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Lv 32,217 points

brad m

Favorite Answers11%
Answers535 Christian, husband, father, financier. If you are checking this out from Y!Answers, feel free to harass me about something dopey I have posed up there. Life verse: Rom5v8: Herein has God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Just to clarify my position (if you are STILL reading this) YES: I beleive there is a God who is intensely interested in us. YES: I beleive the bible cover to cover, even the tough bits YES: Creationist 6x24hour days, and beleive that flood, Tower of Babel, Red Sea parting, Virgin Birth, and of course the history-splitting-mankind-redeeming Resurrection of Jesus Christ. YES: Jesus Christ is God incarnate in the flesh YES: Jesus IS the only way to reconcile to God. YES: Jesus WILL return in judgment YES: Real heaven, real hell YES: I do question everything, especially from the pulpit (but I also know when something is answered) YES: I do listen to science & reason In London.... somewhere

  • What is football (soccer) so important to so many?

    For the life of me, I cannot understand why people invest so much emotional interest, time & money football?

    It just seems so mind-numbingly irrelevant as to who does or doesn't win.

    But more puzzling is WHY OH WHY grown men put so much of themselves into watching two-dozen (or so) overpaid narcissistic boys chase a ball around for 90 minutes?? <<< This is as close to an explanation as I can find!


    3 AnswersEnglish Football7 years ago
  • Why am I wrong: Being gay is unnatural?

    OK, need some update on my thinking here, but as far as I can see being homosexual is unnatural.

    So far the best explanations I have had have been

    1) "Well it's natural TO ME"

    2) "There are instances in the animal kingdom of homosexual practices"

    3) "Some studies show an imbalance in some X & Y chromosomes"

    Have I missed any?

    Hoping for some intelligent answers in within the usual immaturity that get thrown up here.

    Thanks & cheers,


    PS: Just anticipating the feedback / flame-war......

    * Yes, what a bigot / homophobe etc etc etc

    * Natural TO ME - wow, nice & subjective, and can be used by sociopaths, psychopaths etc

    * Animals also exhibit cannibalism, mating-balls & abandoning their young

    * I know they are still looking for the `gay-gene`

  • OMG: Why do people who have next to no reverance or regard for God say "Oh my God"?

    Come on folks, you probably drop dozens of OMG's throughout the day, but you have no real belief in God, and/or no real practice in or around the things of God, going to church, reading a bible - anything.

    * Why do you say it?

    * Who is your God?

    Let me know


    // Brad M

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Am I "homophopic" if I am creeped out by a man trying to hit on me?

    JUST SPEAKING FOR MYSELF, as a hetro man, if some guy tried to hit on me, that would completely repulse me. There's no reasoning or "being tolerant" here, it is simply personal preference and deep down I am completely disgusted by that thought.

    * Is this considered homophobic?

    * Why are diversity campaigners shouting this down as being bigotted ?

    Let me know.


  • Why redefine marriage to include gay people?

    Why does the `gay` community want to take the title of marriage for their unions?

    Why isn't the term civil partnership enough?

    If it is about `rights` why no redefine those rights under current civil partnerships?

    Seems they are wanting to hijack the term for their own ends?

    Cheers / Brad M

    PS:Also asked this in the sociology section in Y!A

    79 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why redefine marriage to include gay people?

    Why does the `gay` community want to take the title of marriage for their unions?

    Why isn't the term civil partnership enough?

    If it is about `rights` why no redefine those rights under current civil partnerships?

    Seems they are wanting to hijack the term for their own ends?

  • Atheists / Sceptics / Free thinkers etc: We only have one life - so what?!?!?!?

    A common response I see about the importance of life is that we only have one life (so make the most of it).

    But what does it matter if I make the best of this one life or toss it away?

    When I die (by your reasoning) we cease to be conscious / self-aware, so there is no loss.

    Obviously as a Christian, there must be a real hole here in my thinking, so what do you say on your `one and only life`

    Thanks/ Brad M

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists/Skeptics- Please help me with the following: The Bible is a book about....for....made by ...?

    Atheist / Skeptics,

    Need you to fill in the blanks on this one based on what YOU think the bible is all about.

    The bible is a book....


    What do think the main themes of the bible are?


    who is the intended audience?

    ...made by....

    who do you think wrote it and what was their motive?

    Some of the usual responses.

    "book of myths", "an imaginary God", "written by desert dwelling goat herders", "comforts those afraid of death", "written when they didn't understand science like we do", "to explain lightning and earthquakes".

