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if i have 0.00 in my paypal can i still use my paypal mastercard?

I have 0.00 in my paypal, if I use the card they sent me, at a grocery store / [a place that accepts mastercard], would it deny the card or would it use an alternate funding source?

The alternate funding source is a different debit card.

Details: my bank account, attached to my paypal is no longer active

When I purchase something online, it works [it just takes from alternate payment method, which is a dif debit card attached to account]-

I'm wondering if the card will decline in person, at a store? or will it go through and just take the funds from an other means attached to my paypal account, automatically?

1 Answer

  • Scott
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It uses the account balance, if you try to use it, it would decline the transaction.

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