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Lv 6

Will those atheists who continually ask for proof of God please give me proof of love?

Everyone who has experienced it knows that love exists, but can you prove it? Please show me physical evidence that love exists. And no, I am not talking about hormonal changes that take place as part of attraction. Attraction is not love. Nor does pictures of people hugging or kissing which likewise are not "proof" of love. Can you define love in an equation? Can you show undeniable proof of it?

Can you not see how illogical it is to ask for proof of something which is not physical? So why, since you always claim to be so "logical", do you continually ask the totally illogical question of "proof" of God? Is there another definition of "logic" that is only defined by atheists?

And while you are still working on "proof" of love, please recognize that John wrote that "God IS love. He who abides in love abides in God, and God in him." (1John 4:16). And like love, everyone who has experienced Him knows He exists. If you do not know Him, at best all you can say is that you are inexperienced.


Sailor: Sorry... you are showing ignorance.... that is attraction or the RESULTS of love. Not love itself.

Update 2:

Bongernet: How is personal sacrifices for another proof of Love, yet not be a proof of God? And no, I do not mean "my" God, but the one and only God which is followed by many, many different religions. Grow up.

Update 3:

soul: And what, pray tell, does that have to do with the question asked?

Update 4:

REginald: LOL!!!! So a person who helps some stranger because they love their fellow man is feeling a chemical reaction? You have a very immature view of love. Love is more than attraction and lust.

Update 5:

Jerome: Sorry, you are just saying that you know NOTHING of love. Come back in 10 to 15 years and try this question again.

Update 6:

Smash it: Bingo.

Update 7:

Anonnie: That may prove your love for you children for you. How does that prove you truly love your children to me? You may simply be doing that so that they can support you when you are older. Can you give me true proof? If not, then why ask for physical proof of God?

Update 8:

Frooggie: I childish insult. How typical! I would assume by that you cannot prove anything other than your own immaturity. Thank you.

Update 9:

Cane: What about the 50% where it doesn't? Your response is a non-answer. If someone says to you that they are in love are you going to say that they are just pursuing something that does not exist? Because YOU have not experienced it does not mean it does not exist.

Update 10:

Alan: And you would believe them correct? Even though there was nothing physical they could show you as proof. So why then would you not believe other people when they have said they have experienced God? Is it logical to accept personal experience of love without proof as true, but personal experience of God without proof as not true? All you can say is that they have had an experience which you have not.

Update 11:

Torpex: Do you know what the word "intangible" means? It means "cannot be touched". Of COURSE God is intangible! That does not mean that He, like love, cannot be experienced!

Update 12:

Samantha: Thank you for your insightful non-answer. It says far more about you than anyone else. Something about the question which you could not handle that you have to insult the person who asks it? Very immature.

Update 13:

darkpreacher: Those are stages of ATTRACTION.... not love. Is it chemicals that cause someone to help another who needs help. Is love of mankind the same as lust? Sorry... but you are looking at just the surface level of love, and have not experienced the depth of meaning of the word.

Update 14:

Have a cup: Read response to Samantha.

Update 15:

Smiling: How is that proof of anything other than you lack of understanding of the basic concept? Attraction is not love.

Update 16:

Fitz: Same as to darkpreacher. And YES I can show that love goes beyond attraction because people have shown love to people that they are not attracted to and whom them disagree with. I cannot help it if you only understand the surface level of love.

Update 17:

Its your truth: Well gee, if you had read the quesiton you would know I am not talking about romantic attraction. That is just surface kid-level stuff. If you had ever experienced anything beyond that you would never have replied that way. I can do nothing about your inexperience other than point it out.

Update 18:

Sarah: Why should He be more observable? Can you see love? Does the fact that you cannot see love mean you cannot seeing the indications of love? Cannot the same hold true for God? Because you do not understand why God "hides Himself", is that in someway "proof" that He does not exist?

Update 19:

Acid: My question is pointing out the ignorance of asking for physical proof of something which is not physical and how absurd it is to ask for it. The fact that you avoid trying to answer tells me that in all likelihood you are incapable of answering it.

34 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can't be proven empirically.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    a) Why? What does one have to do with the other? If there were proof of "love," that wouldn't mean a god exists or doesn't exist. That's a separate question.

    b) "love" isn't a "thing" about which there is even a question of existence. It's a label we humans give to a wide range of subjective emotions and thoughts and feelings.

    c) your claimed "god" IS a "thing" about which there is a question of existence -- and there's no evidence of any kind to show there's any such thing.

    d) rather silly and poorly thought-out analogies only demonstrate that you don't think things through very well. And no, it doesn't matter what some irrational god-believer claimed in an old book -- he had no evidence that "god is love," either.

    By the way, questions about things existing are decided by evidence -- not "proof."

    Please go get some education.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Nothing you said is going to cause me to believe in God. And we don't ask for "proof". Proof is only available in mathematics or in a court of law. And in a court of law, the idea of "proof" is qualified by "beyond a reasonable doubt." I don't want "proof" of God; I want evidence for God. Do you understand the difference between proof and evidence?

    This thing about how you can't prove love is and always has been bogus. And you must have a very selfish family - you cannot tell when someone loves you and when they say they do, do you say "prove it"?

  • !?!
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There is an old saying, "He who gets to define the terms, wins all the arguments." Why is your definition of love the only possible one? As pointed out to you, there ARE differing definitions of the concept...let's see the evidence for the validity of yours. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion and we all know what THOSE are worth.

    Source(s): Pax.
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  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Studies in neuroscience have involved chemicals that are present in the brain and are involved when people experience love. These chemicals include: nerve growth factor, testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Adequate brain levels of testosterone seem important for both human male and female sexual behavior. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are more commonly found during the attraction phase of a relationship. Oxytocin and vasopressin seemed to be more closely linked to long term bonding and relationships characterized by strong attachments.

    Not knowing the answer to something doesn't mean there isn't one.

    Have a nice day.

    "Sorry... you are showing ignorance.... that is attraction or the RESULTS of love. Not love itself."

    -- First, only dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are part of the attraction process, Oxytocin and vasopressin are related to long term love. Second, you cannot show that to be true, there is no way of knowing which one causes the other. Ever hear of love at first sight? Clearly a result of chemical reactions, not from "falling" for someone.

    "Is it chemicals that cause someone to help another who needs help?"

    -- Yes as a matter of fact it is, the desire to help others comes from empathy which is a chemical process in the brain.


    Your comment to me makes no sense. I was not saying that you cannot show love to go beyond attraction, I was saying that you cannot know whether love causes the chemicals, or the chemicals cause the love (unless you have a PHD in biochemistry and have just made a previously unknown breakthrough ... have you?) In addition, I clearly stated that oxytocin and vasopressin are present in long term love, and are NOT related to attraction. The attraction chemicals are: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. READ CAREFULLY AND THINK IT THROUGH before discounting it as false.

    Have a nice day.

  • M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    God is an abstract emotion that is the byproduct of neurochemical reactions in response to stimuli. Ok, I will accept that.

    That doesn't really meet the definition of a deity though, so I could believe in that god, and still be an atheist because it isn't a god by definition of an entity that actually physically exists in reality.

    And people shouldn't make laws based on abstract subjective emotions that are the byproduct of neurochemical reactions, but on actual evidence.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    >...the RESULTS of love. Not love itself.

    Seems to me you don't quite understand the concept of evidence. An effect that is the result of a certain thing IS evidence of that thing. The standard you propose would render evidence an impossibility, simply from the fact that we perceive things through senses, not directly.

  • 9 years ago

    Proof of love? sure, take scan fo your brain and i'll point out the region in the brain for you. If you'd like i can point out a region for "superstitious beliefs" as well.


    "What makes a person sacrifice their lives for another person that they do not even know?" UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES any normal person would NOT sacrifice their lives for someone they don't know, unless they are brainwashed or they have a poor judgement abilities. UNDER STRESS related scenarios however, our brain thinks differently, it is flushed with chemicals that interfere with our logic and block our rational decision making, which has nothing to do with LOVE. LOVE is a concept humans created, just like your GOD.

  • Research indicates that romantic attraction is actually a primitive, biologically-based drive similar to hunger or thirst. The urge for romance is what causes a person to focus on one particular individual. Therefore this biological need for romance explains why someone would willingly walk several miles for a simple hug from their loved one, or experience enormous despair in the face of later rejection.Research has proven that romantic attraction activates portions of the brain with high concentrations of receptors for dopamine which is the chemical messenger associated with feelings of euphoria, cravings and even addictions. Studies have linked high levels of dopamine (and norepinephrine) to better attention spans and short-term memory, hyperactive behaviour, sleeplessness and also goal-oriented behavior. Therefore when people are falling in love they often exhibit signs of elevated dopamine levels including increased energy, less need for sleep and food, as well as highly focused attention.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, I cannot prove abstract concepts. A hulking great god who created the world and is immortal, omnipotent and flooded the world and parted seas and burnt bushes and sent plagues etc etc etc should be a little more observable however.

    Anyway, are you seriously claiming to believe in 30,000 gods simply because you cannot disprove them? What about mythical creatures like vampires and mermaids? What about alien abductions? Surely you also require evidence before believing in some things?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This jogs my memory of a issue that happened a pair of twelve months in the past interior the generating unit the place i'm employed... Our production unit strategies many, many truckloads of lumber daily. the standard device for doing it is an automatic observed device that makes use of a seen scanner to create an in intensity 3-d photograph of each and every little bit of wood it relatively is then sent to a working laptop or pc that makes use of neural community algorithms to compute the main fee/waste helpful reducing answer for that precise piece of wood. As time went on, the vice chairman of generating saved unrelenting rigidity on the floor engineer for further and extra throughput, larger yields, and better reducing accuracy. ultimately, the vice chairman began to question the integrity and skills of the engineer because of the fact the cuts weren't precise sufficient. mentioned vice chairman felt particular the engineer became the two keeping out on him (he became rather paranoid) or completely incompetent. sometime, the engineer, the guy who knew the device the final, left the corporate for different employment and operation of the device went to basically approximately comprehensive crap. It basically approximately close down the whole production unit on numerous activities. the way the vice chairman controlled this entire issue very much contributed to the lack of his 6-determine revenues and his activity of 24 years. ethical: The vice chairman fairly had a good element, yet did not comprehend it till the guy, whom he disrespected and continuously berated, left the corporate for greener pastures. In different words, "evidence" of the extreme competency of the floor engineer became in front of the vice chairman's face the whole time. He basically refused, because of the fact of his very own biases and private resentments, to open his eyes and see. by way of the time he have been given his evidence, it became already too overdue for him.

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