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I have degrees in engineering and am currently working on a graduate degree in math. I'm here to help people see how to approach a problem, not so much to show what I can do. I have substantial expertise in statistics, programming: Fortran in the olde days, C++ and Java today. My mechanical engineering expertise is in the areas of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. thermodynamics part of mechanical engineering. I've worked in research environments, including aerospace, especially spacecraft thermal control. I will frequently pass up answering questions for people whose Q&As are private. I cannot access this account during work hours. I live in the Pacific Time zone. I'm available after about 6 PM.
Running Cyberlink PowerDVD on HP with Windows 8.1. Can I upgrade to Windows and still use the player?
Not really any details to add.
2 AnswersSoftware5 years agoBike: indexed shifters: 8 vs 7?
My bike (Raleigh) has 7 cogs on the rear and shifters with 7 positions. Now, the shifters are worn (rachet mechanism worn) and I have some shifters with 8 positions. Is the spacing between the cogs the same so that I can use the 8 shifters and just adjust the limits so that only 7 positions are used?
Thanks in advance for you help...
5 AnswersCycling7 years agoTablet: Ematic 10" Genesis Prime XL Tablet, Android 4.1, 1GB, 4GB Storage, Wifi?
Fry's Electronics has this tablet for $99. That's very cheap. The one user review on Cnet said that it was junk.
Anyone have any helpful experience or comments about his tablet?
By the way, I have mobile broadband service that I can use with any computer that has a USB 2.0 port. I currently use it on a machine running Windows 7. I want to be able to access my own service and not have to depend upon finding free wifi.
Thanks for any help...
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds7 years agoWebsite development & hosting tools: online or canned program...?
I want to put together a very simple website for a lawyer friend who has no web presence. The goal is to have something that shows up in a web search for his name. I'm done a little for a college class.
Should I get a program like Dreamweaver or should I use an online site like Wix, Yola, or Weebly. I did a little research and it appears that Wix uses Flash. Am I correct that iPhones do not handle Flash?
Any hep would be greatly appreciated.
6 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years agoSwapping cell phone identity..?
I have 2 Audiovox 8610 cell phones. (When you quit laughing at this museum piece...). One is registered with Virgin Mobile and I've been using it for years. I add $20 every couple of months. The other was given to me. I've dropped my phone enough that it's starting to malfunction. My question is: "Is there a way that I can transfer the identity of my hardware to the other hardware??" Is there some sort of little circuit card that is unique that can be swapped?
Thanks for any help that you can offer..
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agoLaptop fan running a lot..?
The fan on my Dell laptop seems to run excessively. I know how to clean inside the case of a desktop but how do I clean so that the laptop fan doesn't run as much?
Laptops & Notebooks8 years agoPersistent laziness...?
I had the nerve to comment on murray's repeated posting of the same question and he blocked me. He wants someone to solve his 'tower of hanoi' problem. I've seen numerous people give him help short of writing code for him but he wants code. So, do his work for him and get 10 points. Criticize his repeated posting of the question and get blocked....oh, or ignore him.
3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years agoRecommend a (free) Fortran 95 compiler?
I want a free Fortan 95 compiler to use with Windows 7. I want something simple. For example, I used to do C++ with Dev C++ but switched to Code::Blocks which is just ever so slightly better. But, I want something very easy and simple...
Thanks in advance for any help..
3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoStoring passwords in text file...?
I store my usernames and passwords in a plain text file that's stored in my documents folder on a Windows machine. Is this bad? Can that file be accessed through the internet? In the past my address list for a particular email account has been used...
Thanks for any comments and advice.
4 AnswersSecurity9 years agoDeleting your question once you get an answer...?
It seems that more askers are deleting their question immediately after getting an answer. This is disturbing to me because it means that no body else can benefit. Also, I don't get any credit for answering. I suppose it's a little silly of me but I also feel like I've been taken advantage of. I just answered a question regarding using recursion to get the sum of the squares of an int. I was quite proud of the help that I offered and *** poof *** it's gone immediately. I do boycott posters once I realize that they do this but it does take this first insult for me to know who will do that. Please don't do that.
6 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoDiagonals of parallelogram?
I've been trying to solve this problem that's in the College Board's SAT review guide.
Imagine a parallelogram. What's the ratio of the diagonals? The answers are:
a) sqrt(2)/1
b) sqrt(3)/1
c) sqrt(2)/2
d) sqrt(3)/2
e) sqrt(3)/sqrt(2)
I fiddled with using the law of cosines. The angles opposing those 2 diagonals are related. I didn't get very far. Thanks for any guidence.
2 AnswersMathematics10 years agoString.format(...) help...?
I've been using the format(..) method from the Formatter class as a Static method as shown. I can't figure out why I can do that. In other words, I don't see the connection between the String class and the Formatter class that allows me to do that.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years agoiYogi is "Featured Knowledge Partner"...?
but hasn't answered any questions! Hasn't asked any question either! What does this mean? Does YA charge them to be on the page?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years agoWhat happened to Mr Tacki?
Mr Tacki was the top answerer in this catagory for a long time and I don't see him listed in the top 10. Anyone know what happened?
5 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago2-d char C strings...?
I've been using C++ <string> so long that I forgot how to handle C string. I want to store the names of 5 students in a 2-d array. I think that I need something like char name[5][60]; if the names have less than 60 chars but it's not working. Please show me how to declare the array and initialize the first name, ie, what's in the student[0] ...position. Thanks.
4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoC++, format spec for getting double with scanf(..)?
This code doesn't get num correctly:
double num;
printf("\nEnter the number: ");
but changing to
float num;
and it works fine!
What is the format spec for a double? doesn't have an answer.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoI haven't done C in so long...this VERY simple program doesn't work!?
include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
printf("\nProgram to catagorize earthquakes.\n");
char str[] = "Try a C-string!";
I'm using Code::Blocks, which I'm new at, I usually use Dev C++.
What's wrong with this very simple program? Thanks.
4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoRefurbished eMachines Eee PC900B for $200., good deal?
Microcenter has some. It has Windows XP. Do you think that it's an OK deal? What's your opinion of refurbishment?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoRunning java from command line; does package statement matter?
I usually run my Java programs using the jar file with:
C:\>java -jar progname.jav
I want to run it by just using while I'm in the right directory with:
C:/>java programname
where programname.class is in this same directory
It's a multi class program with a package statement. My text doesn't help much.
Can anyone help me?
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoFree C/C++ IDE for Vista?
I've been using Bloodshed Dev C++ when I had an Windows XP but now I use Vista. Can you recommend a simple, free, C/C++ IDE similar to the Dev C++ ? Thanks.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago