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Craig C asked in TravelUnited KingdomLondon · 9 years ago

London Zoo Question.?

So I'm off to merry old London in June and whilst I'm there I'm planning to go to London Zoo. I have 2 questions:

1) How long can I expect to queue for on a Saturday?

2) How long on average does it take to look around the Zoo?


5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went to London Zoo with my partner last month and it was brilliant. We queued for about 15 minutes to get in but if you book your tickets online, you'll be able to jump the queues and also will probably be able to find some good discounts. Search for 'London Zoo discounts' and you're sure to find something that will save you a few quid.

    We took a packed lunch with us and ate on the grass in the middle of the Zoo, which was really lovely. We probably spend about 4 or 5 hours there wandering around. There are several shows throughout the day though so you can have a sit down if you need to. The Penguin Encounter was my particular favourite but the tigers and gorillas are also amazing to see. Have fun!

  • 9 years ago

    I would advise getting there as early as possible and travel by rail if possible as you can print off a 2 for 1 voucher from the National Rail website to save you money. If you drive, expect to pay £15 for a car park space, otherwise get the bus from Camden tube station.

    The queue is usually about 10 - 20 minutes and gets very busy in the summer holidays and at weekends. Bring a picnic with you if you don't want to get ripped off in the cafe as there are plenty of places to eat your picnic and it would probably be better than their fish and chips which is not even Cod but some unheard of "sustainable alternative".

    The zoo has been there for such a long time that a lot of the buildings are very Victorian and not ideal for seeing the animals also a lot of the large animals have gone to make way for exhibits such as the rainforest one. The penguins are always good value and the inset house is good especially if it's raining. The aquarium building feels very old fashioned and is quite cold. I would recommend that you allow from about 10am till 2pm to do the zoo.

  • 9 years ago

    I've never had to Q for more than half an hour there but to make the most of it you should reserve a whole morning or afternoon. Despite being considered by most to be the best zoo in the world I actually liked edinburgh zoo better

    Source(s): Experience
  • 9 years ago

    1 - Depends on the time you go. Right at opening 15 minutes. Middle of the day/afternoon 40-60 mins.

    2 - Depends entirely on you. Can vary from 2 hours to 4 or 5....depends when you want to go and how fast you walk...

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Its not busy tourist season yet so you wouldnt have to que for long, however you save money by getting your tickets online

    Ive heard it can take anywhere up to 2 hours to go through the whole zoo

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