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George S asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Will Zimmerman ultimately be lynched by black racists?

Black racists are crying for his blood while presuming he wasn't justified. Whether or not he was depends entirely on whether or not Martin did punch him down and whether Martin then backed off or moved in for more pounding. Black racist don't know or care. They have already convicted him because he is not black and killed a black person.


"Lost": You have an appropriate name. You are living in the 1950's. Today black people have the upper hand under the law. Stop listening to the black racists and deluded neo-Marxists exploiting black people and others.

"Abnormal": I wish your name was appropriate. I'm very sorry to recognize you are all too normal.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, many in the so-called black community allow themselves to be influenced by people who like to gain power through their collective outrage.

    It is possible that Zimmerman will be killed by a mob, before or after he is convicted or exonerated or, whatever. The lies and manipulation showing young photos of the kid. So many witnesses, so many 911 calls, and the cops are trying to figure out what they can prove. But instead of waiting to make sure they can get evidence to get him locked up - blacks want him convicted on their impression of the case based on ....race. During the LA riots, I got an education in how much hate blacks actually have towards others. Myself, I'm against everyone in this case. I'm not convinced Zimmerman was 100% protecting himself, I don't believe Trayvon was little Mr. Innocent either. Why does one of them have to be a good guy? Couldn't it be true that both of them were no-goods? What it it turns out Trayvon WAS a burglar in that neighborhood... then blacks will apologize for Zimmerman finding him suspicious, right? Bwaaaa--hahahahaha!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The Dimocrats and their lap dog media have done their best to pick a fight between colors.

    But ultimately, the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson are in this for their own glory. Once they have milked this for what it is worth, they will back off, and the issue will fade.

    Then Zimmerman can finally go to court.

  • 7 years ago

    How many times has Zimmerman pointed that same gun at someone in anger after this case was over?

    Does not that tell you the whole story? Or do you wish to leave the situation as is; If you instigate a confrontation/fight and you start to lose you can shoot the other person?

    Your belittling defines you.

  • Lost
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


    Blacks have no power.

    The whites lynched blacks because they could. They had the guns, the system and the police on their side. The blacks just had faith in GOD on theirs.

    Nothing has changed. Obama in the White House and all the touchy-feeling racial equality stuff is window dressing on the harsh reality that the White man still rules and calls all the shots. I do not advocate violence but I do advocate peaceful resistance to this

  • 9 years ago

    Have you been on social media lately?! They have lynch mobs in CANADA ready for the guy!!/1girlinsurgency

    Roseanne tweeted his REAL address!

    Hell black racists would have to lynch all these other people just to get to lynch him!

    I'm hoping he gets sentenced for his own personal safety at this point because there's no way I'd want to walk the streets as him. Whether he's guilty or not his life is over at this point. They would have to witness protect him and everyone he's ever met from what I've seen.


  • 9 years ago

    no, that's only something the religious right does. In fact, from some of the discussion about trayvon going around the web, the only reason they haven't lynched the poor kid is because he's already dead.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Let's hope not.

    None of this would've happened if the police would've just done their jobs, and investigated properly.

    Your reasoning is wrong, and very prejudice on it's own, by the way. If you want common sense to win out, you also need to stop generalizing.

    Any death by violence should warrant a proper police investigation, that's why people are so mad.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I agree with your analysis, but hopefully the angry mob will calm down and go home some day. It is hard imagining any self-loving semi-sane person throwing away their life just to end Zimmerman's.

    Had O J Simpson not gone to jail, I expected some pinhead racist to shoot him, but the white racists calmed down and eventually decided trading their life for his was not worth it, either.

    GZ just needs to lay low for a while, and stay out of prison, because he might be killed there. {What do we do; sentence a lifer to life in prison for killing a fellow inmate??}

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No he will not be lynched by black racists. Just because Zimmerman killed a child, doesn't mean everyone else commits murder. Zimmerman is the one who did not care when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, he is the killer here.

  • 9 years ago

    Follow the money.

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