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What makes you internet act funny?

My internet is acting very strange.....

"The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network."

Sometimes i can't surf the net because its not working, however it is working! I have a online game application that is open 24/7 and it works just fine.

My wireless router is not even a year old. Also the connection never seems to be "slowed down" when it starts to work again. I get download speed of up to 18Mbps and upload speeds of 1.75Mbps. what could be wrong?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i would go into your router setup and set it back to defaults. it sounds like either a problem with your router settings, OR your Internet Service Provider's dns server. to reset your router, the easiest way is to just use a pin and find the reset hole one the back or bottom usually. hold the pin in the hole for 10-15 second. after you take it out you should see all the ports light up simultaneously. this means it is set to default. leave it as an open unsecure access point and play around on the net for a while a see if it happens again. if it does either your router is broken or your ISP sucks and you should get comcast. if it doesn't mess up again you can resecure your router by going to start then run then type cmd.exe and hit enter. now in the prompt type "ipconfig" and hit enter. look for your default gateway. type this number into the url bar of your internet explorer as if it were a website (i.e. do not type http or www or .com ... just the address. it will take you to your router setup, since you have reset your router the username and password are reset to default which depends on the brand. for cisco or linksys leave username blank and just enter "admin" as the password. if that doesnt work, or for other router brands, use admin as the username and password.., the rest is pretty self explanatory. ie to setup your wireless encryption go to wireless security. also keep in mind that everytime you make a change your router will restart and you will have to reconnect to the new wireless access point. i.e. if you are connected to linksys(unsecure) and you change the name to joe bob. you will have to disconnect from linksys(unsecure) because it doesn't really exist anymore and connect to joe bob(unsecure). then you will have to sign into the router again. then change the security and it will reset again. and again you will have to disconnect from joe bob(unsecure) to joe bob(wpa2) or whatever protocol you used. hope this helps.

    update: you can also change your dns server like she said, but I havent heard of someone on a home network having to change their dns server. sounds like u should switch isp companies if that is the case. thats pretty shabby.

    update2: also before doing anything do the easiest most obvious fix. next time it messes up go to start > run > cmd.exe type "ipconfig /flushdns" it will reset the dns cache. then type "ipconfig /release" hit enter, then "ipconfig /renew" hit enter. sometimes the simple things help the most.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I just tried last year to see if I could Locate my birth-father. My bio father left me when I was 7, and has refused to be a part of my life since. I grew up with my bio Mother and Step-father. I have only ever talked to my biological father a couple times until now. All I knew of him personally when I conducted the search was his first name, last name, and the street address of a previous address he used to have.

    When the search results came back based on the minimal info I had, It pulled up a recent address along with even a phone number. When I called the phone no., I heard the voice of what sounded like it may be my step-brother. I asked if Joseph(my biological dad) was there, and he said no but to try back after 5.

    I haven't done anything with the info, But I found what I was wanting to have.

  • 6 years ago

    >>> Some background check services work, while others do not. My daughter in law used the ECheck one spoken of by the "Anonymous" Detective guy on here. That worked great, she discovered all types of information about a prospective husband that altered the course of her relationship. It helped her to avoid making what would have been a terrible life decision. As for me, I am one of the HR heads at a well-known firm. Our firm is one which relies heavily upon good public relations, so I also use on a regular basis to weed out potential bad apples. My primary function at our firm is hiring and reviewing resumes.


  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Instantly run searches and gather information about the people you interact with on a daily basis or people who live around you. You will be shocked with what you find out. The real question is, can you handle the truth

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  • 9 years ago
  • ok take all the software you do not need off of your computer

    do a disk clean up on your computer go get this free software

    this software will help your computer out

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Just restart your router .

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