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Deleting your question once you get an answer...?

It seems that more askers are deleting their question immediately after getting an answer. This is disturbing to me because it means that no body else can benefit. Also, I don't get any credit for answering. I suppose it's a little silly of me but I also feel like I've been taken advantage of. I just answered a question regarding using recursion to get the sum of the squares of an int. I was quite proud of the help that I offered and *** poof *** it's gone immediately. I do boycott posters once I realize that they do this but it does take this first insult for me to know who will do that. Please don't do that.


Thanks to the first 3 answerers I appreciate you taking time to offer your ideas. I'll let this run at least a day and then choose a best answer. So far I think third answer is the reason for most deletions. Since I've reached level 7 I only choose to answer questions that interest me and I think that I can offer some real insight: no more of the 'prime number' or 'add the odd elements' programs for me!

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel your pain. I answered the same question, with the same result.

    You and I answer a number of the same questions. And I think we both take the time to give a good answer rather than the 15 second off the top of our head wrong answer that is so common here. I probably did the same thing you did... a copy and paste of the code into Eclipise, ran it, saw the issue and wrote up a response. And that takes a few minutes. It is indeed frustrating to spend those few minutes to help someone else, only to learn that they don't care anymore. And maybe your answer was better than mine? That happens all the time. That's how I learn things here (which is the only real reason I stay).

    Reading the answers posted before mine:

    @56pengui: Yeah, you get some stupid answers here sometimes. But just because 1 person posts a stupid answer, don't delete the question. Someone else might be spending the time to write up a decent answer. Or maybe the person that can answer the question won't even see it until they get home from work, and read through 4 pages of questions. There is no real benefit to deleting the question. Just ask it again.

    @Level 7: Yeah. I know that happens. Get someone on the internet to do your homework, then cover your tracks so teach can't Google it. If your teacher is smart you won't get away with that. But you can probably get away with it most of the time.

    @Additional Details: "only choose to answer questions that interest me" Yeah. That's where I ended up to. I used to swing at the softballs. Now I leave them for others. If they don't get answered, or the get answered badly, I might. But not always.

    Good question ;-)

  • 9 years ago

    I agree that deleting questions is bad. I have found that yahoo has deleted some of my questions before because they have received spam. I have personally deleted one question, mostly because I asked the same thing twice by accident, and was breaking one of the guidelines and I apologize. You have been a great help to me in my programming journey, and hope you continue to give help to those who are willing to accept it. Maybe yahoo should change deleting questions to just hiding them from view. I know some people ask private questions and then just want that one gone like it never happened. I know there is a hide option, but is there for specific questions. Please don't take it as an insult when people delete their questions, there is a reason for it and however dumb it is, they needed help and you provided it. Thanks for all your help :D

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Kibble is dry puppy meals, I however a little bit hot water in and allow sit down for approximately five+ min & combine in a few canned meals additionally so it may not be so uninteresting for them, I've obvious stupider questions than your, due to the fact that a few ask dull ones and consider they understand what their speakme approximately, relying at the method a query is requested there is not any such factor as a dull query, how else do you study.

  • 9 years ago

    I delete my question when people give stupid answers that are suppose to be funny (or only they think is funny) and no one gives a correct answer because I don't want them to get credit for not answering my question.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    Yep, but I thought students did this because the answer was so good, they copied it into their assignment, but hid it so fellow students--and teachers--wouldn't find it in Google. They got what they wanted then covered their tracks.


    Please give BEST ANSWER to someone else. I gots plenty.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    there should make it so when they delete it it gets put up for voting instead and when people are finished voting it gets "hidden" rather than deleted

    Source(s): its really annoying especially when you took a long time to write it haha
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