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how much cooler does a vent fan make your computer?

My computer has a few fans in it already. I just installed vent fan (took it out of my old computer)

the vent fan is not an intake fan, understand? It's one of those that ties into a pci slot hole (but not into a pci slot on the mobo) and connects to the power supply.

Does it make much of a difference in cooling, or does it not really matter that I installed it?

Question: does it make a difference in temperature / help with dust, or not really?


1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Even if the fan is not an intake or exhaust fan it does help with the cooling. An internal fan does not really change the amount of dust collected. The fan will help cool all of your internal parts, but it will not make the temperature any lower than the ambient temperature.

    In short: It helps, but not a ton.

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