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A fairly young grandparent, ex-college instructor who loves family life, sewing and travel. Am sick of politicians & basically greedy, selfish people. Raised & educated in England but lived in the States for many years. Love NYC, especially Broadway. Theatre is my passion & have been a costume designer for many years. Interested in the preservation of this earth & leaving it worth living on. Breast cancer survivor.

  • As a senior is it a good idea to buy a house or stay a renter?

    We lost our dream house when the furloughs were forced on State of CA workers. We'd been homeowners for 34 years.

    We've been renting a lovely, but expensive, house for 3 years & am thinking it may be better to buy because it just seems we are throwing money away.

    Sure, if anything breaks we just call the property management & it gets fixed at no cost to us.

    The biggest draw back with renting is we have no tax breaks. This year was horrible because my retired husband went back to work 2 days a week (saving up for a vacation). We ended up paying another $7,000 in income taxes & I don't want to give the government anymore money!

    The houses in this area of California are starting to get more expensive as the market recovers but now would be a good time to buy. There's a possibility they'll go much higher.

    At 64 we're pretty sure we'd never pay a mortgage off but payments on a house in our price range would be less than our rent.

    Is it worth it?

    I hate the actual moving part but we are still both active so could take the hassle one more time.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Did you get Affordable Health Care?

    My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California.

    They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma.

    Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.

    12 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • How to motivate a 22yr. old?

    My grandson was abandoned by his mother @ 18 months & his dad, my son, raised him alone.

    My son hasn't done that good of a job & my grandson has lived with just about everyone in the family at some point. My husband & I would look after him during his school vacations because we lived over 400 miles away.

    K has held some menial jobs & got into drugs when he was 18. He lived with a friend & am not sure of all of the problems he's gotten into.

    We now live close to our family & K has moved in with us.

    K. has gone to 3 interviews for jobs but blows every one.

    He stays in bed 'til noon & I'm trying to get him to eat with the rest of us & not keep snacking.

    This morning I lost it as he ate the chicken I was going to use for tonight's dinner.

    I love him but can't find a way to motivate him to get out of bed, exercise or get a job.

    He sold his car & had $700 when he came here, which he went through in a month.

    We had added him to our insurance & let him use one of our cars to get to interviews & visit friends.

    I tried to make him responsible for the extra premiums & worked out a plan. His money should have lasted 6 months, whilst he looked for work.

    We pay for all his food, toiletries & some clothes.

    Don't want to kick him out because he's worn out his welcome with the rest of our family and am afraid he'll get back into drugs if he stays with his friends.

    Any idea's???

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Anyone know the best treatment for Vigiligo?

    It's an auto-immune skin disease where the skin cells die so pigment is lost.

    It starts by white patches on the skin which get bigger.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Is a hysterectomy the only answer for endometriosis?

    My daughter had endometriosis 5 years ago. She had some minor surgery which relieved a lot of pain, but now it's returned. Her doctor is suggesting a hysterectomy.

    Has anyone had an alternative treatment?

    Women's Health8 years ago
  • What excuse are the health insurance companies using for raising their rates?

    My daughter & son-in-law, both full time workers, with 2 kids, have just received a letter from their insurance company that their MONTHLY rate will be increased $200 from $1,200, (to $1,400), July 1st.

    The insurance is through the SIL's work.The company only pays in $150!

    Does anyone know if they will be eligible to change to ObamaCare, if it ever goes through?

    4 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • Do some insulins make you gain weight?

    My health care company just changed my insulin from Novolin N to Humulin N because, in their words, it's cheaper!

    I'm having chaotic blood sugar readings & have not changed my diet. Have gained a pound in a week.

    The doctor is telling me I will have to buy the Novolin elsewhere if I want to go back to it. It's unbelievable since it was not my idea to change.

    BTW we pay $1.200 a month for this crappy insurance (Kaiser).

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How to get a sick person to stop smoking?

    We've been dealing with finding a care facility for my brother-in-law (68), who suffers with back problems from an injury years ago. He was just hospitialized for an abscess in his tooth & had to have a feeding tube. He's weak & needs to have someone check on him daily.

    He's a chain smoker. His pain medicine doesn't work well because of the smoking.

    The doctors in the hospital put him on nicotine patches whilst he was there but he won't continue with them, even though it worked.

    Most care homes will not take smokers but he's not willing to give it up to get into somewhere nice.

    He lives about 130 miles away & my husband & I are trying find somewhere nearer so we can help with his care.

    Any idea's??? We've tried everything from kindness to shocking him with statistics but it's not sinking in.

