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Lv 58,131 points

Oh paleez

Favorite Answers27%
  • I dont know of anyone else that would have done it, do you?

    Trump announced he will NOT taking the $400, 000 presidential salary.

    9 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • My wife thinks Im nuts but I must ask anyway?

    Is it just a coincidence that terrorist attacks here in the US have come to a halt? Its almost like someone said "stop for now". Im not into conspiracies but I feel like its possibly more than just chance. What do you think?

    8 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Help, Im on the interstate and I just sawa Trump bumpersticker.?

    What do I do? Are there any safe spaces along the road? Someone get me a coloring book quickly pleae.

    2 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • So h ILL ary calls the event in NY last night a bombing.?

    But CNN Jake Tapper decides to edit her comment and leave out the "bombing" part. When are you people going to admit CNN no longer qualifies a new organization?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • The corruption never ends does it?

    Our current S O S Kerry's daughter started a non-profit in 2011. Since then she has received millions of US $ in NON-COMPETING CONTRACTS from the Peace Corp. Guess who oversees the PC? Why its John Kerry himself. Anyone surprised?

    3 AnswersGovernment5 years ago
  • Im going to assume everyone is correct and Hillary is not ill.?

    Lets use some common sense here, why then when a 68 year old "healthy" woman wobbles and faints would she NOT be taken to an ER asap. Why go to your daughters apt?

    One can only conclude there IS an ongoing issue and they know how to handle it.

    Very suspicious indeed.

    6 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • Have you noticed?

    Just how disgusting and vicious the comments are here from hILLary supporters? The comments from Trump supporters are much more civilized. I really seemed to start to get vicious in 2008 election. This was about the same time the Chik FilA issue came up. What really came to my attention was Rozann Barr's statement that she hopes all their customers get cancer. It seems the liberal language and disgusting comments got worse from that point.

    What a truly disgusting group they truly are. Why cant you handle people disagreeing with you without going off the deep end?

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Do you think hILLary will be our first F president?

    Im sorry, I meant to say FEMALE but the

    "emale" was deleted.

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is anyone truly surprised?

    The State Dept announced today they found 30 Benghazi emails from hILLarys server. This is part of what was wiped from he server and claimed by her as never existed.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • So if a tree falls in the forest.....?

    Is that also Trumps fault?

    9 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • The democrats just built a 12ft high FOUR MILE long fence around the convention center in Philly.?

    Was it to protect the dem elite? But you, the little people, are on you own, NO FENCE FOR YOU! as that is racist. Totally hypocritical?

    9 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Help with Yahoo Answers issue -?

    There is no way to sort questions such as most recent, etc. Every category I go to has questions at least 1 week old or more.

    Is something wrong here?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years ago
  • Christians, aren't you angry at the wrong group?

    I've said it before and say it again, your anger and hate is directed at the wrong group.

    Here is the opening paragraph of a story from Fox - "Libyan Islamists detained 48 Egyptian Christians in Benghazi last week, torturing them and using acid to burn off tattoos of the cross, according to family members."

    You see we atheists dont act like this so stop pointing at us, focus on the real hate group.

    Additionally, I doubt you will find this story on MSNBC or any of the other liberal "news" agencies as they are too busy kissing Muslim *** and it may upset our dear leader, BHO.

    I suggest you pay attention, we are being eaten from the inside by the liberal press.

    Research and learn the truth.

    Read more:

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • So I guess it's all right with you left wingers?

    that MSNBC's Rachel Maddow called a Supreme Court judge a troll on the Jon Stewart show.

    Can you imagine what would happen if a conservative "news" person said that?

    It would be all over the press until he/she were fired or at lthe very least apologize.

    But you guys will just sweep this under the rug as well.

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Did Al Gore really say that?

    The former VP of the US actually said that because of the altitude of Denver, Obama was not up to par. Romney was there a few hours longer and had time to adjust?

    Is this a fvcking joke? NO, he was serious folks.

    No wonder the sane people are beginning to laugh at the liberal loons.

    14 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Have you seen tonights episode of 60 minutes?

    Im watching it now, with Romney being interviewed.

    He spelled out how his tax cuts will work. What he is saying and has in the past is a direct opposite of what the liberal lunatic democrats are claiming his plan is. In reality he is calling for closing many of the tax loopholes on the rich.

    You lying democrats ought to be humiliated at the amount of flat out lies you are putting forward.

    Collectively you liberal loons are a disgusting group of people.

    FYI -I tried to post this 3 times and it has not shown up - a, I being censored???

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Have you seem tonights episode of 60 minutes?

    Your Question

    Have you seen today's episode of 60 minutes?

    Im watching it now, with Romney being interviewed.

    He spelled out how his tax cuts will work. What he is saying and has in the past is a direct opposite of what the liberal lunatic democrats are claiming his plan is. In reality he is calling fo closing

    many of the tax loopholes on the rich.

    You lying democrats ought to be humiliated at the amount of flat out lies you are putting forward.

    As a group you are a disgusting group of people.


    Entertainment & Music > Television > Drama

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • And to think not long ago liberals representated peace and love?

    What happened to you? You have turned into a group of hateful lunatics -

    Try to defend these statements.

    From Rozanne Barr - I hope everyone who eats at chik fil a gets cancer

    From Ellen Barken (?) - hurricane Issac should hit Tampa and kill all the republicans at the RNC.

    There are ma y more from you liberal lunatics, wnat to see them?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How many years will it take in your opinion?

    For Romney to just to dig us out of hole Obama and the liberal democrats have thrown us into?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • The troll's name is TAO, read the content!!!!?

    He is asking question after question about carbuerators on small engines. Last week it was about riding mower transmissions, before that it was something else. If you question him he'll block you.

    Has othe names as well with ying-yang symbol.

    Report this troll!!!!!!!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago