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the brady bunch is back,, after the nra,, for florida shooting.?

the stand your ground law ,, some kid got shot a few days ago , fbi reports gun sales at all time high,crime all time low. can one shoot in public,a unarmed person??

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Zimmerman's problem is going to be that he in fact did NOT "stand his ground". He was told by the 911 operator to stay IN his car (he did not) and then NOT to follow the kid (which he did). As far as we know there is no evidence to show the kid threatened Zimmerman nor did he display any type of weapon.

    I don't understand why Zimmerman has not been arrested.

    Well, the poop is about to really hit the fan. The Justice Department has sent in a team. I think a bunch of people are about to get a Federal enema.

    Source(s): Capt USMCR (Ret), Firearms Trainer, concealed carry 20+ yrs, 1 shooting.
  • 9 years ago

    Like one of you said, so much conflicting and false info.

    I live and work near the town in question and right now all we are hearing is the one sided version coming from the kid's family's lawyers.

    First off Zimmerman was not clearly told to "stay in his car and not confront the kid" that is the typical embellishment this case is seeing.

    He was asked if he was following the kid when he said yes the person on the phone (not 911) told him "we don't need you to do that". While it may be implied that he was suggesting that Zimmerman not follow the kid, he was not "explicitly instructed" to do or not do anything.

    Our SYG allows you to use deadly force if you think that you are in danger or imminent death or great bodily injuries. Zimmerman's injuries are consistant with someone who was getting his *** kicked and there is some indication that the kid was the aggressor. The police have determined that it WAS Zimmerman yelling for help and the kid's father initially said that the voice was not his son's. He changed his story after the lawyer told him it was. The same is true of the "eyewitnesses" whose stories changed after the media attention

    Further our laws does not allow the police to arrest Zimmerman until there is probable cause to believe it was not self defense and provides for civil penalties against the dept.

    We do not need or want another expensive embarrassment like the Casey Anthony trial here and Zimmerman isn't going anywhere and the police and state agencies are conducting an investigation

    This is nothing more than "activist" coming in and stirring up trouble to get their name in the paper and many innocent people are going to get hurt here. I have to work int that town several times a week and will not go through it unless I am armed these days, that feeling is shared by every white person I know and has been advised by LEO's in the family. People are going to die here just so some shysters can get their names in the paper

  • 9 years ago

    Not familar with the details of the law or the shooting. However, while you have a right to self defense in most states. They add, it must be a threat to justify deadly force. Man at house vs. armed man at house? We had a trial in the City a few weeks ago of a off duty cop involved in shooting a unarmed kid in a street fight outside his home. He got convicted of murder. So basically the rule of thumb is force needs to be proportional. We don't shoot shoplifiters. You hold them for the cops. If your armed and the other party has no knife,bat, gun & you shoot them? Be prepared to explain why you needed to pull the trigger...........

    Source(s): Seen Law & Order too much
  • 9 years ago

    To shoot an un armed person, they have to display that they are going to cause harm, or there is a chance that they will cause harm. I don't get the brady bunch going after flordia laws, because colorado and wyoming have pretty much the same laws, except wyoming doesn't require a permit to cc or open carry, and colorado requires a permit to cc, but not open carry

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  • 9 years ago

    Is there a link you can post ?

    "...can one shoot in public,a unarmed person??"

    Cops sometimes manage to.

    This entire episode stinks - we do not see the entire story I think; too much conflicting information.

  • 9 years ago

    I agree with French Fry. The 911 operator clearly told Zimmerman to not follow him, but instead he put himself in a position to force a confrontation. Additionally, normally zimmerman would have been tested for alcohol and drugs, but was not despite that some analysts say the zimmerman sounded drunk on the 911 tape. The failure was not in the stand your ground law. There was no stand your ground in this case zimmerman initiated the confrontation and there was a failure to follow up by local police to properly investigate the shooting.

  • Mr.357
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Sounds like an execution from what I have seen. The killer chased down the guy that he killed. The guy that died never approached the killer.

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