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Are you looking @the correct issues when choosing your next president? Why are you voting the way you are?

    I'm so sick & tired of this election. I feel you should vote how the government programs being discussed affect you & not by party. (There's enough of that going on with the GOP voting against anything President Obama planned to do)

    I have friends in their 70's & 80's who will vote for Romney because he's against abortion! How on earth do they think that will affect them? It would be a miracle if they ever got pregnant, and they wouldn't want to raise a child anyway!!! They need to be studying about Social Security & what will happen to their pensions if Romney privatizes it.

    This country has a new Civil War going on. We, the people, can decide the countries fate by educating ourselves & not listening to the propaganda.

    12 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Can a landlord kick you out if you refuse to sign a another one year lease in CA?

    We've been in a leased home for 2 years. The landlady's son is now taking over the rental & wants us to sign another years lease. We want to go on a month by month basis so we can look for a house to buy (which will probably take 3 months).

    He says he's going to evict us. Can he do that?

    We have never made a late payment or asked them to fix anything in this old house.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Can a Homeowners Association sue you for payments when the house is bank owned?

    We lost our home in 2010 when my husband had to take a huge pay cut (State worker in CA).

    We had a foreclosure notice from the bank & a notice that they would sell the house in December.

    Our HOA fees were paid until the end of the year.

    The house didn't sell right away & our attorney said that the HOA would put a lien on the property to collect the next quarters dues. We did not hear from them until last Friday when we were served with a summons to go to court.

    I have my receipts for the payments made & copies of the foreclosure notice that indicates the house is bank owned & no longer in our name.

    Anyone know what else we can do? We're going to fight it & want to be prepared.

    They have added a ton of extra fees & turned a $140 bill into $1,600!!!!!!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Anyone else sick of Republicans upset that a Democrat took out Bin Laden?

    I heard Romney state today that the way the President took out Bin Laden was foolish.

    What a stupid remark.

    A wicked murderer was taken out of this world & hopefully there will never be another disaster like 9-11.

    It was done with little cost of life, even though BL was responsible for thousands & thousands of murders. He deserved worse.

    What would Romney have done? Start a war with Pakistan & kill thousands of innocent people, in hopes of hitting BL, ( like the last Republican did in Iraq).

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How will you remember Dick Clark?

    I'll always remember how he introduced black singers to the public on American Bandstand, at a time when the country was still enforcing segregation.

    It was a wonderful boost to the Civil Rights movement & the beginning of hearing some very, very talented people.

    RIP Dick Clark.

    6 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • What do you think about gun control?

    Our local news team reported on the rising number of policemen getting shot in the line of duty.

    In the same newscast they showed Mitt Romney kissing up to the NRA & running the Democrats down for trying to control gun licensing.

    I talk to people who are buying guns for the first time because of the rise in crime (which is being blamed on the economy).

    From someone who would never steal, even if I was down to my last nickel, am wondering if there any answers to this or is it just going to get worse? It seems any idiot can get a gun.

    We just had a policeman & locksmith murdered in Sacramento when they were at a home serving an eviction notice. The murderer was being evicted by a Homeowners Association for a $1,500 debt.

    It was so ridiculous & now 2 people are dead.

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Do you think Easter is getting too commercial, like Christmas?

    Just wish people were more familiar with the story of Jesus & at least tell their children.

    5 AnswersEaster9 years ago
  • Does anyone know what Willard Mitt Romney is promising the American people?

    I saw his plan to seize the Republican GOP nomination by the time he hits Florida but haven't seen anything about what his 'promises' are.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Do you get the blues at Christmas time?

    I lost a lot of family members between November & January & just miss them a lot.

    Every year I put on a happy face & try to carry on but even though I have 5 wonderful grandsons, I still get the blues.

    I have a SIL who makes things miserable, just to add to it. (He's bi-polar)

    Any uplifting idea's anyone?

    2 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • I'm getting just a question mark again instead of a contacts question. What's going on?

    A couple of months ago I would get the same thing but in addition, would get another e.mail with the question. Usually the question had already been answered & best answer chosen.

    Does anyone know how to contact YA?

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam9 years ago
  • Do you know how much stress can elevate blood sugar?

    I have to have surgery in 2 weeks & am diabetic (Type II).

    My blood sugar has always been 100-110 but has now shot up to over 200.

    I'm really stressed out about this surgery & other issues going on in my family.

    Has anyone ever had this happen to them? They will cancel the surgery if I can't get the numbers down.

    2 AnswersDiabetes10 years ago