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Lv 5
C B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

75% support voter ID laws, 65% support AZ immigration law, 65% oppose Obamacare?

And Obama and the Dems are on the opposite side and think they are going to win?


The Republicans have pushed pathways to citizenship for illegals, Obama and the Dems pressured by the Unions ALWAYS oppose, look at their votes. As soon as they are shown as the immigration frauds they are, hopefully it's over.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Conservatives only like to talk about opinion polls in their favor. 70% of Americans supported the Buffet Rule and the American Jobs Act.

    Republicans are putting democracy up for sale, using voter ID laws to re-insitute a poll tax by proxy and supporting the Citizens United decision. In Michigan, they are already replacing local elected officials with temporary dictators, or "emergency managers," and fast-tracking laws into immediate effect without bothering to count the votes to make sure they can constitutionally do so. If only more Americans were aware of the Republicans' "war on democracy."

  • 9 years ago

    In 1968, 68% of people still believed in anti-miscegenation laws(interracial marriage). The Supreme Court still ruled them legal. In the summer of 2009, 67% of Americans believed in health care reform. It was only after the GOP lie campaign about "death panels" and "job killing" that they changed. The abortion controversy is about 50/50 now, but the anti-choice people seem to be winning, with many states flat out ignoring the Roe V Wade decision of 40 years ago. (Of course, when Obama criticizes the court, it's outrageous, isn't it?)

    The Republicans have never pushed for citizenship pathways except for the DREAM act proposed during the Bush administration, and that was roundly defeated. Now, they are just this side of advocating genocide to get rid of them, unless you talk to the GOP businessmen who need them for cheap labor. The Democrats proposed a DREAM Act in 2010. What do you think the reaction was from the Republicans?

    Unions make up only about 9% of Americans. This is one reason why the right is pushing to do away with them, because they are the only consistent large contributors to the Democratic Party while the GOP has hundreds of them.

  • 9 years ago

    i do not know if your figures are right and that is okay. because i support ID laws, if i am stopped i am ask for ID and if I CANNOT produce it i get a free lunch and a whopping fine to pay for it. i support AZ immigration law because they are the ones paying the bills for the illegals and it is their right to protect their borders and make their own laws. i oppose obamacare because i have read it. well a lot of it but dang it is hard to read, full of double talk and lies. it takes 29 pages for just the index. this bill is scary. this can be read at only someone that has read it or even parts of it should be allowed to pass judgement on it. in section 5210 of this bill there is a youth corp stipulation that is straight out of hitlers words. and that is just one very small item in the thousands of pages. you cannot read it once and understand it. you must reread and check back to other sections to get the full understanding. try it. and by the way that is a government web site.

  • 9 years ago

    I saw one where 75% knew who the Koch Brothers were, How they have thrown money around to buy gov, ect.

    65% knew Romney used other peoples money to leverage assets for his profit. How Romney wants to rape America for profit and try to become the master King of the world .

    65% knew how the Paul Ryan Plan would put the country in decline

    And 30% said they wanted a liar in office so they will never know what they are doing.

    Just make it up folks as that is The Tea Party Way

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  • daddio
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    i've heard the exact same stats repeatedly for months now.

    head in the sand anyone?

    regardless of these points.....stimulus and bank bailouts have been added to baseline spending.

    this is a big middle finger to the public from BOTH parties. the trolling party-line-towers really need to put their heads somewhere with some daylight...not where it currently is placed.

  • 9 years ago

    You forget I think that Obama was elected to bring in the health reforms and also that he is deporting more than other US presidents.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    er... your stats on Obamacare are off

    and the only polls on voter ID laws seem to be fox news polls.. .lol

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Isn't America a GREAT country?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Who made up those stats? or was it a survey of Faux News patrons?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The 66% of women and 80% of Hispanics will decide the election.

    If you are a white male you can go fishing that day.

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