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  • Where can I find the list of all the people that accompanied jane fonda to north vietnam?

    the only thing I can get when I put it in my browser is Jane Fonda and her on that gun.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • Question for liberals?

    May I please have answers from the liberals that are backing Obama.

    The question is what scandal or mistake can obama make that would chang your mind? Obama has had so many that it is hard to pick just one as an example so I will let you do that.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • I missed something somewhere?

    My background is computers. I started with cobol and fortran and have worked with them for many many years.

    now I have a grandson that has been on the computer since he was 5 years old. he is going to college for computer programming, I thought. I was looking at his books and classes and this is operating not programming This is using programs that someone else has created. He can do that, hey we all do that and he has been doing in for years. surely he knows this doesn't he? and how can a college offer a programing course and only teach operating. Did I miss something along the way when the computer language changed to basic? I thought programming was creating new programs for the operator to use. Am I wrong?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Do you wonder what congress is doing?

    check this site out. and find out how much of your life is gpvernment by committee and we all know committees can never agree and seldom get it right.

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • social security... did you know?

    that not one congress has served a full term without an amendment to social security being made and all are in violation to the original bill enacted in 1935.

    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • why are we forking over money to countries that waste it?

    while our own people are in need of jobs and support our government is giving away billions and billions of dollars to other countries. if the money were to be given directly to the people of these lands to build for their selves a life maybe i would not mind so much. this is money collected from the people of the united states and we should and need to know where it goes and why. we need to take care of home first and then worry about others. charity begins at home and good friends cannot be bought.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • has anyone thought seriously about the job market?

    when the united states was building its manufacturing base which sustained us through all the wars and fed our families we were manufacturing to sell to each other. by doing this we created an economy that has never been matched. the odd products that were exported meant little to us. the world wanted what we had. but they want to cut corners and not make products for their own use or to enhance their own people but to glut our markets and sell to us. the people that are now slaving to produce what we are capable of doing ourselves see little of the product that they are paid enough to enjoy. they are strangling our cash flow with too much out and not enough recycling of the cash with in our borders. this is the true purpose of our government to protect us within our borders. we need a real and loud cry for tariff that are fair to the workers of america.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • are you a disinfranchised democrat?

    i have been noticing that there are more and more democrats that have lost the beliefs they had in their party. they feel that the democrat party has been stolen from them by special interest groups that leave them out. they are americans with american ideals but find the hard-line of the politics of the party are not part of their ideals or way of life.

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • what is the government doing about price gouging?

    both state and federal governments have in place price gouging laws to be used during a time of emergencies, if the unemployment in the united states is not an emergency why is it the only news? the price of groceries is being pushed to the point of insanity. is it because so many more are using food stamps and the government will never cap what they are willing to pay? this is price gouging at the extreme. they cannot say it is cost of labor or cost of transportation they already raised prices for that. this is every week prices are up and volume in a package is down. make this an issue today.

    2 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • what do you think of yahoo joining abc?

    i have been a user of yahoo since the beginning. i have bypassed many johnny come lately's that have come along. for the first time i am considering removing all of yahoo because abc news is so biased to the liberals that it fails to give true and complete facts. i know that yahoo its self is very liberal but the basic users are not. we prefer the use of unbiased opinion and news. i am truly sorry to be considering leaving this forum but i cannot support abc.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • what kind of investigation is done for 500 million dollars like solyndra got?

    i need to know because i want to open a business in my hometown that has nothing but poverty and non profit left and i will share it with 500 people that will give my town 500 millionairs.

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • why are groceries more in poor neighborhoods more than any where else?

    i am going to use this forum for the express purpose of presenting a personal experience that i had today. it has be both upset and angry.

    i have a son with major medical problems today i drove him to his doctors, on the way i home i pass through the poorest neighborhood in town. no problem this is where i came from and i know many there. i needed a loaf of bread so i stopped at the new and glitzy grocery store they built on the ball field my children played on. i could not believe what i found inside. the prices where jacked up so high that i could not afford more than the loaf of bread. so my question is why in the poorest neighborhood are the grocery prices the highest.? is it food stamps? is it lack of knowledge? is it a captive clientele? not all from this area live on foodstamps and welfare most are workers with jobs. they are proud and decent people and they do not deserve this. the next grocery store is on the other end of town to far if you are a single parent or have no car. i knew that in the past the company store stole all the money earned by the workers but i thought that was over with. i guess not huh?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • will hillary run for president?

    we have seen a lot of republican hopefuls, where are all the democrats? they will never have a better chance than now. and remember there are months left before the spring primaries and obama is not getting any better.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • does anyone really care about the stock market?

    only the ones selling stock are affected by the price of stock. it does not have a thing to do with the companies. the only time it has anything to do with the company's is when it is new stock. the reseller of the stock is the one that takes the profit or loss. if you own stock it will not change your share of the profits from the company. so before you run scared check and see if you will get a check for the quarter. the stock market is one big pawn shop. sometimes you get a bargain and sometimes you get stung. it is legal gambling and the house always wins.

    2 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • what are unions and how do they compare with the tea party?

    the unions when they were started and by the way they were started by socialist and afl was started by a jew, were hated by the media and by the politicians. politicians used massive force to try to browbeat and intimidate the members, the media used words and slurs and hate tactics. this was a grass roots uprising that gained momentum until they could not do anything but accept. from this the unions did much for the workers they forced the government to make laws that gave a fair days pay for a fair days work and a safer place to work, children were protected. not all workers participated but all workers benefited.\

    now we have another grass roots movement and the media and the government are treating them like the unions in the beginning and again it is gaining momentum and will succeed and the government must accept. not all will participate but all will benefit. it is called the TEA PARTY.. and yes it will have false starts and problems but the voice of the people will be heard.

    FOR FACTS on labor unions read this

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • did you know that obama's job plan includes more free trade plans with other countries?

    now that should really help our economy. and that boehner said he will back it. time for some real thinking here people.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • how do spot a bully? and will we accept this in a president?

    i found this site and my first thought was wow that is obama. how did we get a president like this?

    if you do not read the site please do not answer with slurs.

    bully's are everywhere and we have been allowing this to happen for too long. the news media has bullied sarah palin and though i am not a supporter i feel that she needs defended. they are using the same tactics on bachmann and again i do not support her as president but still feel she should not be treated in this way.

    our president bullied his way into office by backdoor racist comments and now he is using backdoor tactics again. are we going to allow this?

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • why does bush get more press now than he did when he was in office?

    dang he must have done something right to get all the blame for what is wrong, otherwise he would just be another ex.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • do you think the american people can handle the truth?

    politicians and the media always like to pretend things are pretty. though the news like sensational news it is not the kind of truth that would cause panic. the other kind that would is never said. do you really think we could handle it? i do. i am old and i remember pearl harbor and ww2 we thought we were too big to be bothered, the 9/11 and again we were very complacent but both times in the face of real truth we answered not with panic but with show them attitudes. so why does obama keep calling worlf is this so we ignore the real truth.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago