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Why is the British Government so intolerant of the rights of Christians?

There is a general tolerance of the rights of followers of other faiths to wear outward symbols of their beliefs and it is not unknown for provisions to be introduced in our legislation to enable this. Yet there is no support by our Government for the right of a Christian to wear a simple, unobtrusive cross in the workplace, something which until recently was never called into question. Why this hostility to the human rights of Christians?

9 Answers

  • Keir
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    it isnt

    and the daily mail is well lets say its the worst paper in the country

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Firstly, IF you ares tupid enough to believ eeverything in the Daily Mail then you're in the bottom quartile of the world intellect.

    Secondly, your whinging is about individual companies (cross wearing, is down to several different companies), is nothing to do with the government.

    Thirdly, aren't you the sort of perosn that always shouts "get government of our backs, less red tape etc etc.

    Forthly, the christian church IS the church of the government. They hold prays in the commons EVERY DAY. You get a special mention EVERY day for 15 minutes on radio 4 and an hour of TV every sunday and only 2% of you goto church.

    So, if anything your religion is OVER looked after.


    KMT please find out what xenophobia means before you use it.

    Edward, yes we sent all our religious bigots on the mayflower. You might want to find out what sort of nasty vindicitve people they where. Thye didn't want "freedom" they wanted everyone to be forced to do THEIR type of religion. And as such, we in the Uk liked plays, music, dancing and they the bigots didn't hence why they went to Holland. They didn't all disappear, their version of intolerant christianity became the Puritans, and they existed in many places without suppression in fact one become "king".

  • 9 years ago

    It is not so much the government, its the individuals who feel they have to make a mountain out of a mole hill. What happens if this so called symbol is in the shape of a tattoo and visible to all?

    Let people get on with their believes and lets get on with our life's,

    Have a peaceful day

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Christians are not required to wear a cross by their religion so fall foul of a lot of employers' dress codes who treat them as jewellery. Some others are required to by their faiths, for example Sikhs have to wear turbans as part of their religion.

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  • 9 years ago

    The British Government is careful and sincere to maintain the rights of the cittzens . It is the government's principle .

    Source(s): British Government .
  • Tim
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Health and safety gone mad. Also, probably because it is not compulsory for a christian to wear it, they prohibit it. It's quite ironic that this happens in a so called christian country.

  • Edward
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Has nothing changed in England over the past 390 odd years since the Mayflower left ? guess not...

    actually, I see they have no problem with the Muslims protesting all over England...

  • K M T
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This, and subsequent, Governments are terrified of being seen by the rest of the world as Xenophobic. With this being the case they would rather victimise and patronise the indigenous population than appear to be picking on the "visitors" to our fair land.

    And, NO, l'm not a racist....just a cynical realist.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because religion is a blind faith pretty much so they see that as poor judgement as there is no scientific evidence.

    Source(s): The book of Windham
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