in many states. It was said that it was against the will of God and would lead to the decline of social fabric. Has it? You people who declare yourselves the authorities on what God says and wants are really tremendously arrogant.

    Good luck.

  • Alan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A very controversial issue, but first let me respond to some of those who have answered here:

    @ Durty Duck - It may have escaped your attention, but marriage is between TWO CONSENTING adults, so that knocks your argument about paedophiles animal lovers and necrophiliacs. Obviously if you cannot understand the very fundamentals of the word marriage, you are hardly in a position to make adverse comment about it.

    @ Wilton - Your sick, depraved hatred of gay people is typical of your homophobic sort. However, I also know that those who make the loudest protests over gay issues tend themselves to be latent homosexuals, too afraid to emerge from the closet. And on that note I say no more to you.

    @ Gods Canvas - Jesus said 'Love one another as I have loved you', not hate gays and any other person who does not live by your personal rules. He also said 'Judge not and be not judged, for as you judge others, so too shall you be judged'. I would be very much afraid if I were you, because you are heading for a long period in Hell as a hypocrite for not following the words of Jesus the Messiah, and putting yourself on a pedestal above everyone else you clearly despise. We are ALL sinners, not just gays. That is why Jesus died for us. So before you try to remove the spec from your brothers eye, take first the plank from your own, to quote a phrase.

    I have no problem with gay marriage, the only problems are the people who claim the word marriage a their own, when they have no moral right to do so.

    EDIT: Gods Canvas - Remember the Messiah in the Temple on the Mount do you? The rage that Jesus felt towards the Priests and Pharisees who proclaimed themselves to be whiter than white? The very self righteous people who Jesus called 'Whited Sepulchres' because they preached everything holy to their followers, whilst practising something entirely different. You chose to condemn those who you believe do not follow the will of God, putting yourself on a pedestal as the wonderful example for all to follow, and preaching to everyone, as if you were without sin. Let me tell you that there was only one perfect man, and even he was crucified! Do not throw your contempt at me by pretending that I judge you. I know who the judge is, and do not need any lectures from people like you. Fanatics like you who judge everyone else first, then proclaim themselves to be innocent of all sin are likened to the religious zealots and terrorists found in the Muslim world. You are dangerous and cause wars between people and raise hatred and prejudice. And you dare to call yourself a Christian? Christ is love not hate. When will people like you ever learn that?

  • 9 years ago

    Here's a better question: why do you care if they call it marriage in the first place? How much does it really effect your life?

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  • 9 years ago

    Because it's not equal otherwise. If you deny something to a minority that every other has then it makes them second class citizens. Just wondering, who 'owns' marriage anyway. Marriage is performed the world over by thousands of different religions. Why does your opinion allow someone not to have it?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Marriage does not have to be "redefined". It is and has always been a purely civil contract to regulate tribal and property rights.

    All religions have tried to hijack the term,and all have failed, because property means money and money means power, and the civil authorities know what those clerics have in mind.

  • 9 years ago

    I and my partner have been together for a quarter century. We do not even live together and we certainly are not "married." I consider marriage life's booby prize, much like the hets to whom it belongs - and they are more than welcome to it!

    Having said that I will always vote for gay marriage when it comes up. Not because I believe in marriage, but because I always vote against the christers. I think abortion is murder, but as long as the christers are against it, I must support it.

    To me, it's worth the lives of thousands of unborns just to vote against the christers.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is all about getting free money (for insurance and such) and has nothing to do with syntax or anything else. Money is the bottom line.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    We did it before to allow interacial marriage why not do it again to allow gays to get married?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It's about equal rights. Separate isn't equal.

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