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Lv 7
? asked in SportsCricket · 9 years ago

Why do the users change their stand (logic) when it comes to India and the Indian players?

I have noticed some users (especially Australians followed by others) change their logic when it comes to posts related to India. Here are some examples. But before that I would like to tell all my friends that I mean no offense. I respect most of the decent users here. I just want to get myself clarified if I am wrong. Okay so,

1) When India toured Windies and vice versa, India won over them only marginally. That time the non Indian users said we could not even win comfortably against a minnow team. Then in the recent series between WI and Australia, the visitors could not win with an impact. When an Indian user asked a question about why Australia were not able to do so against a minnow team, one of the most respected Australian user said WI are not a minnow team.

2) I just saw a question about Sanga's dismissal yesterday. The question was why Sanga didn't walk

himself after that dismissal. I know Sanga is not a cheater as the questioner pointed out. He didn't even know what actually happened. But in response to that, some users said its upto the umpires to decide whether the batsman is out or not. True. Logically that's right but I have seen some users complaining about the Indian batsmen's attitude in the past in similar kind of situations. Bhajji and Munaf clearly violated the spirit and rules of the game but I think the umpire is to be blamed first and forehand. He should have gone upstairs for the decision but he remained stubborn only to be ridiculed afterwards.

3) BBL is not that much criticized in comparison to IPL. Why is that?

Again this is not an offense to anybody. You can mail me if you are offended.


@suckit, I said BBL (Big Bash League) not Bangladesh Premiere League.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The higher you fly, the more people you attract. Just one word for is the reason, and that is "Jealousy".

    I remember, once you yourself stated that according to some "Sachin scores a century, India loses...Sachin's fault...Sachin gets out on duck, India loses...Sachin's fault...Sachin scores a 90, his fault.." In short whatever he does, it's his fault...Same way, Sanjay Marar posted a chart, showing paths leading to Sachin's retirement. Hope you remember it...

    The simple explanation is that Sachin being successful player is an asset to India, so users from other countries would certainly want him to quit.

    Well, he is being targeted because he is successful. The same way, some others such as Dhoni for his luck Kohli for his temper are being criticized. Whenever they get a chance they start howling.

    Now, coming over the points,

    1)Nothing really more to say. We at least did better than that.

    2) Sangakkara certainly had no idea.

    I think there were mistakes from both sides. At times decision do go wrong. Cricket is a gentlemen's game and you should keep your cool. It was just a human error. At times decisions do go wrong, some for you, and some against. It wasn't the way to react.

    But poor umpiring one would say...It was clearly visible that the ball has struck the off-stump. Then again poor umpiring being reluctant to refer it to the third umpire.

    Though the behavior shown by Bhajji and Munaf Patel can't be justified at any circumstances, yet i would say it was more of a mistake by the umpires. It was clearly visible that the ball first struck the off-stump, but if they had doubt they should have referred it if the players were so confident. Mistakes from both sides one should say.

    3)I think there were mistakes from both sides. At times decision do go wrong. Cricket is a gentlemen's game and you should keep your cool. It was just a human error. At times decisions do go wrong, some for you, and some against. It wasn't the way to react.

    But poor umpiring one would say...It was clearly visible that the ball has struck the off-stump. Then again poor umpiring being reluctant to refer it to the third umpire.

    3)IPL is certainly more successful than Big Bash Premier League (BPL). More foreigners involved, more money involved, better TV ratings, better amount through tickets, more competition.

    Moreover, IPL was the first such league to start, and was successful. As I said above, success attracts haters and critics.

    The best way to attack the haters is to be better than them.

    @JoeBlow: Agreed that some of the Pakistani players are highly successful in the T20 format.

    In the first edition of the IPL, that is in 2008 many Pakistani players were in the teams. Some were quite impactful too like Shoaib Akhtar for KKR, Afridi for DC.

