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Why do you non-Catholics insist on saying we Catholics worship Mary and the Saints when we don't?

I mean seriously...where do you get this stuff?

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a non-catholic, and I used to be the kind of person who you are describing to a T. The whole "Hail Mary" thing kinda puts up a bad front, though, wouldn't you say?

    Then, one day, I sat down with an extremely intelligent and devote Roman Catholic to talk religion (ONE OF MY FAVORITE TOPICS). I inquired about the whole "Goddess Worship" theory, and he laughed and explained it to me very well: When you say "Hail Mary", that is simply a statement of respect and reverence. When you pray to saints, you aren't actually worshiping them, but simply requesting that they pray for you. Just like you would to your best friend if you're going through a hard time.

    I realized then that I was simply waddling in my own ignorance at that time, and didn't really even know a thing about Catholicism.

    I did much more research, and know have amassed a much greater knowledge and respect for this fascinating religion. Though I disagree on some doctrines and opinions of the church, does it really matter? No. If you believe in Christ and accept him as lord, then you are saved. It doesn't matter if you're Lutheran, Pentecostal, Calvinist, Church of God'r, or Catholic. You are saved.

    Source(s): Catholic buddies.
  • 9 years ago

    If you're a Christian (including Catholics of course), then you know that Yahweh and his Son Jesus Christ are only to be worshipped-with God Yahweh at the top of the list. However, in Catholic doctrine (which, as a Catholic I believe is the one true and universal faith-hopefully, like all true Catholics do), we are gifted with the expansion of our family to whom we can pray and thus have more people in heaven praying for us. The statues are reminders of Mary. Besides, non Catholic faiths do have the Crucifix in their churches. A statue cannot be worshipped but having the love for, truth and reverence for who the 'image' represents is strengthened when the image is seen. Think that makes sense... :)? In any case, the old Protestant and non-Catholic case against most doctrines of the Catholic faith are nothing new.

  • 9 years ago

    Part of the reason they say such things is to put Catholics on the defensive as opposed to truly listening what prayers are said and how.

    Part of the reason is their own arrogance; for them to be right, Catholics have to be wrong.

    Part of the reason is hatred.

    Mostly, though, they have never studied Catholicism or Orthodoxy. It is easier to dismiss it than learn from it.

    For example, anyone who says the saints are dead only looks at it from their own view, not the point of view of the saints. Anyone who says statues or icons are idols overlook that a church is an icon, as it is a work of human hands representing God's Kingdom (also, I think the thought of all those saints looking at them while they pray unnerves them). Anyone who says Catholics (or Orthodox) worship Mary have no comprehension that she is, indeed, the very first Christian in history; she knew He was her savior and submitted to His will.

    Do not fear; you are not alone, and let them scoff if they must.

    Source(s): Russian Orthodox
  • 9 years ago

    I guess they don't like it that you include all those characters in the holy family as good friends in the least. And then they don't like thinking that perhaps all those characters are part of a larger activity and really good to know in a clinch. And then they don't like it that a catholic can work his way through any and all situations with some very artful manipulation on his part with any one or more of those characters and know God will hear and understand better. People just don't like people who can relate that way I guess. They don't like it that perhaps that is their City of God and not theirs. Oh well. What is worse is that they have a hard time even understanding any of this at all and thing no one else should also.

    I mean, where does all this stuff come from? If not but from the very hearts of man who exists up and down the whole mountain of life. And anything can come out of there including intolerance for what other people feel.

  • 9 years ago


    wtf is up with these questions? I've seen this asked so darn much on here and I can't believe people just don't get it.

    I'm not even Catholic(Polytheist, former Lutheran) and I get that. Veneration and respect of Mary and the Saints, not worship. A prayer of intercession is asking that particular person to bring a prayer to God on your behalf, not praying to that person directly as if they were God. Sheesh.

    Such prayers weren't part of the faith I had growing up, but I had a LOT of Catholic relatives, friends, and classmates. I learned the difference loooong time ago.

    I've never even heard ANYONE where I live accuse Catholics of that and I live in a pretty religious area that pounces on people who aren't even Christian. There's even a heavy Catholic vs Lutheran rivalry here and that has never been said by anyone here to my knowledge.

