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A Mature Question to Hockey Fans involving Pens/Flyers series....?

My mom and I were talking about the series after the Flyers won. She brought up a good question.

Even though Pittsburgh came back and won those two games, do you agree that because of game 3, and all of the stuff that happened within the Penguins organization, (The Antics of Crosby, Letang getting thrown out, the dirtier hits), that that specific game was a Series changer?

I'm honestly not trying to say this in a bad way, But, Basically, the majority (IF not all) of the other 29 fanbases were rooting against the Penguins, and even more shocking, rooting for the Flyers. Mainly, because of game 3.....I'm sure feelings will change for some towards the flyers from here on out. What I'm basically asking is do you feel Game 3 Impacted the outcome of this series? And If so, Why do you feel that way? Also, I'd prefer some mature, adult conversations while discussion this but I know that most likely will not happen....I'm all for trash talking, but not so much the baby names and stuff lol

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You bring up a good point and I agree with you.I think in the first 3 games...the Penguins played poorly. Terrible goaltending, terrible defense but they still could have won game 3 however they unfortunately were very undisciplined. Asham, Crosby, etc. taking dump penalties.

    If you would told me before the series, one team would lose their composure I would have easily have guessed it was Philly. Give credit to Philly for playing solid hockey, staying composed and getting Pittsburgh to lose their cool.

    Surprised with Crosby in that game 3. Here in Canada on TSN....I thought the boys brought up an interesting point in that post-game show. (I'm not on Yahoo! much but I assume based on the little time I'm on, your from Michigan so you don't get TSN?) The point they brought up is that Crosby is the leader of that team and when your leader is getting invloved in scrums and being undisciplined, it tells the rest of the team that it's alright as well. I'd have to agree with that and I think that's where the Pens lost this series.

    Had they stayed disciplined in game 3, they would have had a chance at winning the game despite the poor play of Fleury and poor defense. As you mentioned, Letang got thrown out. What if they won game 3? It's 2-1 Philly at that point and this is still a tight series but we could only wonder. They made it interesting to push it to 6.

    Congrats to Philly on their win, they'll be a tough team to beat even with Bryz in net.

  • 9 years ago

    It may have changed the opinion of the referees and subsequently (although indirectly) took the Pens off their game with tighter penalty calling.

    I think the biggest reason for the Pens loss was that Fleury was terribly inconsistent and unreliable. Not to mention my theory that no matter how good Malkin and Crosby are, when the latter returned to the lineup his presence essentially changed the Penguins style which was doing very well. Then..........POOF!..........tee time.

    Source(s): MING - Actually, the Islanders defeated the Penguins in the mid 70's after being down 0-3, and another team (other than the Flyers) did it too. I think the Flyers are the third team to do so.
  • 9 years ago

    Kay, regardless of the clowns on here lately, you remain the darling of the hockey section. :-)

    Personally, I think the Flyers are just as bad as the Pens were in game 3--but they're like that year round, so no one seemed to notice. The Pens went overboard for sure this series, and the Flyers outplayed them and succeeded in rattling each player on the Penguins team! They deserved to beat the Penguins for THOSE reasons, not because the Pens were uncharacteristically off their game and emotional to the point they made ridiculous mistakes--and certainly not for their own antics.

    I think that game sort of indicated how the series was going to end because they simply were too personally emotional which led to all kinds of mistakes and poor choices.

  • Ming P
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    i do believe that game 3 was the changer. Penguins came out flat at home losing in game 1 and 2. As the series shift to Philly, they basically have to win game 3 to stay in it (only 1 team has ever come back after down 3 game to 0 and that's Flyers) and what do they do? lackluster effort from Fleury (in fact other than game 4 and 5, he has not been good, talk about someone with experience in playoff), letting Philly get into their head, team captain acting like a big baby and focus on be the goon squad style and not blue collar hockey (which is play with effort, block shots, take chances and play defense)

    I have not been a big fan of Penguins and especially Crosby to begin with but game 3 really added to that dislike. I told a Flyers fan that i work with, i can not stand Crosby, game 3 proved that he is a punk. (i am a long time New York Rangers fan too, started to watch them in 1998)

  • 9 years ago

    It absolutely did.

    It was not Penguins hockey and I am not happy with the way they played that game (I like tough, physical hockey but not dirty hockey) but it showed the entire Penguins team how frustrated the team leaders were and that they were willing to do whatever it took to win. It re-focused the team and they played like a team in the next 2 games with positive results.

    Hopefully you get a few more GROWN UP answers.

  • I think all of the first three games showed a lack of poise and discipline by the Pens. They DID let the Flyers get under their skin. They came back and won Game 4 on sheer emotion, and then for the first time played a solid, disciplined game in Game 5.

    Was it Game 3? No, I think they were already done. You can't single out one game in which the eventual loser goes down 0-3, since they had to GET to that point.

    Good luck keeping the baby talk out.

  • 9 years ago

    Every game made an impact on the series, but game 3 was a huge one.

    I've always rooted against the pens, found it hard to cheer for the flyers since I'm a rangers fan but I dealt with it. In all honesty, I just wanted the flyers to win cause I knew if the rangers make it far enough, we could easily beat them hahah, facing the pens would be tougher for the rangers.

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