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Lv 6

Atheists: Which would you choose?

This presupposes you have lived a good life, but suppose you die and DO find yourself in the presence of Christ and He gives you this choice:

Acknowledge Him and live forever, or He will grant your wish and you will cease to be forever. Which would you choose?


4Him.... my question.... I will ask it the way I wish.

Update 2:

Maurog: which ever way you wish to take it... it is a supposition. Seeing that you focused on the first rather than the second I guess it would be safe to assume that your attention would be there and are just trying to dodge.

Update 3:

Joe: Ask your own question..... you gave a non-answer to my pretty simple one. Something scaring you from answering?

Update 4:

biker: LOL!!! I would love to be there if/when you got asked that question. False bravado is still false.

Update 5:

Viva & SD.... as said to biker

Update 6:

Bill: So far the only honest answer, but not knowing the nature of eternal life why would anyone choose to reject it? If one hundred people told you that a certain fruit was the most delicious thing they had ever tasted would you refuse to try it simply because you had never tried it before?

Update 7:

Scandar: Non answer. Something scare you about the question that you feel compelled to dodge it?

Update 8:

tyler: As above

Update 9:

Seven: How is that a counter to Pascal? All you did was expand it. And by the way, you didn't answer the question. Nor was my question about Pascal.... it is a presupposition that heaven DOES exist. So which would you choose?

Update 10:

Chili: Thank you, but as you can see by the answers above that is precisely what many are doing. This is not strange to me as it seems that most atheist live their life with blinders on... I would expect them to go to their deaths the same way.

Update 11:

Essex: Look to the response to Scandar

Update 12:

The Lord: HaHa... how very childish of you! I am laughing at you, not with you.

Update 13:

Well: see response to Bill

Update 14:

the beat: see response to biker

Update 15:

Andrea: How can you "think through" a concept that you know absolutely nothing about? Read response to Bill

Update 16:

Andre: Sorry dude.... I am not trying to "prove" anything.... it is just a "what if"... I am sorry that you cannot see the logic of that.

Update 17:

I hadz: Thank you. We will see if it happens or not.

Update 18:

Reverand: read response to Maurog

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well it would be pretty stupid to not acknowledge something that is standing right in front of me like that, assuming I could prove I wasn't dreaming.

    That being said, I wouldn't want to live forever either.

  • 9 years ago

    If I died and found myself in front of Christ, how would I not acknowledge him? Close my eyes and say, "you're not real, you're not real, you're not real". I think you misunderstand why many people are atheists - they feel there is no evidence for god(s).

    EDIT: "Chili: Thank you, but as you can see by the answers above that is precisely what many are doing. This is not strange to me as it seems that most atheist live their life with blinders on... I would expect them to go to their deaths the same way."

    Most atheists are far more informed about religion and philosophy than theists. They are not afraid to ask questions, which is something Christians, for example, are frightened into not doing - questioning the validity of the Holy Spirit is irreconcilable. So you see, by not questioning their beliefs, they are the ones living with "blinders" on. How can you say an atheist is living with blinders on, when they look at EVERY possibility with their eyes wide open? Just because they come to a different conclusion than yours doesn't mean they are closed minded.

    As for the atheists who said they would still deny Christ's existence, so be it. If your doctrine is right, this same god gave man the ability to choose. Some atheists feel that if the Christian god is real, and did perform some of the atrocious things the bible has depicted, they would want nothing to do with him. I for one agree with this sentiment. I try to live a morally sound life; if there is a god, I expect him to do the same.

  • 9 years ago

    -A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black-and-white thinking, or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between the two extremes (such as when there are shades of grey) or may be a completely different alternative.-

    It is pure hypocrisy for god botherers to keep posting 'what if we are right' questions, because such self absorbed morons never stop and consider: What if someone ELSE is right and we're NOT.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Anyone who wishes to exist forever obviously has not thought that concept through. Maybe if he'd offered to let me exist for as long as I desire to exist, that would be something, but that's not what Christians say is going to happen. They say you exist forever whether you want to or not. And like they say, forever is a long time. And if you can't figure out why that would be the worst punishment imaginable, then try it and see I'm right.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    I couldn't possible fail to "acknowledge" something standing right in front of me.

    However, since "live forever" isn't even possible, and I'd want no part of the claimed biblical god or its supposed "heaven," I'd still choose "cease to be forever."

    Not that it will ever happen, of course...


  • 9 years ago

    it's a hypothetical equivalent to asking 'what if santa claus existed'

    the god of the OT (and the NT version of jesus supports that god) is an evil demiurge responsible for horrific genocides. I dont want any part of your vile sky-fairy myth, thank you very much

  • 9 years ago

    What's "acknowledge", since I'm pretty sure it's not a choice.

    Do you mean more like, pledge allegiance? Become a vassal?

    I don't think I'd choose eternal servitude over eternal peace.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Who wants to live forever? I can't imagine a more perfect example of hell.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    the day he presents himself is the day i will acknowledge him. But seriously....thats not going to happen

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Pascal's Wager. I will now counter it:

    You may live a good life and believe in a god, and a benevolent god exists, in which case you go to heaven: your gain is infinite.

    You may live a good life without believing in a god, and a benevolent god exists, in which case you go to heaven: your gain is infinite.

    You may live a good life and believe in a god, but no benevolent god exists, in which case you leave a positive legacy to the world; your gain is finite.

    You may live a good life without believing in a god, and no benevolent god exists, in which case you leave a positive legacy to the world; your gain is finite.

    You may live an evil life and believe in a god, and a benevolent god exists, in which case you go to hell: your loss is infinite.

    You may live an evil life without believing in a god, and a benevolent god exists, in which case you go to hell: your loss is infinite.

    You may live an evil life and believe in a god, but no benevolent god exists, in which case you leave a negative legacy to the world; your loss is finite.

    You may live an evil life without believing in a god, and no benevolent god exists, in which case you leave a negative legacy to the world; your loss is finite.

    Problem, god?

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