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When the bible talks about putting God first in your life. It doesn't mean that you put church in-front of your family. It means that you have God first in everything that you do not going to church. Church is just a place where Christians gather together and worship God together. It has nothing to do with putting God first. Yes going to church is good. But it's not going to get you 2 feet off the ground when Jesus comes.

9 Answers

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    So, you're trying to create excuses to help you whine to Mommy and Daddy when you want to sleep in on Sunday morning?.. After a few years, you may understand this concept more clearly..

  • 9 years ago

    Church is not just a place where Christians get together. The church was founded by Christ (Matt 16:18), it is his body on earth, wherin all his gifts and graces may be found (1 Cor 12), and it is the 'pillar and bulwark of the truth' (1 Tim 3:15).

    If you read the New Testament, you will find little, if anything, about individual believers doing their own thing with God. It is the church, under the authority of the apostles, through which the truth was taught, the sacraments were adminsitered and the people were united in Christ.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes and No. Simply going to church does nothing. I personally think that organised religious groups are missing the point. A church is a group of people who come together to talk about God and religion, and all the philosophical implications of said discussions. Traditional churches are more like one person preaching and everyone else listening. If done right Church can open your mind to new ideas and new perspectives, but simply attending without really having the faith will get you nowhere.

  • 9 years ago

    The church is a spiritual organism and, as such, is your spiritual family. God comes first, and since Jesus began the church as a living organism, the church comes second. You need the spiritual support, teaching and encouragement God created the church to be. It's literally a body of believers.

    Family and other relationships fall into numbers behind God and the church.

    So, it's God first, church second, other relationships following closely or distantly as God leads.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    If the nation of Israel is metaphorically God's son, and Judaism USES myth stories from the world as teaching parables to reveal that reality (Tree of Life) is God's kingdom, then it means that the tree of the knowledge of the fruit of good and evil is the world's belief in a cosmic war between good and evil, because there is ONLY Jew or gentile.

    It means the world shares similar myth stories that it believes is knowledge, it means the world believes they are immortal for their beliefs (false gods of earth), it means the world believes certain people can talk to the gods. It also means every time a new denomination forms, the new believers do not recognize their recent and similar origin, and since new denominations keep forming, it is a shape shifter that reinvents itself over and over.

    Deuteronomy 32:17 For they (nations) sacrificed to demons THAT ARE no gods. <<< meaning demons are the imaginary gods of the world.

    There is no hell in Judaism, no evil gods of the underworld, no cosmic war between good and evil -those are xtian mistranslations. It is xtians who have aggressively been teaching false doctrine to the whole world, and it is xtianity that has abused the messenger and taught others to abuse the messenger for almost 2 thousand years.

    It takes the slightest bit of faith to believe in God's kingdom. Wake up, reclaim your life, live again and you will be putting God first and using the rational mind and good instinct he blessed you with.

    Source(s): ex-xtian
  • 9 years ago

    I'm having a bit of trouble with "It means that you have God first in everything that you do not going to church." Grammar check to make it make sense. :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    The Earth is The Lord's and The Fullness thereof...the whole earth is full of HIS Glory.

    Incenses offered between AI and Bethel {The House of God} through nations, peoples, and languages.

  • 9 years ago

    Read Koran and you will understand what worshiping God means.

    Source(s): Muslim
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Actually, when you speak of putting god first, i believe that it means to engrave the commandments into your own sense of culture.

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