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  • Foreign advice for USA healthcare sought.?

    The Republican failure to pass an Obamacare replacement, tells me that the USA is doomed to have a single payer health care system, eventually. I'm not happy about it, but I think it has become inevitable.

    I'd like to hear from citizens from nations with a single payer (nationalized) healthcare system on the things and

    5 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Will Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING?

    And do they think a simple apology will make it all better.

    8 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • What's up with the DNC Tech guy story?

    There's an old saying, "That guy couldn't get his name in the newspaper if he got arrested!" Well judging from the paucity of coverage on this story, the guy got arrested and he still can't get in the papers! Why isn't this a bigger story?

    This ONE guy and his family had ALL the Passwords to the Democrat members of various congressional security committees, he gets arrested trying to flee the country with $300 000 in cash, and isn't even FIRED until after his arrest, even though some accounts say the DNC knew about his being a suspect in security breaches since at least Feb 2nd 2017.

    Something STINKS about this story, and why isn't being reported more by the mainstream media?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • A Statistical/Design anomaly? Microwave ovens with a turntable,?

    I've noticed a phenomena with microwave ovens and hope someone can explain it. Have you ever noticed that when you place an object in a microwave oven with a turntable, that no matter where you place the object on the turntable, when the cooking cycle is over, the object is in the BACK of the oven. maybe one in 20 or 30 times will the object be in some other position. Every microwave oven with a turntable I've encountered behaves this way.

    Is it some sort of issue with physics? Is this an artifact of the turntable design?

    3 AnswersPhysics4 years ago
  • What's the difference between "Gray" and "Grey"?

    This may sound a bit obsessive compulsive, but I have no idea what the traditional rules are for English when Gray and Grey are used. I never feel comfortable with either, both always feel wrong. SOMEBODY must know!

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay4 years ago
  • What's more dangerous to our Democracy?

    A serious question, I think. What's more dangerous, the DNC hack, or the criminal behavior the hack uncovered?

    Can you say WHY you think the way you do?

    6 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • A Serious question?

    Did the Obama Administration even TRY to save the Carrier jobs in Indiana?

    I'm not making a claim either way, I genuinely don't know.

    12 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Reince Priebus selected as WH Chief of Staff?

    I think he'll do a very good job.

    As RNC chair, he had a most difficult job these last 6-8 months balancing the needs of a non traditional candidate with those of a VERY traditional old guard who controlled the money. He impressed the heck out of me.

    Any thoughts?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • My analysis of the election?

    A lot of mixed emotions today. I don't think Trump ever demonstrated that he understood the office of the president. At this point though, I want him to be very successful, just like I wanted Obama to be successful when he won the first time. A successful president means a Successful USA.

    But I'm VERY happy Hillary Clinton will be denied the Presidency. Her arrogant sense of entitlement always rubbed me the wrong way. And it was that sense of entitlement that prevented her from ever formulating an effective message to the American people.

    Her de facto message was "More of the same!" when the Sanders supporters were a VERY strong indication that very FEW people, even in the Democratic party, wanted more of the same.

    Her hubris created a situation where the only option for the American people who wanted change, was Donald Trump. They felt they had better take this chance because if this uprising failed, the political class would tighten down the controls and further efforts at change would be impossible.

    Obama's increasing politicization of the DOJ, and the IRS would only accelerate under a Hillary Clinton administration. And frankly, that scared the **** out of me.

    In the end, I held my nose and voted for Trump. I was not happy with my choices, but the bruised apples I was given only allowed for applesauce.

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is Hillary Clinton her own worst enemy?

    I'll admit I'm not a Clinton fan, though I'm not totally comfortable with Trump either, so I think I'm a 'reasonably' neutral observer here.

    But all the negatives Clinton faces in this election cycle are negatives of her own invention. And they are negatives that she could have easily avoided if she had just thought about what it was she was doing and the logical consequences of what would happen if they got out. (And negative stuff always gets out, always).

    Why can't she see this and change her behavior? This is the biggest puzzle of all.

    10 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • What's the General Consensus on Evan McMullin as President?

    I hear about him on NPR, and he actually seems sane, and not corrupt. He made sense to me. Could he possibly be the person that the non Kool-aid drinkers in either party vote for?

    2 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is there a Civil War looming in the Democratic Party?

    A serious question I hope get treated seriously.

    Yesterday 10/11/2016, we found out about Donna Brazile leaking Sanders information to the Clinton camp while she was Vice chair of the DNC and still a news analyst at CNN.

    I wonder how the people supporting Sanders feel about this and if this will affect not only how they vote, but more importantly how they approach the DNC and the Democratic party in general.

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • How can any sane person vote for EITHER Clinton or Trump?

    Neither strike me as particularly competent or suited for the office of President. Was the biggest question last week REALLY which of them was the biggest bigot?

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do in November, but I AM looking for alternatives to these dopes.

    7 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • What's goin going with the Clinton foundation?

    One quote of the politifact link stands out to me, "This set-up means the Clinton foundation’s finances get complicated in ways other foundations do not.

    Partly because of that, one of the leading independent groups that track charities -- Charity Navigator -- has been flummoxed about how to analyze that foundation and has stopped rating it, at least for now."

    Charges of play for pay, and non standard accounting practices, turns this controversy into into more than the usual gotcha politics. This needs serious investigation.

    1 AnswerPolitics5 years ago
  • As a conservative, I'd like to hear some Clinton specifics.?

    Anti Clinton People and Pro Trump people, please sit this one out.

    I'd like to hear what Clinton supporters think Clinton's plans for the country are. I'd like to hear, with some specificity, on what she plans to do to achieve her goals. I'm not trolling for insults, but I am having trouble coming to terms with Trump as the Republican Candidate. Provide me with some well reasoned and reasonably specific arguments what she intends to do as President and why a basically conservative person should vote FOR her. This is your chance to win at least one convert, please don't blow it with insults and name calling.

    10 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Do liberals believe in National Borders?

    As I understand the liberal position on Middle Eastern refugees; the liberals believe we should let into the USA, ANY middle eastern muslim who claims refugee status even tough we have absolutely NO way to vette them since there is nothing we can vette them with?

    I see emotion laden words tossed about like "Racism", "Hate", and "Fear", but I NEVER see any liberal address the issue of how we tell the good guys from the bad!

    Don't the liberals think the USA has the right to protect its borders? Do you think the USA should just disappear? What do YOU think is a viable way to deal with this very real problem? I'm not going to set restrictions on how people should respond, that's for 13 year olds, but I'd like to hear some thoughtful responses from the liberals.

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago