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In Genesis, when God said "Let there be X", how was it that X appeared?

This is one of the main reasons I am so skeptical of the story of Genesis, and why I am amazed that nu-creationists are so insistent that Genesis is 100% fact.

There are too many problems, that even a child can spot (and children do spot these things).

My main question concerns how God could say "Let there be light/a firmanent/night/beasts" etc., and these things just appeared out of nowhere, fully formed. How did a beast know it was to be a beast, and not a rose, or a tree, before it existed?

How come day & night were created before the Earth & Sun? We know that day & night are caused by the Earth going around the sun.

In fact, how did God measure the concept of a "Day" without the earth or the sun?

Who wrote Genesis, and how come he was able to witness all of this before the creation of man? I'm pretty certain God didn't write Genesis, so who did, and how can we state that their facts are correct?

Finally, there is a lot of criticism from the Creationist contingent against the Big Bang, especially the aspect of the universe being created out of nothing. At least Science has been analysing the answer, and is so far investigating aspects of quantum theory. - However, the Hypocrisy is that in the story of Creation, God creates all of this stuff out of nothing. He just says a word, and there it is, right out of nothing. - At least Evolution allows beasts to evolve from simple cells & the Big Bang allows stars, planets & galaxies to develop. With creationism, it's just a case of "Say the word, and there it is. It even knows what it is supposed to be before it exists!"

Honestly, I'm genuinely interested. I don't want answers that go along the lines of "It's in the Bible so it must be true". I really want a genuine answer as to why the story of Creation seems feasable to grown up adults, when even the Roman Catholic church & Othodox Jews accept the story as an allegorical account.


OK - This business of "We can't understand God" etc. is diverging from what I'm asking.

I'm not arguing whether God exists or not, or whether he is beyond our understanding.

For the sake of argument, I am assuming that there IS a God, who DID create the Universe. My problem is not whether he did it or not, but HOW he did it, and WHO SAID that this was the definite way he did it.

Got it?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fundamentally, God speaking something into existence is no different than the materialist explanation of how things came to be. The matter that came into existence just appeared, according to science. Quarks just popped into existence and formed a hot, dense mass which expanded and yielded everything in the known Universe. How did quarks develop the ability to just appear? From where did the dimensions necessary for quarks to appear come and how did they become structured in such a way as to allow matter and energy to exist in them? How did quarks acquire the properties necessary to enable them to link and form the parts of an atom?

    The scientific explanation of the origin of the Universe boils down to:

    nothing + time + chance -> everything

    In my opinion, it takes more faith to believe that than it does to believe in a creator.

    So, how did God do it? What, you want someone to say He used His giant chemistry set to make everything. Fine, that's what he did. You want someone to say He made all subatomic particles one by one and arranged them all, one by one, and glued them together with angel poo into the things we know today? Fine, that's just as good of an explanation as anything else. Any explanation you may accept won't even buy you a sandwich.

    Be all that as it may, the Bible spends little time discussing in any detail how things came to be. It's bulk is an exploration of the consequences of human sin and what people need to do to be freed form the eternal consequences of sin. I think people spend way too much time worrying about what happened billions of years ago and not enough time worrying about how they should be good people, leading lives that are pleasing to God.

  • 9 years ago

    ok 1st of all as for the sake of argument you assume there is a God, then you need to ask yourself are you to assume that when the Bible says that All the scriptures are inspired from God this is true or not. you see although God did not write the Bible, he is the author of it - in the same way a secretary will type what the lawyer says but the letter itself is from the lawyer.

    There are many things written within the scriptures that could only have come from someone other than man as you righly state.

    2nd the first verse of the Bible says "in the beginnning God created the heavens and the earth" - so before the creative days the heavens and the earth were created

    3rd each of the creative days is not as a litteral 24 hour day as many think - a day means a period of time as illustrated "in my fathers day" or in benjemin franklyns day etc etc these people did not live for just 24 hours and yet the expressions are widely accepted.

    4th the scriptures of genesis point out that these animals/trees/birds etc He brought them forth each of their own kind their was many things that God was doing in each of these periods of time.

    I hope this will answer some of your questions, I cant really go into as much detail as I would like as it can be monotonous to read lol.

    I am not a creationist by the way as they do take things very litteraly, you see I believe that the Bible interprets itself but that takes dilligent effort and study.

  • 9 years ago

    Well, it's not possible because although I agree with a lot of what the bible teaches, I believe in Science and Physics; things that we can actually see, touch and can explain.

    A lot of the stories in the bible didn't actually happen; for instance, do you genuinely believe that one man was able to build a ship in 3 years that was big enough to house every single species of animal and that the entire world flooded? Also do you believe that it was possible for a man to live inside a whale for 3 days and 3 nights without getting digested or dying of lack of oxygen/drowning? These things aren't made possible because of some kind of miracle, these are simply not physically possible even with a miracle.

    These stories portray a fable, a teaching like one of Esop's fables on situations where a problem or question arises that coincides with the story.

  • 9 years ago

    Well im not 100% sure but i would imagine when you control all creating light and dark would be really easy i am Roman Catholic and i believe that the Genesis chapter is a folk tale that describes how it happened. e.g. "Creating eve out of Adams rib" now men have even number of ribs it is a exaggeration to show that how he did it was as mysterious as that.

    No body witnessed him say it they were told by God about how he did it that's how they knew through the word of God. It says he is Omniscient so he would not what his design would turn out by what he did so that's easy.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Well, you have asked a lot of questions and some have very long answers, so consider this - science does not have every answer but I am positive religion doesn't have any.

    I go by this:







  • Jean
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    If there is anyone on earth that can say how God created the universe then that person ought to be up there with God.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Christians, so God mentioned "poof" and that's it? each and every little thing basically acknowledged? What became God doing in the previous that? yet you effectively believe that there became not something then enormous BANG and each little thing became and is. so your enormous Bang became God asserting "Poof" and then it became & is.

  • 9 years ago

    Goddidit because Nothingdidit couldn't possibly have done it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
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