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6 years ago I put a deposit on A property in India, this was through a Uk agent, Knight Knox. who are reputabl?

to cut a long story short, went to India, seen no progress and would not pay any more money up front. I had constant emails off them asking for the money. next year I go back again, still nothing getting built, this was a complex with numerous other investors. next year back again, nothing, by this time we had a round Robin going on with some of the other investors from UK Europe, and also Indian. Went back again engaged an Indian advocate, he sent them a letter for a refund of money but told me if i pursued it through the courts it could take upto 7 year. Well eventually Mr. Jeremy Knox, partner of Knight Knox went to India to talk to the developers, no joy, no money, invested else where they said,,,,, What I would like to ask. could anyone tell me if I have any redress with Knight Knox for putting me on a bum steer, I paid the depositit to them who in turn then paid the Indian company. THANK GOD I only stand to lose my deposit, some investors are losing the lot.. thanks

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to find yourself a good English solicitor/lawyer.

    Knight Knox is supposed to be a reputable UK property agent, and they won't want any bad publicity to affect their good name. The developers have not delivered the goods, so you are all entitled to a full refund - plus interest or at the very least a sum of compensation for all the years you've been waiting. I assume you have proper documentation proving that you have paid a deposit and that you were expecting a property to be built. Please consult a lawyer at the earliest opportunity. I'd never let anyone get away with this. It is theft, pure and simple. And that's the way any court of law will see it too. Knight Knox were working on behalf of all you purchasers, as well as the developers and should be able to claim this loss from their insurers anyway. If all else fails, you should approach a national UK newspaper and reveal Knight Knox as fraudsters. And also the British BBC. Dominic Littlewood, in particular, is always keen to help people who have been swindled in this way. His contact is Just google his name on the internet for more details. I wish you very good luck. Don't let any of these people get away with it!

    Source(s): I live in the UK.
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