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is it illegal to have a milk crate?

I had always heard it was illegal to have a milk crate. Kinda like being scared to take off that tag on a mattress. But is i only illegal to steal one?

There was a milk crate in front of my house for a long time. I was afrad to take it believing the stuff told to me long ago. I was waiting for someone else to take it. I figured some one would (junk truck, shopping cart collection truck, a kid etc) Finally I just took it and put in my backyard for now......I won't get in trouble will i?

If it is "illegal' to possess one, what are you supposed to do with it? Take it to a dairy?

Are there any silly laws you heard as a kid and always believed or were afraid of doing?


Says Carnation on it. I dont know where they SELL carnation milk around here much less the dairy itself. Most stores around me carry Swiss, Alta-Dena, Springfield and LaLa. Only dairy I know is Rockview I see by the freeway.

Update 2:

My parents did bring me up not to take things that don't belong to me but the thing was in front of my house for at least two months. I got tired of looking at it. Sometimes kids or whatever would move it in the middle of the sidewalk and ill put it back where it was so its not in anyone's way who may be walking on the sidewalk. Theres been grocery carts left in front of my house too that the truck comes by and takes before its out there over a day. But this stupid crate been there for months and nobody was taking it. I see junk trucks passing by all the time too and they never stopped to take it either.

5 Answers

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is there a name of a dairy on it?

    If so, then (in theory) you should have contacted the dairy. However, it's doubtful that anyone will come after you.

    If there is no name on it, then no problems at all.

    The legal issue here is that dairies, not wanting people to steal these things from them, threaten to prosecute you for theft if you possess one of their crates. This "threat" usually comes in the forms of an inscription on the crate, such as "Property of MooMoo Dairy. Authorized use illegal."

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Its noted as robbery! The milk crates belong to the dairy corporation and are reused again and again for them to provide and for stocking by potential of their clientele. in case you pick a milk crate style field for inspite of reason, i'm certain that they are in many circumstances offered both from a dairy corporation or you ought to locate similar instruments at a retail outlet. with any success you fee you integrity at a better fee than some milk crates.

  • 9 years ago

    I have several milk crates, and they're legal. Because I bought them.

    Just because something is lying out doesn't mean that it's free for the taking. It almost certainly belongs to someone who would like to have it back. For instance, in one neighborhood, people use milk crates and grocery carts to get their groceries home, because they don't have many cars. The stores and companies want their property back, so they send out trucks every now and then.

    Don't pick up stuff that doesn't belong to you. Your parents should have taught you this before you started first grade.

  • 7 years ago

    The dairy industry has recently proven that it only follows laws it agrees with, and in some states has gone so far has to make it a crime to gather proof of their criminal conduct.

    I suggest you document where the dairy has illegally stored their crates all these years and send them a bill for storage.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Invest in Forex Tips
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