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What do you think about gun control?

Our local news team reported on the rising number of policemen getting shot in the line of duty.

In the same newscast they showed Mitt Romney kissing up to the NRA & running the Democrats down for trying to control gun licensing.

I talk to people who are buying guns for the first time because of the rise in crime (which is being blamed on the economy).

From someone who would never steal, even if I was down to my last nickel, am wondering if there any answers to this or is it just going to get worse? It seems any idiot can get a gun.

We just had a policeman & locksmith murdered in Sacramento when they were at a home serving an eviction notice. The murderer was being evicted by a Homeowners Association for a $1,500 debt.

It was so ridiculous & now 2 people are dead.


Do you think the licensing process should be amended?

Also consider the case of Zimmerman. He was an ordinary citizen but carried a gun. He didn't think of handling the situation any other way. He's the type of idiot I'm referring to.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe there should be strong licensing laws and background checks and not everyone should be allowed to own a firearm.

    But I am also 100% against any general prohibition on ordinary law abiding citizens from owning guns.

    As someone else noted, the bad guys will then be the ones with the guns.

    But I absolutely do think there needs to be some sort of uniform licensing amongst states. In mine, criminals go to to other states where laws are lax or to gun shows where there are many under the table transactions. Then they come back home and sell the guns to other criminals and use them themselves.

    I am what you would mostly call a liberal living in a liberal state. Yet I grew up in a small town where it was fairly common to have one or more guns. People used them for lawful purposes, not criminal activity.

    I learned to use a shot gun when I was about 11. Lots of the kids did - we shot cans off of tree stumps or went to the range for skeet shooting. Good clean fun.

    One of my sisters and her husband had several guns of various description in their home. He had a collection of old rifles, there were 3 or 4 shot guns, and 2 or more handguns.

    I see no reason to take guns away from my family or the people I grew up amidst. They all have every right to have guns.

    And they aren't going to kill or rob anyone but the criminals who have their weapons due to lousy enforcement of existing laws and lack of uniform laws across state lines.

    Source(s): Liberal Massachusetts type.
  • 9 years ago

    The right of the people to to own guns cannot be infringed. When law abiding citizens are forbidden to own guns only criminals will have them and no one can defend themselves from them. Only criminals are in favor of such laws. during World War II the Japanese did not attack and invade the US because of the fact that Americans owned Guns. The same was true in Switzerland who the Nazi's did not dare to invade. Guns are an integral part of freedom and should not be given up easily.

    "The Second Amendment says:

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    The second amendment guarantees the Right of "the people" to keep and bear arms. The Right to bear arms is a Right of "the people", it is not a Right of "the State" and it is not a Right of "the Militia". The founders knew the difference between the people, the state and the militia, and they stipulated that the Right to bear arms is a Right of "the people".

    We know that there are those in this country who do not want the people to have guns. We accept that there are conservatives who do not have or like guns. The second amendment does not require anyone to like guns nor does it compel anyone to own a gun. The second amendment compels the government to not infringe upon the Right of the people to have guns.

    IMPORTANT: If you want to ban guns you can do so by amending the Constitution. While most conservatives would not support that ban, they would support the Right to try and amend. If sufficient people wanted to do so, the second amendment can be removed or altered.

    Remember: the Right to amend is a Constitutional provision. Our point is that the Constitution must not be changed by courts or lawmakers who circumvent the amending process.

    The point of these examples is simple. Constitutional law can be amended through the process provided for in the Constitution. Laws are to be made by lawmakers, and those laws are not to violate the laws of the Constitution. Laws, Constitutional or other otherwise, are not to be modified by the courts"


    Zimmerman would likely have been murdered by his attacker had he not had a weapon. The right to self defense is a human right that we cannot give up easily.

  • q S
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Gun control is the most important part of proper shot placement.

    Proper gun control is established by a firm two handed grip. The arms should be fully extended and locked. The strong hand should be gently pushing forward, the support hand gently pulling back for maximum control. The feet should be shoulder width apart and your torso should be leaning forward slightly.

    Hopefully these gun control tips will help you if you choose to purchase a pistol.

    I would recommend: Springfield Armory XD or Smith & Wesson M&P

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The root cause three out of four times for such things are based on boys being raised w/o a father at home of with a highly abusive father at home. At best, the debate on guns would be nothing more than re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I do not own a hand gun out of personal choice.But if a law abiding citizen who has the proper training in using firearms wishes to own one then yes,I will support his or her choice under the freedoms granted to us under The Second Amendment.

  • 9 years ago

    What you failed to mention is that ALL of the police officers shot in the line of duty were shot by CRIMINALS that wouldn't comply with gun control laws anyway.

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