    But I think you must be aware of the incident, in 2008 about the attack on Mumbai, and about the current diplomatic relations of India and Pakistan. Though I am not against Pakistan, or Pakistani players, but playing them means a lot of extra security for them as some people still has a lot of bitterness in their hearts for them. IPL isn't an international league, but a part of Indian domestic cricket so no one has the right to blame us for it. No one other than Indians has a right to chose.

    Moreover, playing Pakistani may mean losing fans as in India, the word relating to Pakistan isn't much liked. Losing fans may mean losing tickets.

    Ganguly hasn't been out of touch from cricket. Though his performance hasn't been good yet, he has been playing domestic cricket, and leading his side. Recently he led his side to victory in a league (i don't remember the name) which Bengal hasn't won yet. Moreover, Gilchrist is older than Ganguly. Shane Warne is more than an year older.

    As far as BPL is concerned, there wasn't an Indian there.

  • 9 years ago

    1, I am supposed to ask the same question about Aus vs WI. But I know what the hypocritic Aussies would say. Guess what? Hilfenhaus, Siddle, Harris, etc. are great bowlers. Where? In their home-ground. They called Indians as flat track bullies. Now Aussies are proven to be home ground bullies.

    Some said Bridgetown is a very good batting pitch nothing left for bowlers.

    See how fastly aussies are compiling runs.

    Michael Hussey *47 (156)

    Matthew Wade19 (53)

    They called WI as a third grade team. Now suddenly they become "Stronger team".

    P.S. I watched Sammy's innings against Aussies during 5th ODI lively at 2AM. Honestly,one of the greatest innings I have ever seen.

    2, Harbajan and Munaf are indecent local fellas. But umpires are too arrogant to change their decision when they are not sure about it. Good to see right decision were made.

    3, BPL is a small tournament with less attention when compared to IPL. That's why.

  • 9 years ago

    Everyone is jealous of India and they look for chances to criticize them.

    1. True, The Australian users are always against India.

    2. How could have Sanga seen the behind so quickly? Surely he did not know what was happening. Bhajji is a very short tempered guy so no doubt about why he did it. He and Munaf shouldn't have argued with the umpire.

    3. BBL didn't get as much fame as IPL did so nobody criticized it.

  • 9 years ago

    1. All this is doing is creating further animosity. The good users from both countries accept and appreciate each others comments.

    2. The umpires decision right or wrong doesn't come into it. Harbhajan and Munaf were in tye wrong and both should be punished severely.

    3. Only 8 teams involved so a much shorter season

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  • 9 years ago

    I think people change their stand more because of the Indian supporters in this section rather than the actual Indian team and players. As a neutral between Indians and Australians ever since I have been in this section it is clear that the Indian supporters are by far the most arrogant and obnoxious at times. Evidence of this is even in the posts above me...all the Indians are saying 'it's because we are soo great and the best blah blah blah'. When people have big egos and are arrogant it is only natural to try and bring them back to earth and let them know the reality of the situation. I am 100% sure that if the Indian users in this section were more humble and unbiased then you wouldn't have the Australians saying the things they do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    In answer to your question, I'll break it down for you.

    1) I was not one of those who ever referred to the West Indies as minnows, but I feel I have something to say about this. Prior to the West Indies vs India series, Indian users were giving it to the Australian users when Australia lost to England and were referring to England as minnows (this was also before India got whipped 4-0 in the test series in England), when in fact England is a much better side than the West Indies as the rankings and results suggest. As a result many Australian users are sick to death of the users carrying on about this total nonsense of which it all is. Some were referring to an undermanned West Indies side who travelled to India as minnows when India was struggling to win matches there. Australia at home smashed the West Indies in all apart from one Test match which was a draw.

    2) I saw the question and believe your response may even be in relation to my answer. as you would have seen I said that having seen the youtube clip that Sangakkara was clearly out, but Harbhajan had no right to carry on like he did. Between Harbhajan and Munaf, they managed to get the umpire to ask for a review (which according to the commentators on the youtube video was not allowed in the IPL rules). Indian members carried on something terrible when one of the Indian batsman (I can not recall which one it was) was given out in a similar situation when Michael Clarke pointed to the big screen showing that the batsman was out.

