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Lv 5
C B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

So how did unemployment drop if the economy lost 170K jobs last month?

Just curious.

Could it have to do with the 522K people who left the workforce, and now it's at its lowest level since 1981?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in case you recognize the way the unemployment fee has constantly been calculated, you will understand why. From December to January the style of unemployed constantly rises. commonly it extremely is often approximately 2 hundred,000 or extra interest loses yet this time it replaced into basically approximately 20,000. in the event that they'd bypass with unadjusted fees, January would constantly coach a spike interior the unemployment fee even nevertheless the financial equipment replaced into nonetheless increasing. If the unadjusted fee replaced into used according to annum, the unemployment fee would then constantly point out that something replaced into incorrect while each and everything replaced into well-known. for the duration of February, the style of jobs could strengthen however the unemployment fee remains an identical. If that's no longer a healthful quantity, then the unemployment fee will upward thrust back. in the event that they used the unadjusted fee, the chart would be up one month and then down yet another becoming fake alerts somewhat of following a sort and this would tend to stress or create over exuberance with analysts and marketplace traders constantly while the interest marketplace is doing what it frequently does for the duration of an increasing financial equipment. consequently 20,000 interest losses in January shows that a excellent style of the interest loses from momentary Christmas jobs replaced into replaced by everlasting jobs indicating a very healthful strengthen. some months are expected to benefit 2 hundred,000 or extra jobs or the unemployment fee will strengthen if that doesn't take place. it extremely is somewhat extra complicated than defined above in spite of the fact that it extremely is all to do with seasonally adjusted interest strengthen/decline and which industries the roles are created/lost. Even Larry Kudlow (CNBC - Reagan Adviser) has an identical opinion the information replaced into especially solid via fact deep into the numbers, there have been indications of progression

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    We didn't lose 170 jobs, but Total Employment went down 169k. "Jobs" which is non-farm payroll jobs from the Current Employment Statistics (a survey of businesses) went up 115k.

    Total Employment, from the Current Population Survey, went down 169k, but Unemployment went down 173k. Unemployment is the numerator and Employment + Unemployment (the Labor Force) is the denominator. So the equation went from 12,673,000/154,707,000 to 12,500,000/154,365,000

    Since the numerator dropped by 1.4% and the denominator by 0.2%, the overall rate dropped

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    more than 170k jobs were created?

    also, the boomers are starting to retire and it's going to be a lot of people leaving the workforce in the next 10 years... we'll be far lower than that number from 81 once the boomers are gone...

  • 9 years ago

    April's job report lived up to muted expectations, with the economy creating a meager 115,000 jobs during the month as the unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent.

    Sentence one from your source

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  • 9 years ago


    We gained 115,000 jobs. But the real secret as to why the unemployment rate dropped is because an additional 342,000 just gave up looking for work, and thus aren't counted as unemployed by the government.

    There's nothing diabolical about this. It's just the way the gov't counts it. You have to be looking for work to be counted as unemployed. If you aren't looking, you aren't counted.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Google the Labor Dept. stats. They are updated every week. There you will see what criteria and data is used in the unemployment percentage calculation.

  • 9 years ago

    It drops because some states decide to stop unemployment extended.

  • the MSM and Obama pour the kool aid and the anti American libs lap it up...just like the ones on here

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The denominator to the equation decreased, so yes.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You have to look in mom and dads basement!

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