    Same goes for the whole "Are Catholics Christian?" questions. That also has never been brought up by folks where I live, and again, there are some pretty uptight, devout people in my area.

    I'm with you, I don't get it. Never been Catholic, no longer Christian even, but I don't get where people get that idea from 'cause I never thought that for a moment in my life.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    When your Southern Baptist pastor received his undergraduate "degree" from a "Bible College" and his Doctorate is HONORARY and purchased, what do you expect but fear and contempt for the lergest religion on the world?

    If you think I am making this up, Google the late "Dr." Jerry Falwell. Dropped out of Lynchburg College and went to a Bible College. Not even accredited at the time. Then, no Master's Degree which any legitimate, mainline minister is going to have from a bona fide seminary. Then two HONORARY DOCTORATES, that is, unearned.

    That is typical of so many "evangelical" fundamentalist preachers. They know NOTHING of the traditions of Catholicism, save for what THEIR preachers passed down to them. And it's never ecumentical, nor does it acknowledge that the fundies all broke from Catholicism.

    And the biggest issue they NEVER want to own up to is that there is zero unity amongst the Protestant Churches. There used to be One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. After the Reformation, all you have in the ONE CATHOLIC CHURCH, united under the Pope. Then you have tens of thousannds of Protestant churches that do not get along with each other. I mean, does anyone think a Southern Baptist agrees with Presbyterian/Calvanist doctrine of Predestination? Or Methodists who Baptize infants? Or the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed that many other Protestants ascribe to? No way.

    THAT'S why it's so easy for them to "unify" on their disdain and judgements against Catholics. So much easier than to see that Catholics have leadership, unity, sacred tradition, a true teaching authority, Sacrments, and more.

    Wnd when they say "Where is Pope, or Confession, or Anointing of the Sick in the Bible and you SHOW THEM.....and they dismiss it with their typical "BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS" just ask them where Rapture is in the Bible. Better yet, ask them to point you to where in the Bible is says:


    The prejudice and the lies just KEEP getting passed along via IGNORANCE. Fear is such a nasty motivator. It's suppsed to be about LOVE. Show me a Baptist who was taught to LOVE and RESPECT CATHOLICS by his or her pastor! What a joke. And we're the ones all going to Hell for loving and respecting THE MOTHER OF JESUS. Did you ever in your life?

  • 9 years ago

    They only think what they hear... So maybe when people look at a picture of a dead relative and kiss it, they MUST be worshiping it! I know that if I'm in front of a statue that it's only a great reminder of a holy person, and I ASK that person to pray for me. Of all people in heaven, would not Jesus own mother not be there??? And if the prayer of the righteous is very powerful, would not those in heaven be extremely powerful? Let them believe what they want. It must be nice to be in a religion where you can get into heaven by saying a few words but not do anything:)

  • 9 years ago

    I suppose they say this because Mary holds a special place in the catholic church and the saints we ask their intercession, but we don't worship them, we ask their intercession because they are closer to God, we believe God is for living and the saints and mary are living in heaven and they are members of the heavenly church, jesus christ is Our Lord and High PRIEST, the veneration is different for worshiping, venerate the flag isn't worshiping the flag

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When the pope was in Cuba he prayed to the image of mary. The pope bowed down to the image of mary. The 1st commandment says you will have no images nor will you bow down to them. The pope broke that commandment.

    Therefore since the pope worshiped mary he cannot enter into Heaven because this is a mortal sin.

    Praying to a being is worshiping that being. Praying to a person is worshiping that person.

    You catholics change the meanings of words hoping to deceive God and people.

  • 9 years ago

    "Because you pray "Hail Mary" and you kneel down before statues of her. I use to be a Catholic."

    Oh, and here all this time I thought that was what ANGEL GABRIEL SAID IN LUKE'S GOSPEL. SO apparently turning BIBLICAL WORDS into a prayer is now "WORSHIP OF MARY."

    Fundamentalist preachers really do hate Catholics and for the fools who listen to them, it's no wonder they believe the ridiculous things they are told. Don't bother to enlighten yourselves with TRUTH. Believe what the self appointed, illiterate and hate filled "preacher" says. God bless you.

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