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What are your views on Andrea Yates being allowed to go to church?

On June 20, 2001, Andrea Yates took her five children and drowned them in a bathtub at her house. It was discovered that she been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis but had stopped taking the meds so she could have the fifth child. There is also quite a few questions about how her husband ignored her problems and pushed her to have more children. He had also been instructed by the doctors to not leave her alone. Originally the prosecutor wanted the death penalty (it was Texas after all) but she was convicted and sentenced to life. However, it was shown that an "expert" who testified had claimed her crime was based on an episode of "Law and Order". That episode was later determined to not exist. It was felt this testimony may have influenced the jury so she was given a new trial. Andrea Yates plead not guilty by reason of insanity. The jury agreed and she was committed to a mental hospital. Since then she has shown improvement.

Today there was an article about her getting a pass to leave the hospital to attend church.

I am curious about the Yahoo Answers R/S crowd and how they would react to this story.


I am pleasantly surprised by the replies. If you look at the comments section of that article or the one that Yahoo posted you will see lots of people saying some horrible things. For the most part the people on here have been rather accepting. Just a few who had issues.

Update 2:

Angry Candy: No where in my question or details have I been critical of her. In fact, I tried to remain rather neutral in my wording but as I read it I do show some places where I showed that I was sympathetic. I have felt sorry for this woman ever since this story came out. The illness she suffered has caused her harm and misery and now having to live with those actions will be hard on her. She needs plenty of support and help to make sure that the illness does not get hold of her again.

Update 3:

And now with no further ado I, in the category of this question the best answer goes to...

Opening envelope...

11 Answers

  • india
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really, really identify with her. I understand exactly what she was thinking. Of course it makes no sense to most people, but when you have psychosis, your thoughts are not your own! I've often said that if I had believed in God when I was being ordered around by my hallucinations, I may have done the horrible things they told me to do. I would be in jail too, or dead.

    So that being said, I prefer she could be healed without religion. I prefer she would leave it all behind. I think religion killed her children (indirectly). Other than that, if she wants to go to church, great.

    Once we leave our childbearing years behind, we are finished with the psychosis. I had my tubes tied so I would never go through it again, but she thought that her god wanted her to keep having children. I wish I could give her a big hug. I wish she had gotten the help she needed when she asked for it. I wish we could all get the help we need BEFORE we see and hear things that aren't there.

    EDIT: Everard, aren't we all a little delusional about something?

    EDIT2: Badguy, when you say that Andrea Yates should be killed, I hear you say "India should be killed." It's not our fault that having babies makes us insane. We sure as hell don't ask to be put through this hell. It's horrible, and to top it off, we can't ask for help because people like you don't understand and just try to lock us up and kill us. We're left to deal with hallucinations, obsessive thoughts, cutting neat slices up and down our arms and hoping we die in our sleep, if only we could get a little sleep. It's hell. I hope no one you love ever goes through this, but if you do know someone who goes through postpartum psychosis, I hope you learn more and provide real support instead of cutting her down. Honestly, no matter how many ugly and nasty things you say about us, nothing could possibly top the ugly and mean things we tell ourselves, so there's just no need to try to make us feel bad. That is one thing we can accomplish just fine when we have PPP.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    John Hinkley shot President Reagan and now enjoys time away from the hospital. He is allowed to go home. With this in mind, Andrea Yates should be allowed to attend church. I would suggest this be done under supervision, of course...

    Postpartum psychosis is an actual illness. Just ask any mom how depressing a good old case of the baby blues can be... Then add in psychotic episodes...

    My heart aches for the Yates children, and it hurts for Andrea, too. If attending church brings her a little peace, then I see no harm in this. I would not consider her a threat to anyone in the community.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, if it makes you feel any better, it costs less to house a convict for life than it does to execute them because of the costs of all the appeals. Also, whether she is crazy (I think she is) or not, what kind of life do you think it's going to be in a mental hospital? I'll bet she would rather die. My feelings are that it will be much harder to live everyday of your life knowing that you killed your own babies than to die and have the nightmare over. God knows the truth and she will be eternally punished if she was not truly psychotic. I choose to believe she was.

  • 9 years ago

    If they think she is improving it might be because she hasn't had a child to take care of in more than 10 years. Will she be able to handle the stress of raising a baby if she gets pregnant again? It's a sad case.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I couldn't care less. I can see why God doesn't want anything to do with this earth, though. There are too many hypocrites like you and myself who claim to be fair and empathetic, yet fail so hard when it comes to being good. An example of this is your attempt to make this woman look worse than she already does. I have no opinion on this matter. I've never had her life experiences. I've never occupied her headspace. I have no right to condemn her.

  • 9 years ago

    If she has shown improvement than she can go to jail for the rest of her stupid life. She killed her own children and should of gotten the death penalty to begin with. Religion is also part of the problem and not the solution.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Gaol is supposed to be for punishment and rehabilitation.

    The problem with fantasies about imaginary little hairy nosed cosmic psychopaths is that they will approve of any action any nutter wants to take.

    I am ANTI-theist.

    Whilst ever we give permission to 'the moderates' to believe in their invisible sky critter nonsense we are in fact giving permission to the zealots to go all psychopathic.

    We need to do a lot more pointing and laughing at ANYONE who mentions their belief in invisible sky critters.

    They are delusional.

    They can NOT claim they are not AS delusional AS suicide bombers.

    Delusional is like pregnant - you are or you aren't.


    @India "EDIT: Everard, aren't we all a little delusional about something?"

    Ahhhh... I understand what you mean and I freely admit I'm a little insane - the psychiatrist told me it's a PTSD thingie - but I have never been delusional in that I imagine there are sneaky little dust devils and demons and gods and pixies try to screw with my life ;)


  • Matt
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Isn't a big part of Christianity about forgiveness and finding a new way through Christ?

  • 9 years ago


    Many ministers would be willing to come to her.

    That is more than sufficient.

    There is no reason to allow her to leave. It is completely unnecessary and unwarranted.

    If she is still being confined, there is a reason for that.

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Maybe going to church will be good therapy, as long as she is carefully supervised.

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