    3) I have no idea really what this one is about, but I would guess the users who are referring to this would basically be saying so due to the Big Bash League not discrimating against any nationality. The IPL ever since the start has had a serious vendetta against Pakistani cricketers and despite a number of Pakistani cricketers being amongst the best T20 players in the world, they do not get picked over some pathetic players who will never even represent India and some such as Saurav Ganguly who has been out of the game far too long and is way too old to play any competitive cricket. Even the most Anti-Pakistani Indian person could not honestly say that Saurav Ganguly is worth a place in an IPL side ahead of someone like Shahid Afridi. Not only can Afridi contribute the same if not more than Ganguly with the bat, but he can contribute a lot with the ball and in the field.

    Do you not notice the common denominator here with the 1) and 2)? Indian's start bagging Australia and other nationalities when they lose to a team, when something they disagree with happens etc, and then the Australian's who were the ones getting bagged those months earlier or the English or other nationalities who were getting bagged then get stuck in bagging the Indian's when the same or worse happens with them.

    Another example is the Australia is crap away from home. Win/Loss ratios would suggest that Australia wins far more away series than they lose even when the side has been going through a transition phase. The only place where Australia does lose far more than they win is in India. When the Indian's start bagging the Australian's about this, then the Australian's start responding with the facts proving India's away record is far worse than Australia's.

    I have said in numerous posts that every team be it India, Australia, England, Pakistan or whoever else is not perfect in onfield or off field behaviour. As such the constant bagging of players such as Ricky Ponting gets tiresome and after a while users start retaliating by pointing out things such as the one in that question about Sangakkara's dismisall. Hopefully one day it might sink in to users (some of which have replied to your question) that team India is not perfect nor is any team with behaviour on the field. India may have won the spirit of cricket award for one incident of good sportsmanship, but dozens of incidents of poor sportsmanship can be shown.

    Another thing which I have pointed out as have other members is how each team has some poor decisions go for and against them almost every match. This means that they end up evening themselves out. As a result when some decision goes the wrong way some of the users complaining need to look at the big picture of the match and see India probably had 2 poor decisions go in favour of them instead of just seeing the 1 poor one going against them.

    Ultimately what I have written in this small essay is the facts. Some will probably disagree and acuse me of being bias or of being racist, but everything I have said can be backed with proof if you look back through past questions. Decent contributing users from India (rather than the nasty trolls) would probably even admit when they think about it, that what I have written is factual when I have commented on sections 1 and 2 which refers a lot to India.

  • 9 years ago

    4) When Sachin scored century recently and India lost then he is not match winner. When Ponting scored century in world cup quarterfinal and subsequently Australia lost then he is player of big matches. Recently Dilshan played two 150+ one day innings, Sri lanka lost but then he is most consistent dashing opener.

    5) Aussie players playing in foreign private leagues, Symonds working in D class foreign (Indian) tv shows then nothing wrong as making money in free time isn't bad. When Sachin or Dhoni does ads then they are greedy and money seekers.

    6) None mentions Mcgrath's racial comments on Sri lankan batsman but none leaves Harbhajan for that accuse which has been denied by their own teammates.

    7) All other team losing abroad is okay, if India does then they are home track bullies.

    8) Australia-England making hometeam friendly pitches is okay, if India does its doctoring.

    9) Sachin making his first one day international century against Bangladesh is not okay but Watson thrashing Bangladesh with 186 runs in one-days and Haydon murdering Zimbabwe with 380 runs in tests is tremendous achievement.

    Why oh Why?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago


  • 9 years ago

    these people do not deserve such attention,do they?

    they just lose respect when they show double standards.


    i read all the answers and i somewhat agree to half drawn boy.

    a few indian trolls have made multiple accounts and are boasting of our team(unnecessarily).

    but these things hardly matter because life is much bigger than thus forum.

  • 9 years ago

    Simple: Everyone hates and fears the strongest and richest.

    Like so many ppl hate USA for no reason. Most Aussies are cool and the one who are pretending to be aussies here are actually pakis who are humiliated to be born in pakistan.

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