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My husbands son from a previous marriage is not much younger than me?

My husband has two kids from both of his previous marriages, a 7 year old girl and an 18 year old son. I am 22 and my husband is 41, his son and a few of his friends dropped by to visit, this is the first time I have met his friends, and all of them would not stop staring at me. I later found out that my husband showed his son a nude photo of me. This is just awkward, I asked him if he showed his sons friends, and he said "no", of course not" but I think he did. I have already gotten him to agree to go to marriage counseling for our problems, but I don't think he takes it seriously, and any time I am upset he blows it off by saying its "young girls and their hormones". He treats me like a toy or child instead of a wife. The whole visit from his son and friends was awkward, with one who could not stop blusing and another one flirting and cracking sexual jokes. One even said "your step mom is kinda hot". This kids mothers already thinks I am "confused lost little girl", I don't want the relationship to become even more strained.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok i dont want to be as rude as someone of the other commenters here, but what were you thinking marring a man twice your age? As i see it you should have been paying attention to the fact that he has two other ex wives. That says something and is probably why he couldnt get a woman his own age. i think its absolutly digusting that he went after a woman who was/is barley older than his child and probably just out of college. Now i dont understand why you would stay with a man who has shown your naked picture to HIS CHILD, that would be enough for me to pack my bags and take him for everything hes got. This man has serious issues. Also i dont care who the man is, he should not be allowing his son's friends to crack jokes of a sexual nature to his WIFE. He is not taking you seriously at all youre right about that. You are still young and honestly you should get out of this sitituation. Think about it like this... how grossed out would you be if a 20 year old man was chasing after a 10 year old child.... this is basically what your husband did. To him you are a child, and how could you excpect him to think any differently he has a child your age. If i were you id be packed and gone already.... good luck and i hope youll be ok.

  • 9 years ago

    He treats you like a toy or child instead of a wife because that's how he sees you, and that's very obvious. And for that, I rather doubt that counseling will do a bit of good.

  • 9 years ago

    Dam he's good 41 and is with a 22 year old. Score

  • 9 years ago

    You're basically a kid and he's going through a midlife crisis. He's also obviously quite proud of having bagged one so young.

    Congratulations, you're a trophy wife.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    so...what exactly did you expect when you married someone nearly twice your age...? are you seriously just now realizing that he probably didn't marry you for your wit and intelligence? maybe you should have been more practical when you were dating instead of marrying an overgrown, super wrinkly child.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    See u r mad or something..

    That old man making u use and fun..

    Rather i say lev him..

  • 9 years ago

    you're a lovely wife.

  • miya
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    coooooool...good for him...

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