    Let me know what you think is behind our holy book.

    Thanks / Brad M

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists -what thoughts/sayings/mottos do you have to get through tragedy?

    When something goes horribly wrong in your life... eg., your little 9 yr old girl in the ICU ward, the doctor says `the cancer's back`, the car accident, the job loss, the affair, the suicide, natural disaster.... whatever it is for you.

    What do you say to yourself to give you hope, cheer you up, and think that `it will all somehow workout`.

    Saying, philosophies, outlooks....whatever you would say to yourself in the dark dark moment of your life.

    (And by atheists, I also include sceptics, humanists, imperialists and dyed-in-the-wool agnostics)

    Thanks folks.

    Cheers / Brad M

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists/Skeptics: WHY do you think the Bible was written?

    I mean what do you think motivated the people all those years ago to write it?

    What motivated them?

    What did they think to gain personally?

    What did they think to gain politically?

    Thanks / Brad M

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists/Skeptics: How do you think the Bible came together?

    This is

    HOW do you think all those books came together?

    WHEN was it written?

    WHO wrote it?

    Thanks / Brad M

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists: What `proof` are you looking for?

    Keep hearing this from the atheist camp - Hey Christians where's your evidence for God?

    What are you expecting to see?

    - You name spelled out in lightning in the sky?

    - Words floating in mid-air "Believe Me! Read My Bible Mr John Smith of 22 Egerton Court Basingstoke"

    - The Hubble telescope to spot a giant billboard "Hey this is MY creation pal !"

    - God in a test-tube or in a CT scan?


    1/ what makes you supremely confident that what you are expecting is reasonable?

    2/ how do you know you have the ability to determine if you have or haven't seen this `evidence`?

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Muslims: Can a man KNOW God?

    Muslims, is God (aka Allah) interested in knowing man as a friend or in any measure of intimacy?

    If `friend` is too warm & fuzzy, could you consider Him knowing as a caring employer, royalty who get's to know their subjects, or a Town Mayor who get know the citizens - what ever extent you like.

    *** Please cite Quran verses ***

    Thanks /Brad M

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • MUSLIMS: What does the Quarn say if I don't become a Muslim?

    If I am not a Muslim, what judement wait for me

    ** Please given verses from Quran **

    Thanks / Brad M

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • MUSLIM: What does your Quran say about being reconciled to God?

    What does your Quran say about how a man gets recoiled to God (Allah if that works for you)?

    * How does a man get his PAST sins forgiven?

    * How does he know his sins are and will be forgiven?

    * What does a man have to DO to keep from being `unreconciled` ? (or can a man fall out of favour with God).


    Nothing funny here, and not trying to be clever - just curious.

    Thanks in advance / Brad M

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Muslims: From the Quran, what is God's opinion on man?

    From your Quran, how does God (aka Allah) view mankind?

    Does He see them as inherently good or evil?


    Nothing funny here, not trying to take pot shots at you, just curious of your text.

    Thanks in advance.

    Brad M

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists/Humanists/Secularists… When asked `why is human life important`... circular reasoning?

    It goes like this:

    Usually the context is to define morality or purpose or meaning in life....

    Q: What makes our lives so significant?

    A: Because we are human and capable of ....(insert thought/love/emotion/beauty/acts of kindness etc etc)

    So it ends up saying "Why are humans important? - Because we are human"

    Clearly there is a missing step here.....

    Thanks / Brad M

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists/Humanists/Secularists: You only have 1 life, so therefore it's important... circular reasoning?

    Some of the answers and responses I see on here in response from atheists/humanists/secularists about why `we as humans are important` or `what is our purpose in life` or` why are we here` shape up like this...

    Q: Why is this life important?

    A: Because this is the only life we have

    Still cannot see from this how this would differentiate us from the one life other creature have or the one life a specific plant may have.

    Thanks a bunch.

    Brad M

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists/Humanists/Secularists:What would you say to someone contemplating suicide who ....?

    ... believes your world view.

    That is; we just came from nowhere for no reason and are going no where for no purpose.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Evolutionists / Atheists: Why do you worry death & suffering...?

    isn't that how `the species progresses and survives?`

    Extending this,

    - why worry about cancer? Isn't `nature selecting` to take out the weak?

    - why worry about the poor & starving millions in areas of the world where you have no benefit? - clearly the fittest aren't surviving here..

    Just unwrapping your thinking, and boy is it dark!

    Maybe if I keep going I could end up in the little town "Eugenics Central"....

    Thanks / Brad M

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago