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This question is not Just for Catholics , But All Christians?


Open Minds ..!? that's what leads to the problems we are facing, Open Mind about the Pill, Abortion, sex , Divorce, Give in on one and they all fall.. The Church does not want to harm gay people or cause them to suffer or even Judge them .. Homosexuality is a Mortal sin as told by God himself, the Open mind has lead people to believe God is either wrong about homosexuality or He is okay with it...The open mind says the Church needs to except it and change it's stance on it. ....No, People need to obey the Word of God..... It's about accountability ,

We reward mediocrity in this country and around the world , we make excuses, This allows people to think God has an open mind and offered suggestions instead of commandments. Gods mercy is abundant, However


21 Another of the disciples said to Him, “Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.” 22 But Jesus *said to him, “Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead.”

We will all be accountable

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a practicing Catholic and I agree 100% with the video. I will be voting on those issues based on the Church's teachings because they are non-negotiable.

  • 9 years ago

    That was quite the video! I was born and raised Catholic, made all of my sacraments and married my husband in a Catholic church (he is a Presbyterian). However, I do not attend church anymore. I have struggled with organized religion for many years now. It just seems "off" to me. That being said I still do support the Catholic churches right to their institution. They should not have to pay for insurance for people to use birth control or get abortions. I do not support the churches view on gay marriage. People who are in love and want to be together straight or gay should be allowed to be married, not judged! We need more open minds in this world.

  • 9 years ago

    Not being a Catholic anymore, but knowing them quite well, practically none of them care what the church authority says.

  • 9 years ago

    Great that you see all this but one thing if you will RonRon....Stop thinking in terms of "Religion" and what "The Church" dictates and think in terms of what God says in the Bible....Stop thinking in terms of "homosexuality being a mortal sin" for instance and think in terms of "all sins being mortal or grave" enough to commit someone to HELL...And know that we each have until our last breath to "get it right with God" and while many find God at different times, many more will spend their entire lives unfortunately to find and live with God as their Pilot..

    Remember, there were leaders in the Roman Catholic Church who have "Designed" the dogmatic rituals you profess now....And some have deviated so far from the Word of God that they make Catholics appear to be puppets with all their manipulation....I'll show you: The church shows us how to pray different versions of prayer concocted as a form of reverence...You even pray to Mary in reverence and the "Church" reveres Mary as the Leader of the Church...While she is the Mother of Jesus, she was only a vessel who was allowed to present Jesus to the world, right? So why does the Catholic Church put so much emphasis on Mary ?

    Also, ask yourself this..Why does God only tell us "when we pray in this manner" and he cites the Lord's Prayer and yet the Church tells you how to pray and whom to pray to for each of your special needs? The Catholic Church shows you how to pray to various Saints, to Mary and eventually to God...Don't you think that with all your intelligence and knowledge about God that you need to wake up and use that Wisdom and Spirit thriving inside of you and ask yourself, why are you praying backwards when all you need to do is address God by going through is Son, Jesus the Christ instead of entering through the back door.

    This is only one facet of so so many error I have personally witnessed the Roman Catholic Church misguiding people...The church's ultimate beginning was discovered for the wrong reasons for starters...It began as a method of "Controlling" people rather than leading them to God...Think! Learn ! Live for the LORD>

    In God's love

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  • 9 years ago

    I won't go watch your video.....

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