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Sorry a really long question. If you are very religous... Please no hate comments.?

I am 14 years old. I live with my grandparents and got adopted by them at birth. I have a very close relationship with my mom. We always see eachother and do everything together. I am very close to my gtandparents. (moms side). In 2007 my grandma died. Died of a heart issue. She was a very strong catholic. So am i. My whole family is strongly belief and experienced. She was 60. I was devistated and didnt think i could go on with my life. I was like 9? At the time. My grandpa was very terrified( married for 40 something years). My grandmas children( my mom, 2 uncles and aunt were devistated as well.) soooo much. But one of my uncles, bobby missed her sooooo much and even after 5 years he would come over and pray to her and grow roses just for her. And still cry about her everyday. He was so dedicated. He was my fav uncle. Near the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012 , he told his sister( my mom) that he has a strong feeling that something horrible is going to happen. And told her that when it comes, she is gonna know he was right. 3 months later, on febuary 18th he accidently shot himslef. It was not suicidal. We have all of it put together. I found out the next morning and was very angry at god and at the world. My family is going through so many things. I didnt want to accept it. And today when i am writing this, it happened about 3 weeks ago. He did not go through any pain or suffering when it occored. He died instantly. My family is. Strong belief in god and believe that my grandma was communicating woth is in our dreams. It was umbelievable.:) bobby would always talk about how he cant wait to see my grandma again. ( his mom). My family has done alot of talking and believe that god knew it was his time. he was only 37 years old. Because he was the most hurt and in pain about his mom. People whp are reading this, pleSe no hate comments. ( my mom lived with bobby) the night he passed away, my mom heard" psst. Im alright" a split second after she heard the noisegun

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is what Im talking about, why dont't people believe in after life, especially with God &

    our loved ones. Hey little man, I know exactly what your talking about, exactly. Dont' stop

    believing, you have seen it, you have heard it, you are following the love.

    Your family is very powerful in the belief of our Father in heaven, keep it going & don't let

    anyone steer you from that passion.

    My family is a very devoted Catholic family too, we have just experienced our grandparents

    passing away (its a much better phrase than "they died"). The lived to be 92 & 96, they

    had a wonderfull life. My grandmother had 4kids & 1 died in her womb, 2 died of

    influenze, and my dad was now the only survivor. My grandparents loved God & worshipped

    God. Life was good to them, but before they died, they were kinda scared cause death

    is real, it is the end on earth. Anyway my Dad & mom were blessed they had 9 kids, so

    my grandparents had 9 grandchildren, god blessed my Grandma.

    Being scared of dying, im not sure what happened, but my little brother Arthur Terrones

    was the baby of the clan but the strongest, he was pure he was good he was a man.

    Its a very long story so to put it in a short story, God **** my little brother to pave the

    way for my grandparents & my family. We are all going to heaven with the father. Don't

    look at death in a bad way, yes we miss our loved ones dearly but god has plans for all

    of us. I say this to everyone, take your roses with your thorns & learn from them.

    When my little brother passed away, after 5 days in a coma in the ICU at Cook County

    hospital in Chicago il. He was hit and t-boned by a truck, I almost died trying to convince

    myself this is how it should be. I hated God, I swore at God, I wanted nothing to do with

    God. Then a time came after his death that i was n my office & was saying wicked

    things to God. George came in and said whats wrong ? I said I cant stand God, he cant

    even let me dream of my brother to let me know hes ok. George said, he will be patient.

    I went home went to sleep & woke up, nothing. My girlfriend Janine said hey dont worry

    hell come into your dreams. i went back to sleep & than it happened.

    I saw my brother coming from my living room towards the kitchen in his blue jeans &

    white t-shirt. I was standing in the kitchen & he swung open the french door. He said

    what wong ? why are you calling me? whats wrong ? They say you want me, you want

    to see me. I looked at him and said are you ok ? are you alright ? He said, im fine, im fine.

    I said where are you, will I see you soon. He looked at me and smiled & opened the door

    & there lo-behold i saw a forum, with walls that were window like. You could see outside

    & there were mountains, a forest & a river running down from the mountain, falling through

    the green forest. Birds of every color were everywhere, there was so much light & there was

    no sun. In the forum I saw a a man, standing on a stage & millions of millions of people

    dancing & parting with balloons of all colors & confetti everywhere. The man on the stage

    looked like jesus. I turned to my brother & i said can I come ? He looked at me said that

    is up too you. I than parted & was grounded in a junk yard, his car was atop the highest pile

    I shivered and said its cold here, than i woke up. I stood in my room & heard the bottles

    in the fridge moving, tinkling around. I saw my other brother still on the living room floor sleeping

    with his wife & kid. My son & my girlfriend were still sleeping. I heard the tinkling again &

    went to investigate, nothing was there. This was after my brother passed away.

    I had a very kool feeling & I knew it was my brother.

    The one think he did repititiously through out his stay at my house was to go straight to

    the fridge & grab a beer & food. It was him, telling me he was ok.....I gotta go now.

    God was tired of me complaining & talking crapp. He sent my brother to calm me down.

  • 9 years ago

    Hey CD,

    I am so sorry for all the things that you are going through, it must be really tough for you and your family. Im sorry i don't know what your question is BUT know that, no matter what, God is with you and your family.

    I know right now it might not seem like it and you might even feel like God is aganist you BUT the truth is, He is FOR you and one day when you look back you will realise that He was much closer than you realise.

    I pray that you and your family will find peace and comfort and may Jesus be made more real to you and your family even through this tough time and something beautiful and glorious will come out of it in Jesus name, amen!

    God bless, keep and console you!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you don't see this the same way I do, it looks like a good example of why believing in super beings, spirits etc. is a bad thing, it drove your uncle nuts. You should be able to see this clearly even at your age.

    still, I do know what this feels like, I've lost close family members every year for the last 5 years or so. And a buddy of mine shot himself 6 years ago, I still think about it.

    so my comments are not meant to be "hate" or anything like that.

  • Kevin
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    How do you accidentally shoot yourself with a gun "fatally for that matter", sounds like he was suffering from depression. Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill and treat every gun as if it is loaded.

    After all of this i don't see a question.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Bobby shot himself.

  • 9 years ago

    I was going to answer, but I think Roxanne says it very well. Blessings to you, and God be with you.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Sorry for a really short answer


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    go to school and find out what all the other kids are killing

  • Nero
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I'm sorry, whats the question?

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