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  • Why was James Gandolfini's funeral at an Episcopal Church?

    This is from his Wikipedia page:

    "Gandolfini was born in Westwood, New Jersey. His mother, Santa (née Penna), a high school lunch lady, was born in the United States, of Italian ancestry, and raised in Naples, Italy. His father, James Joseph Gandolfini, Sr., a native of Borgotaro, Italy, was a bricklayer and cement mason and was later the head custodian at Paramus Catholic High School in New Jersey.James Sr. earned a Purple Heart in World War II. Gandolfini's parents were devout Roman Catholics and spoke Italian at home. Due to the influence of his parents, he developed a strong sense of being Italian and visited Italy regularly."

    Any evidence to suggest Gandolfini left the Catholic Church and joined the Episcopal Church? Was he a member of a particular Episcopal parish? Did his Italian family, all raised Catholic, all become Episcopalians? I'm just asking, since it sure puzzled a lot of people a year ago when the choice not to have a Roman Catholic funeral Mass (to which he would have been entitled by virtue of his Catholic Baptism) was apparently made by his family. Even though he was divorced from his first wife, he most certainly would have still been entitled to a funeral Mass in the Catholic Church.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is actor Christine Baranski a practicing Catholic?

    Her bio says she is of Polish descent, and attended Villa Maria, a Cahtolic school outside of Buffalo, NY. Sounds like she may have een raised Catholic. But nothing else in the bio about religious beliefs or practices. I am curious since she recently lost her husband and it said then when they married "in a country church" 30 year ago thek took off on a motorcycle. Wondering if she has any religious beliefs to help her at this difficult time.

    2 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • What would have possibly caused a VMI cadet to take his life?

    Virginia Military Institute senior, engaged to be married, about to be commissioned in the Marines, about to graduate, kills himself a week ago. Supposedly he was believed to be suicidal, yet they allow him to go off to a place where law enforcement confront him and he pulls out a gun and kills himself. VMI students have handguns? Huh?

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • The news stories say that Paul Walker was sleeping with a 16 year old. So he was a pedophile?

    Or a child molester? Or a statutory rapist? Why are so many of his fans ignoring this significant issue? It's a matter of record apparently.

    So the media presents the truth about him and fans just pretend he was a saint? Strange. These are serious crimes. Why was he never brought to justice?

    On second thought, I guess he was. But burning to death in a fiery crash just for raping a 16 year old? Seems pretty harsh.

    11 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why do so many ministers think you can ONLY pray "in the name of Jesus"?

    Sure, I am familiar with the biblical "Whatever you ask the Father "in the name of Jesus" He will grant you. No problem. But did God say that everyone MUST and EXCLUSIVELY pray "IN JESUS' NAME"? Have they never heard of respect for others, while still maintaining integrity to their own traditions? Some pastors are cool and inclusive and respectful towards people not in their own flocks. But some others can be really blind to the fact that there's a big difference between their own pulpits and a public school auditorium......between Sunday Service at their own house of worship and a Town or City sponsored event commemorating Veteran's Day.

    Are Christian ministers not permitted to be ecumenical? To be sensitive that a Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and dozens of other believers DO NOT PRAY "IN THE NAME OF JESUS"? What about them?

    No issue in their churches. But at a civic meeting? At an occasion where there are people other than Christians present? At a police academy graduation? Ceremony of nurses (of many faiths) being capped ? A Boy Scout ceremony?

    My point is, are these "ministers" not taught that their faith background is not the only game in town?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • A question about "splitting the check" at dinner. Could I get some help please?

    OK...two old colleagues who try to get together once or twice annually to catch up on old times. Never really risen to the level of a close friendship but we did and do share some common interests outside of the workplace we once shared.

    That's the brief background and now the question: When we have a dinner together he generally has a few mixed drinks. I don't drink so I simply have water with my meal. Conversation is always enjoyable as is our catching up. Now the check comes. He always manages to say to the wait-person "Just split the bill." The first couple of times I went along with it till I realized that his bill was like $30.+ in (his) drinks alone. I did not want to appear to be cheap so I went along with it. But I then thought to myself, should I be splitting the cost of his drinks? I am not made of money and he has a much higher-paid position these days. Adding 30 plus dollars to a bill and his very generous notion of a tip, I am then adding at least 25 - 30 dollars to my bill!

    What would be a better solution than what has taken place so far? I value our business relationship and would hate to just make excuses and avoid having dinner together over a few bucks. But it does irritate me that he does not figure out on his own that splitting the check after his having a far more costly entree then I, plus adding HIS drinks and HIS very generous tips make me cover what really are HIS costs.

    I did try, BTW, the last time to say directly to the server SEPARATE CHECKS and he then said JUST SPLIT IN IN HALF! Geez. I hate to start a war over this. HELP!!!

    9 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • A murder-suicide: husband shoots wife and then himself. And the obits say they "passed away"?

    It was a case of domestic violence with a murder and a self-murder! Is "passed away" (not even "died suddenly" ) the only option? To me they did not just pass away, as in a peaceful death in ones bed during the night hours! What happened is both sad and disturbing and anything but a gentle, quiet passing. Any suggestion as to how things could have been handled in a more realistic, yet compassionate manner, other than just totally sidestepping and avoiding the TRUTH?

    11 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Why an Episcopal Cathedral for James Gandolfini's funeral? Was he Episcopalian?

    Was St. Patrick's Cathedral having the floor cleaned that day?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do you think there will be an actual Funeral Mass for James Gandolfini?

    I am sure most of his relatives are Catholics and that's what Catholics do when a loved one dies. Or do you think it will be just another typical "Memorial Service" that so many of the Hollywood types go for? No mention of religion or beliefs; just a sort of "roast for the dead" with anecdotes and feelgood memories? Just curious as to what you predict. I hope they have a Mass for him and maybe a public memorial some time later on.

    Bio material says he was raised by devout Catholic parents. His divorce and remarriage would not be an issue in having a funeral Mass.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Will this latest revelation from the Boy Scouts be far worse than the Catholic Church scandals?

    The LA Times has released some details from the so called BSA "perversion files" that had not been previously public.

    Sounds like there are thousands of cases. Also sounds FAR worse than what the Catholics have faced in the past few years.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why did New Mexico stop honoring Florida concealed weapons permits?

    I hear that this happened last month. Anyone know WHY?

    I certainly won't be traveling to New Mexico as planned for this Summer.

    What happened to FULL FAITH AND CREDIT? Only applies to "certain" things??

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago