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  • chase vs bank of america?

    I'm opening a bank account with one of these places. Which one should I choose?

    Who will take my check from work, sign me up, and print me out a DEBIT CARD with my name on it all in one visit?

    I heard CHASE does that. I don't want any monthly fees for using them as my bank.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • I just made an instagram (follow for follow)?

    hey i just made an instagram! u should follow me to get me started.

    i will follow u immediately back

    acct: sp00f50

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • will my baby be a ginger?

    Wife has blonde hair, but her mom is a ginger.

    I have light brown hair and no trace of ginger runs in my family.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • finding wordpress files in my ftp client?

    wtf, where is the coding for the "pages" section. ya know.. those pages.. where can i find the CODING to those.

    for example:

    where would the CODING BE for the links at the top?!

    i need to edit the link (such as making it open in a new window and with a designated size)


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Web design - phpbb3 logins work for entire site?

    I'm building a website around a phpbb3 forum. I want peoples logins for phpbb3 to work within my entire site.. so once you login to the homepage of the site, it also logs you into the forums, etc.

    Please, help me not only understand this- but how to make it work!

    Thank you!

    ps: boscher50 at (gmail) (com)

    i await a response on yahoo answers though, thanks

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Football and Statistics?

    Assuming I'm doing a statistical study on Michael Vick's football passing to completion rate in 2011, what kind of statistical study am I doing? Observational? I have the data, it's not bias..

    Please, help me. I'm not the best at statistics

  • What kind of statistical study do I use for sports?

    Assuming I'm doing a statistical study on Michael Vick's football passing to completion rate in 2011, what kind of statistical study am I doing? Observational? I have the data, it's not bias..

    Please, help me. I'm not the best at statistics

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • i need 60 dollars in 6 days?

    i have no money and cant borrow any

    i need 60 dollars by the 25th. what do i do?

    7 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • i need a new game for pc?

    not fallout3

    not diablo3

    not crysis

    not starcraft

    not gta4

    not max payne 3

    not tf2

    not css

    not tribes ascend

    not path of exile

    not left for dead

    not rollercoaster tycoon

    i need a game to keep me occupied until gw2 comes out on the 25th.. thx a lot

    2 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • Do you like my new website? I made it...?

    do you think the background looks good with the header?


    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimization9 years ago
  • When does the guild wars 2 beta start on Friday?

    Will it be Thursday night at Midnight?

    2 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • if i have 0.00 in my paypal can i still use my paypal mastercard?

    I have 0.00 in my paypal, if I use the card they sent me, at a grocery store / [a place that accepts mastercard], would it deny the card or would it use an alternate funding source?

    The alternate funding source is a different debit card.

    Details: my bank account, attached to my paypal is no longer active

    When I purchase something online, it works [it just takes from alternate payment method, which is a dif debit card attached to account]-

    I'm wondering if the card will decline in person, at a store? or will it go through and just take the funds from an other means attached to my paypal account, automatically?

    1 AnswerCredit9 years ago
  • if i have 0.00 in my paypal can i still use my paypal mastercard?

    I have 0.00 in my paypal, if I use the card they sent me, at a grocery store / [a place that accepts mastercard], would it deny the card or would it use an alternate funding source?

    The alternate funding source is a different debit card.

    Note that my bank account, attached to my paypal is no longer active

    1 AnswerCredit9 years ago
  • When is luka Magnotta's trial?

    When is the killer from 1 Lunatic 1 Icepicks trial?

    Will he receive the death penalty?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • What direction did the Via Appia run from Rome?

    What direction did the Via Appia run from Rome?


    3 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • I'm too excited for diablo 3?

    D3 launches is 50 days, 9 hours. I am too excited and very worried about waiting.

    I don't know if I can wait that long. The past 10 days have gone by extremely slow, I just don't know what I'm going to do in the mean time. Is there a way to make time fly?

    4 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • How long does it take Paypal to buy something digitally?

    I paid for something online, through paypal. However, instead of it happening quickly, it just says that it's pending on the site I bought the thing from.

    How long does it take for the pending process to complete?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • how much cooler does a vent fan make your computer?

    My computer has a few fans in it already. I just installed vent fan (took it out of my old computer)

    the vent fan is not an intake fan, understand? It's one of those that ties into a pci slot hole (but not into a pci slot on the mobo) and connects to the power supply.

    Does it make much of a difference in cooling, or does it not really matter that I installed it?

    Question: does it make a difference in temperature / help with dust, or not really?


    1 AnswerAdd-ons9 years ago
  • Are you tired of waiting for Diablo 3?

    Are you tired of waiting for Diablo III?

    3 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • Is Diablo 3 [PC] ever coming out?

    Is Blizzard's Diablo 3 ever coming out? When should we expect a release date announcement?

    5 AnswersPC9 years ago