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Christians - who first taught you christianity?

...and did you ever stop to think that they might:

a) Be wrong

b) have an ulterior motive

c) be human & therefore prone to persuasion & opinion

d) Be regurgitating what they heard from whoever taught them christianity?

e) or that you were too young to question it, and as a result, have been possibly brainwashed?

No, this isn't a troll question. I'm genuinely interested in how christianity spreads, and why it is so different wherever you look. Why doesn't anyone question things that they are told/

I believe that the majority of Christians are inoctrinated from an early age, before they can think for themselves. They will never question christianity, just like they never question santa until someone tells them he doesn't exist.

Other people seem to turn to christianity during periods of vulnerability when they want to believe.

What I am trying to find is someone who turned to christianity of their own free will, during a time when they were happy, and capable of looking at it objectively without further influence from anyone else.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I'll answer within reason.

    a. no

    b. yes

    c. no and yes and no

    d. no

    e. no

    I am an Aspergian. I never believed in Santa, despite my parents trying to teach me about him. I turned to the previously unknown God, because I couldn't rely on man: parents, teachers, or any person. I was failed over and over again by man.

    When I listened to the people in my life, I was told I would become nothing. The only reason I did not obey or heed their words was because I found someone who did care. His guidance has never failed me.

  • 9 years ago

    Yeah! You found me! Lol I studied several religions during and after college and decided Christianity was best for me. No one introduced it to me and no one convinced me from an early age. I do question my faith and my religion almost every day but at the end of the day I find what I believe to be more persuasive than anything else. Though I have had bad times in my life my faith in God was there before they happened so there was no “Come to Jesus moment” as they say. I simply believe in God of my own free will and still enjoy the studies of logic and science. I have found that if you are open-minded you do not have to choose one or the other.

    Source(s): Christian ;)
  • 9 years ago

    My parents raised me as Chrisitan however: During my early 20's I am not sure I was Christian. My actions were on the rebellious side. I learned what Christian truly was when I saw my friends step to the plate and activly help me when I had problems. They didn't have to explain Christianity to me. I could see it. I could see that one friend could have been doing dozens of other things, like home school her boys (she does home school, and did when she was helping me) but she came and cleaned my house, at a time of depression in my life. I could see an example of Christian (true Christian) when someone paid for me to go to councling, a really good counclor. I had no insurance at the time. For me Christianity is not the same as questioning Santa. My peroid of rebellion taught me that. I was not happy then.

  • 9 years ago

    To begin this discussion we must first define the term "Christian".

    Everyone has their own definition of what a Christian is these days. Do we work with the atheist definition, The Jehovah's Witness definition, The Mormon definition, the Catholic definition, or The Bible's ~ and the words or Christ himself?

    Once we can agree on what Christianity actually is, then we'll be able to talk about how the belief is taught.

  • Nancy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Actually you are very wrong. Most Christians did not know Jesus and came to make their own decisions to serve God as adults.

    I was not raised in a home where we went to church. At all.

    I worked with a Christian girl. I thought she was the nicest person in the world, very kind. I ended up being homeless when I was 19 and a terrible drug addict. I went to church with her and laughed at the christians. Then a few nights later I was in a hotel room watching Jesus of Nazareth on TV. When Jesus was crucified I felt a warm, loving peace, pour over me. You cannot resist the love of God when He does that. I ended up eventually going to church with her again and after about four times, I gave my life to Jesus. It took me about 6 months to get off drugs completely. I was 19. I'm 50 now. Never lived a perfect life but the Holy Spirit has always been with me. I went off to college, I bought a house. I have a good life.

    So, yes, I turned to God of my own free will. Frequently people who are down look to God and that's fine but the problem is when life is happy they forget about what he did for them.

    God bless.

  • 9 years ago

    I went to church, but only when I wanted to, it was never something that was forced on me. When I grew up, I stopped going, and then one day, I was watching a particular show on bible study, it was not preachy, just studying God's word from the original manuscripts, and I was hooked from then on. I did not turn to God because I was in trouble, I was already having a happy life, it was just the right time, and the right moment for me.

  • 9 years ago

    Dear friend, Christians are wrong first of all when they say Jesus is god, is the god's son etc. but the truth is that God is One and Only. He doesn't have son, or daughter or wife or family... so take a look (read) at the Quran (Coran) and the Bible and you will see the difference. Islam is the right religion. Peace.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm almost 50.

    Eight years ago I heard the words 'God hates religion' and they shocked me. They rang as true and I needed to know more.

    Now... I was and still AM a cynic. If I smell flowers I look around me for a coffin.

    But I couldn't avoid those words....

    So I went to this place to hear what they had to say, and they started talking about Jesus.

    I DID NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THIS GUY JESUS.... I wanted to hear about GOD!!!! It kinda irked me. But they kept doing it.

    But the Jesus they talked about wasn't the stuffy religious character from the past that religion had made him out to be. He became this cool, hippyish, wise, in-yo-face, living breathing truth after truth after truth.... that I couldn't deny.

    And I believed.

    And then my life started like I had a second chance..... born all over again.... with a new mind.... a new heart..... a new purpose.....

    Prior to that I was selfish, self centered, egotistical, full of hate, greedy, angry, bitter and addicted to sex, sex, sex.

    Of course, I didn't recognize most of those faults about myself. If you asked me, I'd tell you how sweet and caring I was.... lying to your face, lying to MYSELF, believing I could hide the truth from myself, people AND God....

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You have a lot of uneducated assumptions.

    No one told me what to think. I have been studying the bible for sixteen years, and that is why I believe it.

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