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1st they burned the Korans, next someone goes mental and kills civillian women and children, Is there somethin?

is there something fake about this?

If the president was a republican who would be fighting for his job with a democrat this year, I would suspect that the Army would like to see their commander in chief replaced with a new guy, and that the liberal journalists wanted the republican to loose. Thus they did a co-operative effort and staged these events to make it look like the president let things get out of control, hoping this will hasten his defeat.

But since the present president and the news industry is on the same side. I can't figure out the strategy

15 Answers

  • LAN
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh look the junior conspiracy nut club just signed on.

  • 9 years ago

    The president and the news industry is on the same side? AND WHICH SIDE IS THAT?

    The side of TRUTH?

    If the news was all liberal controlled, like repubs say it is......then you would never heard a negative word about Obama, bad job numbers, the economy or any negative problems with the military.

    Or is the press only "liberal" when it reports on Republicans affairs?

    So who was that was blasting MONICA headlines for 8 years? Wasn't the press LIBERAL then too?

    Yeah, they sure tried to their best to smear Clinton every chance they got.

    Did the Liberal press , press the Birther issue? No, that was all right wing media. The Liberals were the ones pointing out the TRUTH there.

    Some Korans got hoo. A solider snaps and kills some people. How are either of those things Obama's fault?

    What's "fake" about either incident ?So this guy just threw his life away as a plot to get rid of Obama, so he could get Santorum instead, who wants to turn around and send him to war in Iran?

    What kind of logic is this????

    I am so glad I am not a republican.....because having to think like you do, would give me a freaking migraine, to come up with this garbage.

  • 9 years ago

    Cant be scared of war the people it happens all the time get used to it. And he lost it alot of those people beg to much he got tired of how the people over the were. And stop thinking people shouldnt die because at the end of the day its war its fought for some cause no matter what. Weither it be in the name of a religion, product, etc. They will always be fought this is no big deal but the media eats this stuff up like candy. and we are looking to dominate the east for oil control the oil control the world simple as that. When you control the east our sanctions will become that much more powerful. Control the east we regulate the oil prices. Which keeps other militarys down no fuel no tanks no aircraft, etc, This could stop alot of violence with a firm grip on the middle east resourcesheres a saying the tree of liberty much every now and then be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. So look at it in a good light.

  • 9 years ago

    as a muslim, its upsetting because we dont burn bibles, we respect them because it is also a holy book, killing is common what americans do these days. they even use fingers of children as trophys. unfortunately the american army is not correct, america has been at war for over a century with one country or another. america even disliking muslims because of the 9/11 even though their is so much conspiracy that makes more sense than the actual story. personally i dont feel it happened it was just an excuse for america to invade muslim countries because of it being a faith that is true. america has lost sympathy or everyone, they really dont care about anyone. i think a lot of it is down to control; it is a controlled population; religion is not considered as important as music. illuminati is common in america, thats a completely different story but its how even the christians dont abide by the rules in the bible e.g. forgiveness.

    have you heard of abu ghraib prison? if not research it; its horrific. its one thing that angers muslim along with guantanamo bay etc. torture is acceptable according to america.

    overall america have other plans such as controlling the world; such acts will have to be acceptable for america or such plans to take place. research about illuminati aswell; its a serious topic. i can go on forever so if u do need any info please do let me know :).

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  • 9 years ago

    The Korans were burned because they were being used by prisoners to convoy messages, something the media "forgot" to add. And then afghans had been killing soldiers before that but it started happening even more so the guy snapped.

  • 9 years ago

    Incompetence rolls down hill, never up hill. It's time to stop looking for conspiracies and look at the facts. B.O. believes the whole world thinks just like he does and refuses to consider any other possibility. And he acts on that belief and tries to structure the world according to that belief.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Neither of the incidents that you mentioned has anything to do with the president. True Obama is messing up the military but not in those cases.

  • 9 years ago

    Like he said, the Illuminati are involved, so we will never know the whole story.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    THIS isn't a strategy, its just stupid American soldiers doing stupid things, its got nothing to do with the President himself and more to do with the brainwashed mentality of the American army.

