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In the Bible the Book of Revelation Chapter 18 verse 2 says about "A hateful bird". What is a hateful bird?

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    ANGRY BIRDS! Prophecy = fulfilled. End of world at hand.

  • 9 years ago

    The well-known sight of a cluster of scavenger birds gathered around a carcass often served as the basis for an ominous warning to an enemy (1Sa 17:44, 46), and repeatedly formed part of divinely inspired prophetic warnings to the nation of Israel and its rulers (De 28:26; 1Ki 14:11; 21:24; Jer 7:33; 15:3) as well as to foreign nations. (Isa 18:1, 6; Eze 29:5; 32:4) Thus, the one used by Jehovah to execute judgment was figuratively represented by “a bird of prey.” (Isa 46:11) Desolation of a city or land was depicted by its becoming the habitat of certain birds of solitary nature (Isa 13:19-21; compare Re 18:2) or by the disappearance of all bird life. (Jer 4:25-27; 9:10; 12:4; Ho 4:3; Zep 1:3) The proclamation calling all the birds to gather to feast upon the dead bodies of Gog of Magog and his crowd (Eze 39:1-4, 17-21) is paralleled by that recorded in Revelation in which the bodies of national rulers and their armies become food for “all the birds that fly in midheaven” as a result of the executional work of Christ Jesus as King.—Re 19:11-21; contrast this with God’s comforting words to his people, at Ho 2:18-20.

    So, in essence these hateful birds would be scavengers birds that would eat the dead carcasses of dead humans, animals and etc.

    Source(s): The Bible the source of Authority
  • 9 years ago

    OK So first it mentioned ed Babylon the Great. Small info, Babylon bracket than was a city full of false worship of all kinds, you name it, it was there. Much like the world is, false religion is spread throughout the entire world So Babylon is pictured throughout the world making it the Great. So, Babylon the Great is the world of False religion. Now, about the birds, it goes along with the exhalation also, because of Babylon the Great has fallen and soon very soon will be destroyed. It holds no salvation for the world whatsoever and the unclean exhalation (poisonous air) and the unclean bird just signifies it's spiritually dead condition. That it holds forth no life prospect whatever for mankind.

    About Babylon has fallen, this prophecy has already came true and is still happening to this day. It falling, means it has been exposed. All the things false religion is doing it is no longer protected, but people around the world can see it's unclean act. We have religious leaders blessing the war, mixing in with politics, molesting boy, fornication throughout the churches, homosexual marriages being accepted in the churches, people questioning their pastors and preachers, people wondering why they have to pay So much to go to church, and the list goes on. The world's false religion has fallen, which is why the angel was So happy to report this, because that put us closer to the vindication and sanctification of God's name. This is something Jesus even told us to pray for in his model prayer at Matthew 6:9 "Our Father in the heaven, hollow be thy name." Which means let your name be sanctified. And that is exactly what is going to happen. When God send Jesus, his son to destroy all evil and false religion and those who is mixed up in false religion, God will sanctify his name and all will know that the true God in the heavens is Jehovah.

    (KJV)Psalm 83:18- "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah , art the most high over all the earth."

  • 7 years ago

    I think that he means 'bird' from Ezekiel 31:6 'All the birds of the sky nested in its boughs, all the animals of the wild gave birth under its branches; all the great nations lived in its shade.', Luke 13:19 'It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.' , Matthew 13:32 'Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.' So, if the 'bird' is not full of love but of hate the bird is hateful.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    properly, i'm not so specific with regard to the assumption of being unfastened to fulfill those with out judging them. i'm a Christian, and that i've got in no way had to choose somebody else, merely in accordance with what I actual have chosen to have faith. And, even nevertheless I do see your good judgment, that's incorrect. To you, Athiesm is nice; to Christians, Christianity is nice. it is not merely a distinction between "settle for" and "different than" as an entire, according to se, yet a seem at very own effect, opinion and theory. you could't tell a guy or woman that black is a greater advantageous shade, because you're saying that's. To them, purple might desire to be the main suitable. yet another component is the relatively faith, or theory. Athiests, from what i comprehend, are taught that they are the masters of their destiny and that they administration their destiny. as a result, they have a greater very own objective. Christianity, on the different hand, grows and is inspired interior the develop and community of different Christians. Our objective is to share what we've faith. Now, some Christians tend to be the type that are in-your-face, loud, Christians that are continually yelling on the "ungodly" to repent or burn in hell, yet we are actually not all like that. in fact, maximum folk are not. it is merely that type that have a tendency to set the tone for something human beings. I comprehend that it fairly is a extensive generalization of the two ideals, even nevertheless that's consumer-friendly. additionally, do not think of that i'm attempting to place down Athiesm. i'm not attempting to insult, merely learn, because you asked. :)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    A hateful bird is a bird of prey like the eagle, also called a vulture in Hebrew:

    Have you noticed that this pedophile affair has unmasked the perfection front portrayed by the RCC and its "holy" priests who profess to forgive sins of the saints. God's people are leaving this organization in unprecedented droves.

    Did you know the RCC has used legislation and sanctions to force people as captives into a church that can not defend its doctrines from the Bible.

    And so it will be in the near future as the NWO forces escaping converts into the "hateful bird" by church-favorable legislation under the "mark of the beast?"

    More on this at English: -- Arabic,

    Recommend it to your Arabic-speaking friends, too.

    Blessings, Messiah

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Birds in the bible our often symbolic of doubt in God's promises. In Genesis 15 we see that Abraham chases away the birds of prey who descend upon the sacrifice. Those birds were essentially attacking the covenant of God with Abraham. And that is what doubt does - it attacks our confidence in God's promises. Jesus also alluded to birds in Matthew 13 in the parable of the sower. He talked about the seed, or the word of God, which was sown on the hard soil and the birds of the air came and stole it away. And when God's word is sown upon our hardened hearts, the dirty birds of doubt can come steal it away before it has the chance to bear fruit in our lives.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Babylon the great is our current economic model. We are the hateful birds that prey off one another though we are still alive.

    the global economic model cannot survive alongside equality, justice, honesty, peace or abundance. Our economic system requires poverty, illness, war, crime, and other social ills to support it. This is PROVEN FACT. We cannot create a better society until we let go of the economic model that turns us into monsters who feed off one anothers' fears.

    If people could see what an abomination our current economic model is, they would be sickened and would immediately begin the process of separating themselves from it in every way possible. As the end of our current economic model is in sight, now would be a good time to begin simplifying.

  • 9 years ago

    Just an ordinary animal. There was many hated animals stated in Moses's law, like raven, for example.

    This verse tells about the end of Babilon the Great, the world empire of false religion.

  • 9 years ago

    Hateful birds = unclean birds [vultures, ravens, owls etc] REPRESENT= > The spiritual condition of the WORLD'S RELIGIONS

  • 9 years ago


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