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Does IDS remark show the Tory party don't know the meaning of the word caring?

Ian Duncan Smith said disabled Remploy workers were "not doing any work...just making cups of coffee.


Samantha, I'm a Labour supporter and I personally can't stand Diane Abbot. The fact Diane Abbot has never and will never be leader of the Labour party means that the majority don't agree with her on many issues, the fact that Duncan Smith was leader of the Tories proves that many of them appear to approve of his views.

Update 2:

The ghost of Christmas past, to some extent you are right, but to the disabled Remploy is so much more than just a job. It gives them self esteem, allows them to get out and meet others in a similar position to themselves and gives them a feeling of usefulness that they otherwise would not get, that's why so many of them are in uproar at the planned closures. They cost every tax payer in the country about £1 a year and the unions reckon they can get that down to 60p a year. I for one can think of far worse things to spend a tiny proportion of my tax on. IDS hasn't got a clue and it was a crass remark.

Update 3:

whoisit, the problem is that the government has no plan to help the disabled into work, they can't even get able bodied people into work and so the disabled have no chance. Your comment about the nephew with one arm sounds good, but in reality it isn't true. If someone needs a manual worker then a two armed one is going to be better than a one armed one, so employment for someone with one arm will come down to a more skilled job that requires intelligence, the trouble is there are plenty of able bodied people with intelligence as well. So as much as I would like your statement to be true, in honesty I can't see how it can be. As for Remploy people only making coffee, that is totally not true in the majority of cases, in any case, they appear to be quite happy in what they are doing which is why they are so disgusted the government is throwing them on the scrapheap. One final point, there are thousands of people in this country that make coffee for a living, Costa, Caffe Ner

Update 4:

Terrier, you may think the Daily Mirror a trashy paper, but they were spot on before the election about not trusting the Tories on the NHS and Cameron's talks with Nurses For Reform who want the privatisation of the NHS. They were also spot on with the leaked email saying the Tories were going to raise VAT to 20%. I can give you a list of other things they were right on but won't bother at this time. So call it trashy if you want, but the Mirror had Cameron and his Tory boys weighed up from the start, it just a shame that people took no notice.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your link is from the Daily Mirror. The Daily Mirror is nothing more than a trashy tabloid, barely any better than The Daily Star last time I read it (although admittedly that was a while ago) - so I looked to see if there was any mention of it somewhere more reputable.

    There is:

    Seems on this occasion The Mirror have it spot on. He doesn't appear to have been misquoted, or taken out of context.

    I might come back to this question later. At the moment, I'm just shocked & sickened that he could actually come out with something like that.

    Utterly vile.


    ETA: Just to add - SOME disabled people are capable of more than simply making cups of coffee. Some genuinely aren't. Even amongst those of us lucky enough not to be physically or mentally disabled, there are varying levels of ability.

    Like you touched upon though - what does IDS think of the staff at Starbucks, Costa etc?


    Hold your horses there Mac! I don't doubt the Daily Mirror has occasionally printed some stuff that was true. I could say the same about The Sun, too!

    As for the rest - since typing my original answer I've slept on it & I'm still shocked.

    In 2001, and again in 2005 I voted conservative. Purely as an attempt to get labour out. Even in 2010, up until the last 3 months or so before the election I was still planning to vote tory, because I saw them as the lesser of 2 evils.

    The last 2 years has taught me different. Don't get me wrong, I still don't trust the labour party one iota. I still don't think a labour majority government would be all that much better than a tory majority.

    However, I no longer have the confidence I once had that labour are ANY worse overall. Too many times I've been disgusted by tory policies.

  • 4 years ago

    Ever via fact that maggie stepped forward for some unusual reason i've got been off the Tories. Labours in simple terms as undesirable, and that leaves the Lib dems no longer lots selection out of any of the massive 3. Will make my innovations up when I get my pollpaper.

  • Yorrik
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The Tory Party need a vast army of impoverished and unemployed workers because this is the only way they can feel snooty and above the rest of us.

    The one group the Tories hate most is my mob, the Pensioners. They know we always turn out to vote and most of us refused point blank ever to vote for them. Why is that? Because the Tories have their scary rendboy Clogg who keeps pratting on about cutting the benefits of pensioners and even means testing the UK State Pension.

    Clogg's problem like all those who speak against their elders,l is that he and they know damn all. At age 70 my chances of reaching 80 are far greater than anyone in their 30s and 40s who have nearly half a century to go during which anything can happen, including a nuke war.

    Well,see if I care. I'm now squandering my life's savings on riots living and holidays. Think I might take up smoking again.

    Great thing about being a pensioner is you cannot be sacked any more and, you can have six cream buns for breakfast and no one can say a damn thing about it.

    Yes and I'll have lots of salt on my food and eat no fruit - so phooey to the Govmint.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    While not wishing to agree with him as his comments were thoughtless to say the least one has to look at the whole picture. Very often we use the term disabled in a very negative way.My husbands nephew lost a limb in a motorbike accident. His comment when he recovered " I'm Harmless enough now" Sick humour maybe but he is capable of more than many so called able bodied people. If remploy workers are indeed "only making coffee" I am sure many would agree that it is making them second class citizens. If they can do more then help them to achieve the most they can.

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  • Remploy was a great idea in its time, but it's long past its sell-by date. Remploy has able-bodied supervisors and disabled manual workers doing fairly menial jobs. It's part of the 1950s idea of hiding the disabled away. Current thinking is that disabled people should be integrated into society as much as possible and have real jobs with real employers. You shouldn't be confined to heavily subsidised stapling just because you're disabled.

    IDS on the other hand wouldn't know caring if it got up and bit him. He's just anxious to close Remploy down because it would be cheaper just to pay the "workers" their wages without having to subsidise their loss-making activities.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Well he would know. He's so irrelevant that nobody even hates him. He is a big bald ball of pomposity who only has a job so Cameron can claim he's got a token Northerner in the cabinet.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The Tories DO know about caring.....FOR THEMSELVES...!!

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