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Lv 6

True Or False: You believe anything scientists say just like...?

True Or False: You believe anything scientists or science text books say just like just like religious people believe anything a priest or bible says.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely utterly false. The essence of science is successively building on previous work, and most textbooks will outline the ways in which these discoveries were made. I believe what is written in these things because I have taken the time to educate myself on the scientific method and its application, and now I am paid to do it myself.

    The Bible is no more than a collection of stories. Maybe they're true and maybe they're not, but there is no train of evidence and development that you can follow to verify the contents of it.

  • 9 years ago

    not the same thing dude. Scientifics facts are verifiable. You can actually show someone each step of how someone came to know it was true. You can even replicate it yourself (if you have the resources and skills)

    Religion doesn't have any way to prove any of its claims. It just asserts bind authority, "because we say so,because the book says so, because God's plan cannot be understood by mortals, just accept it"

    Big difference. The reason why its much safer to blindly trust science than blindly trust someone who's only authority is "because we say so" is that we can be reasonably sure that if you wanted to, you could check the work of the scientific claim, and what we are trusting when we accept science claims is that many qualified people have already done this for us. Sort of the same reason you trust your life to a bridge or an elevator, you trust that the engineers have done their job, even if you don't know how they did it.

    There's no way to check the fantastical claims of religion. And they like it that way because if we could, science would expose the fact that none of those miracles or supernatural crap ever happened.

  • 9 years ago

    I am a scientist and a teacher. If I thought my students believed everything I said without checking for themselves, I would be most disappointed. The essence of science is to question everything. That is why we build machines like the LHC and the Tevatron. Text books are there to provide a basic grounding on a subject, not to be regarded as the ultimate authority. Prior to Einstein, physics text books were very different to those used now.

  • DaveWH
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The facts and theories that go to make up the body of our scientific knowledge are arrived at by a VERY RIGOROUS PROCESS called the Scientific Method. A scientist has an idea, from which he/she formulates an hypothesis. He [ I'll use he, but there are lots of female scientists out there too]

    then designs experiments to test his hypothesis. If the results of the experiments support that hypothesis, then it gains strength. But, if the results of the experiments DO NOT support the hypothesis, then it could mean that the original idea is faulty, and has to be modiified or scrapped altogether!! Those ideas that survive this process go on to add to out sum total of human knowledge.

    So, I am FAR MORE INCLINED to accept scientific knowledge than ANY RELIGEOUS DOGMA that I have read.

    By its very nature, FAITH CANNOT BE SUBJECTED TO THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD!! It ALWAYS comes down to just one question, do you choose to believe or not? I choose not, but then that's my God given right isn't it??

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  • 9 years ago

    Sure, just like when they announced that neutrinos traveled faster than light.

    Anyone that just believed this report without at least SUSPECTING a lab error doesn't deserve to be called a scientist.

    "True Or False"? Religions are all false.

  • 9 years ago

    I agree with Fah king ginus and the science teacher I guess

    You should Never believe anything a scientist or science book says, you have to somewhat find out yourself by gathering all the knowledge you can and coming up with your conclusion, or answer.

    In the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth [Bible] it does Not say you must listen to any priest. All you must do is accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior[You should have faith in the bible and read it before Leaving earth]

    Source(s): I'm A Christian so I don't really know about what catholics think or any other forms of Christianity
  • 9 years ago

    If you paid any attention to scientists you would realise they spend a good deal of time debating competing theories.

    There are people who believe anything a 'scientist' tells them, but these are also the same people who buy things based on infomercials.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Because I know that scientists are ONLY human and they too frequently make mistakes!

    There is a REASON scientists' claims are put under PEER REVIEW before being published!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    you "accept" the the theories scientists propose because they are based on facts... You have to open your eyes and examine these facts for yourself to form an opinion.

    you "believe" what a priest or the bible says because you have faith and you either dont want to or are unable to think and reason for yourself... CLOSE your eyes in prayer .

  • 9 years ago

    Ok, listen don't get involved with any scientist or priest don't worry about a single person. A prayer, surgery, even the pope couldn't fix that face of yours.

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