  • Not at all!

    Summary of substantiated cases

    Seven previously unacknowledged massacres from 1967 through 1971 in which at least 137 civilians died.

    Seventy-eight other attacks on noncombatants in which at least 57 were killed, 56 wounded and 15 sexually assaulted.

    One hundred forty-one instances in which U.S. soldiers tortured civilian detainees or prisoners of war with fists, sticks, bats, water or electric shock (sometimes using Field telephones).

    Two hundred and three soldiers accused of harming Vietnamese civilians or prisoners were found to warrant formal charges after investigation, and were subsequently referred to the soldiers' superiors for official action. Of the 203 cases, 57 of them stood a court martial. Only 23 were convicted, of whom 14 received prison sentences ranging from six months to 20 years; most received significant reductions on appeal. Many substantiated cases were closed with a letter of reprimand, a fine or, in more than half the cases, no action at all.

    The stiffest sentence went to a military intelligence interrogator convicted of committing indecent acts on a 13-year-old girl in an interrogation hut in 1967. The records show that he served seven months of a 20-year term.

    While John Kerry is wanted by MANY Vietnamese for being a LIAR of immense proportion there were incidents.

    While WWII is portrayed with US Troops as always being the good guy it is not true in all cases. Marines began performing the same "surgery" to Japanese that the Japanese performed on Marines wearing wedding rings. Men involved in the liberation of Concentration Camps capped SS. I think it was the 49th ID that got it's nuts in a vise in Dachau. The Infantry Regiment Dad was in allowed 2 Russian Officers to tag along after liberating them from Buchenwald...they interrogated all SS as they made their way from Weimar to Ebensee. I assure you there were ZERO survivors of those meetings!

    Your fear of President Obama replacing President Carter as the worst of modern times is late. He did that long ago. These current events have nothing to do with politics

    I stood on the actual Iron Curtain looking into the DDR to see first hand what Socialism is. It was heavily armed to keep its citizens "in"...not us out! I know 17 that escaped Viet they know first hand what socialism is today for the family still there....and it is not pretty! I met a guy in Bad Toelz that had walked out of the USSR from the area around Georgia thru Romania and eventually Austria...600 miles, at night, with his older brother leading the way....he was 16. One of the Vietnamese walked from the Delta thru Cambodia and into Thailand. A 12 YO girl alone! She is now one tough 41 YO women and still looking good enough that 25 YO chase after her. Hungary Joe got of 56 after being put on the hit list.

    Your fear and need for conspiracy is noted!

    PS: Burning the Quran is accepted practice in some situations.

    Saudi religious authorities place burning on par with burial, as long as it’s done ritually on mosque property. They point out that Uthman ibn Affan, a friend to the prophet and early caliph, sanctioned the burning of nonconforming Qurans after compiling the official version. Other scholars view burning as a last resort, for example, in an emergency situation to prevent the book from being defiled. After burning, the ashes should be buried or scattered over water.

    It is sad that you were not present to stop this foolishness from happening. Perhaps you could raise your right hand, swear an Oath and .........what can you do? Anything but complain?

    Edit: The girl just above amused me. She states that Muslims do not burn The Bible. Probably true. They are stoning EMO kids in Iraq now....right now. They are killing Christians in right now. In Iran Christians and Jews are put in prison by the 1000's. The Shia send suicide bombers into Sunni neighborhoods to blow up women and children and vice versa. Wonderful! It is like all the myth of Viet Nam and what went on all over. State something to prove your point and leave out everything else. A Vietnamese photojournalist takes a photo of a Vietnamese Army and Air Force operation. The picture is of a 12 yo girl running naked....Kim Phuc...she later defected to Canada. Many American Officers have claimed to have been involved...BS. She made a speech at The Wall to accept our apology....of what???? She was the victim of the NLF and 1 misplaced incendiary dropped by a Vietnamese Air Force pilot.......myth is easy to create myth. It is easy to claim conspiracy. It is hard to spend the time doing research....and few do it!

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