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Lv 4
Annie asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

Anyone else sick of Republicans upset that a Democrat took out Bin Laden?

I heard Romney state today that the way the President took out Bin Laden was foolish.

What a stupid remark.

A wicked murderer was taken out of this world & hopefully there will never be another disaster like 9-11.

It was done with little cost of life, even though BL was responsible for thousands & thousands of murders. He deserved worse.

What would Romney have done? Start a war with Pakistan & kill thousands of innocent people, in hopes of hitting BL, ( like the last Republican did in Iraq).

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If it had been GWB, he would be on Mount Rushmore by this time! They had their chance, and without a doubt would have been "spiking" the football if it had been them. The D/A's are just desparerate to argue about his foreign policy and have nothing to go at him with....instead lies about being weak, and apoligizing to all of our enemies.....which is a bunch of lies as well.......I suppose GWB landing that jet fighter on that ship, and declaring "Mission Accomplished" was not the same thing.....OF COURSE NOT!.....they can take in and lump it the victor belongs the spoils, they had their chance and blew it......."even Jimmy Carter would have voted for Romney".....he did, and it proably cost him his office as a result......Romney would not have had the "you know what" to have gone at him like this.....he would have lobbed a missle in, if that at all!.....the President talked the walk , and then walked it!

    Source(s): Die Hard Yellow Dog Democrat
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    nicely there is an limitless distinction between the state of our usa while Clinton became pres to while Bush became so as that argument isn't in all threat suitable. Republicans like democrats choose to demonize the different section and hotel to irrational tactics while sensible ones do no longer exist. I also have a family contributors member who's an severe proper winger and defended his place to me(an Iraq conflict vet) that pulling out of Iraq became the incorrect element for Obama to do after listening to me say how satisfied i'm that my acquaintances and different human beings do no longer might desire to die over the WMD and Al Quaida connection incorrect information anymore. So, human beings ought to be leaving their households and loss of life for something that has no longer something to do with their lives or usa in anyway because of the fact Obama saved BUSH's promise to withdraw via 2012. maximum of the two factors assaults are the two irrelevant or ignorant and don't serve human beings in any respect.

  • 9 years ago

    I hadn't heard Willard "Mitt" Romney's latest foot-in-mouth tomfoolery. Foolish? A clean operation not leaked, no U.S. casualities, a capture of all the bin Laden papers and documents that show vital details of al-Qa'eda, the taking out of the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks without fanfare, the burial at sea to eliminate the possibility of an al-Qa'eda-used shrine to stir up future anti-American recruitments...? What about this entire operation was "foolish"? Answer: Absolutely nothing!

    Romney is on record stating he would not have spent the dollars or time to go after one man, in line with former President Bush's stance on the matter. Perhaps Romney is a dues-paying member of the Carlisle Group (see Michael Moore's revealing documentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11") who favors all-out war for profiteering purposes, along with Bush family and their close friend Prince Bandar (military pilot in the Saudi army and friend of the bin-Laden family in Saudi Arabia--a man whose wife laundered money for two of the 9/11 pilots through the notorious Riggs Bank, upon whose Board sits GW brother Marvin Bush and GW's maternal uncle/Board chairman Wirt Walker I and his maternal cousin Wirt Walker III). Yes, the right-wingers would in all likelihood kiss up to the wealthy bin Laden family and allow Osama bin Laden go unscathed---or would collude with greedy-gut Defense Contractors after first setting up inside-trading before doubling our already exorbitant defense budget to illegally invade yet another sleeping country.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Both parties are in the wrong.Bin Laden would have been killed no matter which president was in office as the time had to have been right to have found this murderer when he was vulnerable.

    Until our leaders recognize that our faith in God made this country what it is then,we as a free people,will cease to exist.

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  • 9 years ago

    Everyone knows, Romney's like shaft in the wind... Last I heard, the Romney team was saying, Bin Laden is dead, & GM is alive, because Obama listened, to Romney... Obviously that changed, from a year ago... Then it was, its not worth moving heaven & earth, spending billions, to catch one man, & Detroit, should go bankrupt... I guess it was another, of the many, Romney etch-o-sketch moments...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Seal Team 6 took out Bin Laden. President Obama gave them the official go ahead as Commander in Chief, but he did not plan or coordinate the mission. I give our current president exactly as much credit as I would have given his predecessor(s), but the real credit goes to the people who were actually involved in the mission.

    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    THE SEALS KILLED BIN LADEN! WHEN ARE YOU LIBTARDS GOING TO GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD??? Michael Scheur, head of the Bin Laden Unit said during the Clinton Administration the CIA had multiple opportunities to kill Bin Laden BEFORE 9/11 but Clinton refused.

  • 9 years ago

    Actually I am happy we got him, I just wish that the democrats had done it before 9-11. All thru the 90s Al Quada was attacking us, I would like to know why it took the deaths of 3000 Innocent Americans to convince democrats the man was a threat.

    You ought to listen to the entire quote, not just the part the liberal media wants you to hear.

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    First off most Republicans are glad Osama is dead and we don't care who got him! Second Romney never said that and I think you know that! In fact he said if he were president and had the opportunity he would do the same thing! You need to stop watching MSDNC so that you get accurate info!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The name of the soldier who shot bin Laden has not been publicized. Why would you insult us by claiming to know his party affiliation?

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