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Poll: Should Ronaldo get suspended for this?

For those of you who don't know, that hand gesture is a bit like the middle finger.

If yes, how many games, and should he be fined too?

If no, should he be fined?


Examples off the top of my head:

Raul Mereiles: Sticks middle finger up to Suarez as part of a goal celebration as a joke. No punishment.

Suarez: Sticks middle finger up to Fulham fans while being subbed off after they booed and abused him for the whole game - 1 game ban

Ronaldo sticks middle finger up to Bosnian fans after being taunted for the whole match, having green laser pointed in his eye and having Messi's name chanted. He later claimed it was a joke aimed at Pepe. No punishment. This was while boarding the team but, though, not during a game.

Rooney swears at fan in the stands/camera/camera man (unclear), banned for 2 matches. this pr*ck sticks middle finger up at fans/team captain (again, debatable), gets 2 game ban.

Update 2:

I never, at all,said i think he should be suspended, just raised the question.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer
  • Hakuna
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Are you bloody kidding me with that mate? For a fist pump? Who cares, they were both going at it.

    Dont be a little girl about it, boohoo he told someone to f*ck off, Sticks n stones bro. haha

    Mate.... Please go to a real footie match, and maybe play. Trash talk is all part of the fun! It always goes both ways, anyone who cant see that then they are pretty ignorant.

    @ Nicole Im not going to be against you or anything but seriously? Both were fighting, does that mean the other man is the same as ronaldo? Have you ever been mad at someone and said up yours or any mean word? Lol give me a break, that clip doesnt even show the whole spat. Looks to me like the guy came up and said something to ronaldo...

    @ AVO- You raised the question over a needless and moot point though lol That is my whole point :)

    one love

    Source(s): Not a ronaldo fan
  • Abzman
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Why should he get suspended when he was provoked first. Javi Martinez came all the way from the changing rooms after being sent off to have a dispute with Ronaldo about his cheeky gestures to the fans towards the end of the game which had nothing to do with him. Ronaldo was apparently pointing to the la liga badge on his shirt: indicating that Madrid are champions to the Bilbao fans after they kept torturing him about his one on one miss. Javi Martinez was obviously upset about it and went onto the pitch at the end of the game to have words with Ronaldo but in a disgusting way as he then started musing about his world cup medal with Spain and how Ronaldo will never win one, which is why the argument got a little heated. If Ronaldo had to be suspended - then so should Martinez further.

  • 9 years ago

    I personally don't think so for two reasons:

    1. It looked like Javi Martinez was the one who initiated it (I didn't watch the match so I don't know what the spat was about)

    2. If you suspended every footballer for every single instance of swearing or making a rude gesture, you would have very few footballers left to play. It's a tense game, I know from experience, as I'm sure you do too, and people get angry with each other. So long as they don't lash out violently or with hate speech, then I see it as something that you shouldn't get suspended for (even if it is reprehensible).

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  • 9 years ago


    - Wayne Rooney has done worse, FYI. And went unscathed.

    - I don't believe in double standards.

    - If the officials overlooked the incident why should he be fined or suspended? For Public Relations?

    -This is a man's sport we are talking about here, and it's not like he insulted Javi the way Marco

    Materrazi insulted Zidane.

    - The two were moving away from each other making it far less physically confrontational.

    Source(s): I realise that children were watching. I don't see the need to crucify Cristiano for conduct that is much less degrading to the sport than can be seen in a Classico, for example.
  • 9 years ago

    he is saying to Javi Martinez: "up yours"

  • 9 years ago

    I don't think he should be suspended, racism is one thing, but swearing and calling each other nasty names isn't prohibited, in fact it's almost a natural occurance in football. I even seen Paul Scholes calling Yaya Touré "ya big pr*ck" the other day, it was just the heat of the moment and they shook hands a minute later, no biggie...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    No LOL are you 5 years old?

    @MM: players in the EPL call the referee a **** all the time, that's much worse than giving the up yours sign to a player on the other team...

    lol it's apparently so bad that YA has to sensor it and yet they call the refs that, and this crybaby thinks Ronaldo should be suspended... anyway i meant tw4t

  • well if the gesture is made to the fans and the rival club raises complaint then they can be fined.If the gesture is done but the rival itself fails to report or file complaints then nothing can be done.

  • 9 years ago

    Hell yeah

    he should get suspended for as many matches as possible and be fined too

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